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Posts posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. @Tamaru, responding to various points in your post:

    I suggested it may be a combination of factors: the Evernote Windows client is definitely involved (your evidence supports this), but there must be other factors that may be difficult to pin down precisely. If the client were the only factor, then it would be happening to everyone, or at least nearly everyone. The fact that there are likely to be multiple factors involved means that it may take more time to figure out what's going on. And saying that there are factors other than just the EN client involved is not a "con," but a statement of a plausible opinion; I don't see how accusing other people of dishonesty would ramp up EN's attention to this bug, or gain sympathy or attention in the user community.

    WRT multiple posts, the existence of multiple threads with multiple reporters already has the attention-drawing effect, I would think. I just don't see how one user posting here, there, and everywhere is going to draw any more attention to the issue. I'm not suggesting that anyone "keep quiet about bugs"; but IMHO bumping 3 threads on the same topic does more to clog the top of the forum than to get the thing fixed.

    I totally agree that this ought to have higher priority than emoji support (which IMHO ought to have zero support, but that's just me), and that an issue reported this often ought to get some more of a response from EN staff in the forums. OTOH, this might be a lot harder to pin down and fix than emoji support.

    That's all I've got to say. Not interested in a long battle on the subject. Apologies if I offended.

  2. 14 hours ago, Tamaru said:

    This has been an issue for a year and a half at least. Don't let anyone con you into thinking it's an issue with your computer, internet, or anything else - it's purely the Evernote client for Windows.

    I don't know who's conning anyone; but in fact this is not happening to everyone. I have no idea how many people are experiencing it, but I'm among the fortunate who are not. It may be some combination of factors involving the Evernote Windows client, number and types of notes, Internet connection, Windows version, hardware, and who knows what else that causes these dramatic slowdowns. It's a real problem, but not a universal one; and posting your thoughts about it in multiple threads doesn't really help the community at large.

  3. 2 minutes ago, PeteyPabPro said:

    @Dave-in-Decatur The Twitter handle @EvernoteHelps  is what I was referring to. 

    Maybe I'm missing something? How would this have been triggered in my situation. If I refreshed the browser before making new edits, there would not have been a conflict at all, because it would have just pulled in the latest changes from my mobile. I'd be really curious if you could find a way to get EN to generate the Conflicting Changes Feature with the browser. 

    My statements above are lobbed at the Evernote Product Team, not you. I find that threatening to take other users with you if you leave is usually a good way to get someones attention. 

    OK, maybe I misunderstood or just lost track of your original situation. Sorry.

  4. 18 hours ago, PeteyPabPro said:


    Not sure you're following here. @CalS and @jefito's points about offline editing in no way invalidate my point. As I said to jefito, the point is that whether or not you are editing the note offline, once you go to sync it, you are by definition online, so the system can then tell whether you are updating a stale note. I'm not trying to completely solve the problem of managing conflicts, I'm just saying there 100% is no reason not to have a warning in place.

    For comparison, here is what onenote does:


    It clearly tells you that the note can't be merged, and helps you manually resolve the conflicts.

    (Also, not sure why there is the need for sarcasm here. I'm a user venting a frustrating and making a suggestion, which is exactly what these forums are for. I'm not "deciding" anything; I'm expressing an opinion.) 

    I do take your point about a warning to users about changed versions. Even with that, though, it seems that one will still end up comparing versions, as in Evernote's Conflicting Changes feature. It's that latter that should have been triggered in your situation--if you had synced the changes from the mobile version, and that's where the disagreement about whether users should have to do this at all enters in. Not trying to re-litigate that.

    As for my sarcastic "Nevertheless, thanks very much for deciding, on the basis of limited experience, how everything should work for everyone--a terrible burden, but someone must shoulder it. :blink:" ... That was in response to:

    On 7/2/2018 at 7:54 AM, PeteyPabPro said:

    .... I'm going to be switching to just using a Google doc and advocating on social media that others do the same, because Evernote does not seem to care about their user's experience. 

