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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This looks like a very peculiar error. How long has it been happening? If it only started recently, I'd recommend the easiest fix, which is to completely shut down Evernote (File > Exit, or use the Task Manager; the red X box at top right only closes the interface), and then restart it. If that fails, reboot the computer. This often clears out junk that has gotten "stuck" in memory. Please report back on success or lack thereof!
  2. It takes about 5 seconds to do this. It's really just an organizational thing in many cases, though in this case, it's a courtesy to the original poster. That's what I'm sayin', $.01/second, isn't that you're going rate?
  3. Not sure what's to request. KB shortcuts are only possible with special keyboards (onscreen or Bluetooth), which not many users use, or on Chromebooks. Only guessing, but the majority of Android users are likely on phones with no shortcuts available. IAC, the new editor, when it rolls out, might already include this. But what the hey, it's your nickel.
  4. Nice tip, thanks. I use a KB with lots of non-English languages; it never occurred to me to look for one with meta keys. It'd be cool to install one and find out what it can do in various apps. Nothing like sharpening your tools to avoid actual work!
  5. Hmm. Maybe it depends on expectations about what kinds of Android devices and keyboards people will be using. On my phone, the onscreen keyboards don't offer Ctrl or Alt keys, so I'm not sure what shortcuts would be possible, without intercepting keystrokes that are meant to insert characters. Can you elaborate? (WRT the Web client, see https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/123199-keyboard-shortcuts-for-web-client/ and https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/123773-keyboard-shortcut-broken-with-caps-lock/.)
  6. But I think that's a Premium and Business feature, and @kennix is on a Basic account.
  7. Hi, @Salvor, and welcome to the forums. As @jefito says, the Evernote Android app has to work within the constraints of the Android operating system, and doesn't offer all of the keyboard shortcuts that the Windows desktop program does. (The same is actually true of the Evernote Web client under Windows, since it has to interact through a browser.) I've actually been pleased with all the functionality that a Bluetooth keyboard does add to the app, including a limited set of keyboard shortcuts. My BT KB has a touchpad, giving me mouse functions for clicking menus, selecting text, etc. Sorry, this probably isn't telling you anything you don't already know. We just have to work with what we get, which is different in different environments.
  8. Hi, and welcome to the forums. The Templates feature is only available on Premium and Business accounts. Would the boss spring for one of those?
  9. I hate to bump things, but this thread got drifted pretty seriously, and the problem continues to occur. Is no one else experiencing this?
  10. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is the Windows desktop program forum. Posting your question in the Mac forum will get a more useful response.
  11. Hi, and welcome to the forum. I use the Snipping Tool a good bit myself. Since it's a utility that is provided by the Windows operating system, I doubt that there's anything that Evernote could do to change the way it functions. However, Evernote includes its own screen clipping utility, accessed by holding the Win key + PrintScreen. Press that and you get a set of cross-hairs with a little instruction box. Click and drag to select an area of the screen; when the area is selected, it will automatically be clipped to a new Evernote. With a little practice it becomes quite easy.
  12. Please don't post multiple posts about the same problem. It only clogs the system. And, surprising as this may be, it won't cause Evernote to drop everything and meet your demands. Reminders aren't yet working in the Web beta editor, as has been noted numerous times in the forum. It's a work in progress. As @PinkElephant suggests, reminders are working in the older version; you can get there by clicking on your initial in the top left to get the Account dropdown.
  13. And how is this relevant to the question asked? Or is this @Lewis-H being a bot again?
  14. No, it wouldn't be connected to starting a Premium subscription. On what platform is this happening: Web client (and if so, which browser?), Windows desktop program, Android, Mac, etc.? A screenshot would help also.
  15. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I have to say it's kind of surprising to hear that this same thing (numbered lists change by themselves into bulleted lists) happening across all the platforms. Is it always happening in the Web client of Evernote? Because you can't use that on an Android phone; you have to use the Android app. Can you give any more specifics?
