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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. FWIW (if anything), it happened twice this week: making a one-letter change in a particular note resulted in a sync failure. And then recording that in the note I use to keep track of this problem resulted in that note failing to sync! Insult to injury, but @Oberdada's workaround worked perfectly again.
  2. Hi, and welcome to the forums. "Us guys" here are mainly other users, though Evernote staff do look in. But I'll take it. Reminders may be the most-requested feature for the Web client. I'm in v. 6.11 in Opera, and still no sign of them. It's a pain to switch between the two versions to get specific features, e.g., reminders vs. templates. At the moment, though, it's the only possibility for Evernote Web.
  3. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Sounds like you're using the Web beta Evernote client, right? If so, there have been reports of notes disappearing in the beta, but still being visible in the "previous version" of the Web client. Click your initial/account name in upper left and make the selection there, and see if they appear when using the older version. Also, take a look at the Web beta forum for other reports: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/235-web-client-issues/.
  4. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Several points: These are user-to-user forums primarily, so no one here is in a position to fix much. Good forum etiquette is not to add an unrelated problem onto an existing thread. Other good etiquette is to search and see if the very same problem has been reported. In this case, see https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/119478-auto-text-size-changing/, where there are reports of font size both increasing and decreasing, and a couple of workarounds. Best of luck!
  5. Why give advice in response to a note that's a year and a half old? Looks like a promotion.
  6. As user-to-user forums, this isn't really a good place to address Evernote directly. Premium and Plus users can contact them through tech support (https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new), though I don't know if this sort of concern can be addressed through that channel. There have been a series of Behind the Scenes videos showing aspects of specific improvements being implemented. Admittedly there hasn't been a new one for over 6 months. But I would doubt that they've just stopped working on it.
  7. These are primarily user-to-user forums; Evernote staff may look in, but they generally don't respond directly to posts here. Clipping/Sharing from Web pages to Evernote on Android can be affected by a couple of things, including the HTML coding of the Web page and the strength and consistency of the Internet connection. Sometimes, IOW, it takes awhile, and sometimes the result is kind of cruddy. Since everyone in this thread is a Premium or Plus subscriber, I think, you'd get best results by raising a support request, so Evernote's tech staff could work through the issues with you (which may be different for different users): https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  8. OK, if you're using Evernote in Chrome, you may want to look a the Web client beta forums. There have been previous reports of this issue, going back almost a year: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/120346-en-web-notes-duplicate-every-minutes/ https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/124418-note-is-automatically-duplicated-when-i-edit-a-note/ I haven't experienced it in my use of the Web beta. I suspect it may relate to the browser--EN seems to have issues with Chrome; I don't know about Safari.
  9. Hi, and welcome to the forums. 8.5.3 sounds like a very old version of Evernote. Try going to the Play Store and updating to the current version.
  10. After more than 25 hours, still nothing. I take it that you're able to use this, @gazumped? It shouldn't matter, but what browser are you using?
  11. What platforms are you using for Evernote (Web, Windows, iOS, Mac, Android, etc.)?
  12. That's an important point. In the Evernote Windows program, there's an icon by the default notebook. In the Web beta, there are only a couple of round-about ways of identifying it: try to delete it, as you discovered; and click on the 3 dots at the end of its row in the list of notebooks: if the option "Set as default notebook" is not present, then this notebook is the default. That's not very well done.
  13. I see the same thing on Windows 7 using Opera. Since I'm at home on my own computer, it doesn't bother me--I actually find it convenient--but in any kind of shared-computer situation, it could definitely be a problem. The only solution at present is to log out manually from within the Evernote tab (click on your initial/account name for the menu).
  14. Sigh. Another problem that no one else has, I guess. And now it has merged with my other unique issue: just now I woke my computer back up and went to an Evernote Web tab, and found the familiar But when I did the only thing that gets me out of that spinning circle, refreshing the page, it just went blank, in every Evernote Web tab I had open. I was able to go to the Help & Learning Center from the Windows desktop program, log in to that, and then log out of Evernote. But when I tried to log back in, just more whiteness. This only happens in Opera, not in Firefox, so I'll use EN in that; perhaps this is why no one else here is confirming these problems. EDIT: And then, just as magically, I clicked on an EN tab with the spinning circle, refreshed the page, and not only that tab but all the other EN tabs came back. Intermittency: the bane of digital existence.
  15. So, after 3.5 hours and multiple syncs, still no sign of the PDF or any other content in the note. But it could take longer. I'll let you know.
  16. What platform are you using Evernote on (Web, Windows, Android, iOS, Mac, etc.)?
  17. It's an odd experience. At times when I try to open the Web beta, whether to a specific note using a link or just going to https://www.evernote.com/client/web, I get nothing but a completely blank window. When that happens, any other Web beta window or tab will also be blank. If I can manage to log out of Evernote (e.g., from Help & Learning) and then log back in, it generally begins to work properly. Anyone else seeing this?
  18. I'm not sure if this is related to the various problems reported about clipping PDFs in Firefox. I use Opera for my main browser, and anytime I'm viewing a PDF in it, there is an option at the bottom right to "Save PDF to Evernote." Selecting this opens the Web clipper, with its usual options, and it seems to operate. But the result is always a new note with the title of the PDF, but no content. Anybody else seeing this?
  19. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Which platform are you using (Windows desktop, Mac desktop, Android, iOS, Web...)?
  20. I don't see any preferences option either. But I found that scrolling through the PDF with the mouse wheel will cause those obtrusive icons to go away.
  21. Hello, and welcome to the forums. There are known problems with thumbnails, unfortunately: the image that appears there sometimes seems random, or unexpected, or does not appear at all. It occurs to me that you could write your remarks about the PDFs in notes separate from the notes that contain the PDFs, and use links between notes to go back and forth between PDFs and notes. That would be awkward; and I assume that even if only the text of a link was present in the PDF note, it would cause this problem. There is another view of the Note List, called "Snippet" in English, accessed by Ctrl+F5. This contains a small thumbnail of an image or PDF and the first few lines of any text in the note. The thumbnail is very small, but this might offer a way of identifying the PDFs, if you placed some descriptive text at the beginning of the note. I hope this may be some help. Best wishes for your research!
  22. Ctrl+; and Shift+Alt+D are two keyboard shortcuts to the same function, so I'd expect the same result. It is working for me too, so evidently it's a local issue of some kind.
  23. FWIW, the combination of number+text creates a spelling error in a number of programs, including my browser in this forum. I grudgingly put up with it. In Evernote I might turn spell check off while adding a lot of such figures, to avoid the annoyance.
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