    You had this glitch or bug or whatever happen to you, and so you want to warn everyone that Evernote is unusable. Perhaps I was trying to read your mind in saying that you were "deciding ... how everything should work for everyone." Sort of as if someone should say "Evernote does not seem to care about their user's experience." Or:

    18 hours ago, PeteyPabPro said:

    It's probably the case that they just don't really care about browser users....


    15 hours ago, PeteyPabPro said:

    Yeah sadly their Twitter account seems to ignore me, perhaps because they sense my fury. 

    Frankly, you've been raining sarcasm all over Evernote, or at least making confident statements about their motivations and mental state. I let it get the better of me, I'm afraid.

    I'm for a truce here. You and I both have better ways to use our time than lob water balloons at each other. ? ✌️ ☮️

    WRT to Twitter, in connection with an unrelated thread I looked at the Evernote Help/Support pages this morning, both logged in as Premium user and logged out, and I don't see any reference to Twitter at all. Did they take it down? Hope not.

  5. 8 hours ago, PeteyPabPro said:


    It's ridiculous because it 1) makes the user do something that can be done by software, which is the whole point of software, 2) is incredibly easy to fix, and 3) has no downside - there is no good reason why anyone should prefer the current behavior over my proposal or something similar. 

    Last night I lost a very important note to this issue. I'm going to be switching to just using a Google doc and advocating on social media that others do the same, because Evernote does not seem to care about their user's experience. 

    Well, I don't know if we can be sure there's no downside, as @CalS's and @jefito's points about offline editing suggest. I truly am sorry that you lost that note; but if you knew this is how the system works, the loss could have been avoided, it seems to me. Nevertheless, thanks very much for deciding, on the basis of limited experience, how everything should work for everyone--a terrible burden, but someone must shoulder it. :blink:

  6. On 6/26/2018 at 11:09 AM, PeteyPabPro said:

    That's ridiculous! That shouldn't be the job of the user. It's a change that a engineer could make in a day. 

    Well, ridiculousness is in the eye of the beholder. It seems perfectly natural to me that it should be my job to make sure I've done a basic sync before editing anything. Especially if I've found that I get problems when I don't. There are always ways in which we have to adapt to the way a piece of software works. Different people just have different points at which a particular adaptation seems intolerable. Which is why I don't expect this to seem convincing to you, since you've hit a point of intolerability for you. Me, I wish when I clicked on a link to an Evernote note in Google Calendar it would open in the Evernote app,  or at least the EN Web interface, rather than in a very dumb read-only browser tab.

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/17/2018 at 2:30 AM, FedUp said:

    I have had Evernote for four years, during which time I have created many notes on my Android device, none of which I have ever been able to see when I log into my account on my desktop computer. I have asked for help, but I have only been referred to FAQs or to this forum. I thought eventually I would figure it out, but instead of banging my head against the wall, I just continued to use Evernote exclusively on my phone. That worked okay until I bought a new Android device last week. When I transferred apps from my old device to my new, the Evernote account that transferred to my new device was the empty one that I see on my dekstop rather than the account with all the notes in it on my Android phone. :-(.

    I'm sorry to leave, but leave I must, for I cannot do this without support, and I do not wish to upgrade simply to get person-to-person support that would allow me to use the free basic service as advertised.

    And the problem with that is that the tools for jumping ship from Evernote to OneNote (the program that I use at work) all require that I access my Evernote account from my desktop . . . where I don't see any notes.


    Anyone know how to help?


    This sounds like a classic case of Two Different Accounts. If that's it, whatever login you're using on the desktop and the new Android device is different from the one on your original device. It's incredibly easy to do this by accident. Try investigating the login details in both situations. If there are two accounts, then try just logging in with the original one on the desktop and new device. This assumes you still have access to the original Android device to login there!