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. With regard to notes missing on the phone, two thoughts come to mind. (1) It can take awhile for a reinstallation of Evernote to download the information necessary. (2) But I assume you waited a reasonable amount of time and still nothing came through. The more likely possibility is that you accidentally created a new account by logging in using a different email address and/or password; the new account would of course be empty. This is surprisingly easy to do, and problems like this often appear in these forums. The fact that the notes are not visible on Opera or Chrome either makes me hesitate about this. But do check that you are logging in with the correct credentials used to create your Evernote account.
  17. In truth I don't often clip (partial) screen captures to Evernote, for whatever reason. But I do use the Snipping Tool for other purposes. It's pretty hand in its way. It was introduced in Vista, which I skipped, and I remember being happy to discover it when it first appeared.
  18. Well, well, well. The wisest amongst us are stumped. Maybe it's gone in Windows 10, but in Win7 the OS offers a utility called "Snipping Tool" that allows you to select an area of the screen, take a screenshot, draw on it if desired, and then save it as a file or copy it to the clipboard for pasting into other programs. I use it all the time. I find that I can paste from it into Evernote as usual. @Mason111, welcome to the forums. What version of Windows and what version of the Evernote program are you using? When did this quit working? If it was just very recently, try closing Evernote completely (File menu > Exit; the red X box only closes the interface) and then restarting it. Or close it from the Task Manager. That should clear any faults hanging around in memory, and hopefully restore the function. If not, perhaps a reboot of the computer.
  19. One other thought: the beta version of the Web client (https://www.evernote.com/client/web) often does a better job with editing material from the Web than the Windows program does just now. Clipped items, I find, often show up in the Web beta inside a box that says "HTML content," and are not editable in that box. However, I can usually click on the top bar of the box and a "magic wand" icon shows up, and clicking that makes the text editable. If that doesn't work, the material can be copied in the box and pasted in a blank area elsewhere in the note. Then, as I say, editing may go better than in the Windows app. Not sure how well this will do for images, though.
  20. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Reminder functions in general are severely lacking in the Web beta at this point. AFAIK this kind of sorting is among the not-yet-implemented features. Can't say much more than that, other than that hopefully is will show up in the future.
  21. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is obviously a major need, so much so that there have been a number of requests in this forum to be able to change the font formatting, size, etc.. The best strategy would probably be to locate one of those threads that has significant support, and add your vote by clicking the up arrow at the top. I gather from some of the "Behind the Scenes" videos that the beta of the Web client editor is a kind of proving ground for changes that are coming to editors across the Evernote platforms. Since font color, among many other improvements, has been implemented there I think we can look forward to it coming to the Android app.
  22. All good, Jeff. Something like what you describe would be really good, and I think it's what these threads are requesting. And as someone said in a humor group, "When we make typos, the errorists win."
  23. So then I think our real differences are two: first, is the user dictionary (not the main dictionary, but the list of new, often specialized terms or proper names that the user needs in their work) on the developer side or the user side of the line? (And I agree that there should be a line.) I see it as on the user side, since it is basically the user's creation, the developer only providing the tools necessary to create it within the software. Second, if users have a legitimate need to create, update, and maintain that list of their specialty terms, how should that be done? I'm not actually saying that they should be given direct access to the list's representation on disk to edit, though if that list is a simple list of words, I don't have a problem with that. They just need to be given some access, and if the developer decides that direct access to the disk data is too risky, then they ought to provide an interface within the program to add, modify, or delete words in that list. In this case, I'm not sure whether that should have been Google's job, and they didn't think of it or get around to it yet, or it should have been Evernote's job, and they were too busy catching up with CEF3 and then starting the new project of unifying editors across platforms. The end result is the petitions in this and other forum threads: it's our list, let us maintain it, however it seems best to the developers to arrange that. For closers, here's the dialog that my favorite research word processor, Nota Bene, provides to let users modify their dictionaries (plural--it's possible to have several). NB's philosophy has long been to let its fairly sophisticated user base do lots of customization, including directly editing the file on which this dialog is based; and then do the necessary tech support if users goof it up. Perhaps my familiarity with this admittedly outlying approach is what has shocked me so much about how Evernote has made this difficult-to-impossible. If I could (as in fact I once did before CEF3), I'd copy my list from NB over into EN. Nowadays, and evidently for the foreseeable, that's impossible, and it does make EN harder to work with--although still overall a fantastic tool for my purposes.
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