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charboyd last won the day on January 12 2016

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Community Answers

  1. Hi! Can you help me with my support ticket?

    1. Daniel Mersha

      Daniel Mersha

      The issue is related to reactivating my teams account! 

  2. Hello Charlotte, 


    Great connecting with you here.

  3. Spent an hour trying to figure out how to ask a question to the forum. A "help sheet" on that would be helpful...

    My current situation: I took a picture of a note to be added to a penultimate sheet. It came out too big, covered all of my writing, then got saved---and is covering needed text.  How can i climate that picture and get to the text under it.  in other words, how do i switch my note (its been synched with evernote) to "edit mode".  Thanks for your help!

  4. Sorry to bother you but this is all i can think to do since when i try to submit a ticket, the page has no Submit button.  i see this and then hit CONTINUE and i get options for "community, upgrade, upgrade".  I've submitted tickets before and gotten emails back but not today.  Thanks.

    Please submit a ticket and provide as much information as possible so we can diagnose the problem. For example:

    • Steps to reproduce
    • Screen recording or screenshots
    • Device & operating system
    • Activity log

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  5. The latest Windows Beta will be released shortly. Once this becomes available, we will post details in the Windows Product Feedback forum with release notes and the download.
  6. We suggest giving Web Clipper a try to collect recipes and cooking inspirations. Evernote is a great place to capture your favorite meal experiences. Also, check out our App Center Food Collection which also features Evernote-integrated food-centric apps that you might like. Your recipe clippings should be editable in Evernote, but the meal and restaurant notes are locked. We are taking note of your feedback and will definitely take it into consideration moving forward.
  7. If you would like to retain the original notes as individual notes, or if you mistakenly merge notes, you can restore each individual note from your 'Trash' notebook.
  8. You can unstack a notebook by right-clicking the notebook and selecting "Remove from Stack" *To right-click on a Mac desktop, you must press and hold the control key while you click the mouse pad.
  9. Make sure you are not having any sync issues on your iPhone: https://evernote.com/contact/support/kb/#!/article/23168822
  10. Hello my I really do like this app but I don't need I'm a stay at home mom and I just its just too one much for me right now how do delete this app and not lose my info.

  11. Hello my I really do like this app but I don't need I'm a stay at home mom and I just its just too one much for me right now how do delete this app and not lose my info.

  12. Pistach.io is a third party program that uses the Evernote API integration. You can find it in the Evernote App Center here: https://appcenter.evernote.com/app/postach.io/web-apps You can find related links for Pistach.io such as product info and support links in the profile
  13. Evernote Forum Code of Conduct states that participants: 1. Stay on topic. If you really must wax poetic about Montaigne, discuss your favorite gazpacho recipe, or talk about what cute thing your cat is doing today, please take it on over to our Off Topic Discussion area. Try to keep topics related to the original poster. Derailed conversations may be split out to their own conversation by a moderator. 4. Don’t engage in flame wars. They will simply not be tolerated. If things get out of control and a thread is hijacked, it will be closed. Repeat offenders will find themselves banned temporarily. If the continued off-topic actions continue I will be forced to lock the thread and begin deleting unnecessary posts. Lets all play nice here!
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