    • Like 3
  8. 3 hours ago, funkygrrl said:

    I was not satisfied with the suggestion to uncheck the "collect documents" notification, because rather than ensuring evernote would stay out of my photos, it only ensured I wouldn't be told about it. That's worse IMO.

    After all that Facebook is going through regarding privacy, it boggles my mind that the developers at evernote have so little concern for it. If I want evernote to have a photo, I'm intelligent enough to upload it all by myself.

    I'm wondering what evidence you have that the Evernote app is going through your photos? I'm not finding any photos appearing in my notes that I haven't put there myself. And if Evernote is scanning for text in those photos (as opposed to every photo I take), that's what I want it to do, for the sake of indexing.

  9. On 6/8/2018 at 9:22 AM, geralex1958@gmail.com said:

    Does anyone have a suggestion for Android users,  as to 'turn off camera" or other, which disables photos from being uploaded to Evernote??

    See my post in this thread. Basically, look for the COLLECT DOCUMENTS setting in the Notifications section of Settings. I found that it was checked by default, so I unchecked it. Voilà! This should do what you want, assuming that I understand you correctly (which I may not).

  10. 4 hours ago, WilliamAvon.com said:

    Unfortunately, the MAC version of EverNote doesn't have Import Microsoft OneNote option and MAC OneNote doesn't have an export option.

    On the import Help page (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314308) there are instructions for importing notes on a Mac, on the assumption that the exported notes are in .zip files. I know (heh) zip about OneNote, but is there any way to access its notes online rather than through the Mac program, and export them from there?

    • Like 1
  11. Actually, I've always found that little up-arrow in the corner of a note to be both intuitive and obvious: it means this note has not yet been synced, which can happen for various reasons (as Cal's post suggests). But of course, what is intuitive WRT computers is generally not "intuitive" in the strict or biological sense, but a matter of individual experience, perception, and preference.

    As for where Evernote's reply is, these are mainly user-to-user forums. The EN support staff do sometimes offer comments, but not predictably (in my experience). Since the OP himself didn't follow up, any EN staff looking at this thread may have assumed that he had no interest in pursuing it further.

  12. 3 hours ago, Rajhu said:

    But sometimes when making notes in the Android app the font is Helvetica Neue (which isn't even a font available on my laptop) size 12 when it gets synced back to the Windows version of EN.

    Welcome to the forums! This problem has (alas!) been noted many times before. If you go to the Android Help forum and search for Helventica Neue, you'll find a number of threads. So it's a known issue, but without a known time of being solved!

  13. On 5/4/2018 at 3:50 PM, funkygrrl said:

    Does that only kill notifications? Or does it stop evernote from saving photos. It looks to me like they added this to the android app without adding a setting to prevent it from saving photos.

    In support, there's a way to turn it off but it only works on the iPhone. 

    "By default, Evernote for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch saves copies of photos you take to your device's Camera Roll. To turn this feature off, go to the 'Account' tab, select Settings > Camera, then disable "Save Snapshots"."

    Unfortunate there's no "save snapshots" setting in my android app.


    I've responded to this on the other thread.

  14. 4 hours ago, AndreasM said:

    Just disabling, disabling and disabling any auto update of Evernote in Google Play. And, I do suggest to do it for everybody, to avoid stress, frustration and so on.

    Actually, I've found that recent updates to the Android app (unlike the Windows program!!) have been improved, apart from the photo-searching idiocy. They've restored most of the Web-clipping/sharing functionality, for one thing, and it's once again possible to select and drag text within a note. FWIW and IMHO.

  15. 6 minutes ago, jefito said:
    16 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    If I install it, does it coexist with the current v. 7.17.1 as an alternative way of accessing Evernote, or does it replace the current version?


    You're either in or out...

    Sorry, Jeff, no to which? To the first, I presume (coexistence with the current version)? 

    In which case, I'll let it go and wait for the public release. I haven't been doing beta testing on Evernote.

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