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  2. I downloaded the Legacy install a couple of years ago when I started looking for a replacement. After dumping many potential replacements (most had problems converting Evernote, despite the fact that they all said they could!), I finally found one that worked AND was able to convert the nearly 10K notes I had in Evernote: Joplin! Legacy stopped working for me in February of this year. Fortunately, I was able to to reinstall Legacy: I believe that Evernote 10 is limited to exporting 100 notebooks max to ENEX format! Joplin doesn't convert Stacks properly. However, all of the notes I had in my Stacks (the largest Stack had nearly 2K notes) were converted into a Notebook. I had put in tags for each Stack and the Notebooks in each Stack so that, if I want to recreate Stacks in the future (Joplin has notebooks and sub-notebooks), I can. Joplin saves locally. In order to sync to my other computers and devices, I did have to buy Joplin Cloud. However, at 58 Euros per year (approx $63 USD), Joplin Cloud is significantly less expensive than Evernote. Just after I paid for another year of Evernote, I received an email saying that Legacy would stop working as of March 23. Fortunately, after several reminders that I had requested a refund, Evernote came through and gave me a full refund! There are issues with Joplin of course. But the fact that I could export all of my notes in ENEX format and import them into Joplin made up for those issues! HTH, John
  3. Thankfully this is not true. An EN internal link in a MS Word document on my PC will happily open the EN app on my PC and go to the note. In fact I can open the run command in windows, paste in the EN internal link and it will take me to the note Not surprisingly, the problem comes when you want to open an app on your computer via a link in the web (Google docs).
  4. Absolutely agree. At the moment it feels like BS is using all the user base as beta testers. I do like some of the new features that have been implemented lately, it is great to see the product evolving forward, but removing crucial functions that have been available in Evernote since its inception without first measuring the impact this will have on thousands of users is not ok. I don't know if the removal of some of these functions happened because of bugs introduced due to the fast development cycle or the result of completely arbitrary decisions taken by someone at BS.
  5. Scannable of all the additional apps is the one that is still supported. It even received an update 3 months ago. But: The business model was changed. For EN subscribers it is still a Free extension for the main app. For everybody else it is now a scanner app that requires a subscription.
  6. You decided to use a software in a way it was NOT designed to be used. Local notebooks were an add on to the cloud storage, never intended to be a replacement. To use them, you needed a valid login to the server. Going „local only“ put you at the far end of a range of use cases. Somehow you (intentionally ?) put everything into a time capsule. The client you used was outdated even by legacy version count. The moment you logged out access was cut for security reasons. I hope you will be able to extract your notes somehow.
  7. Today
  8. @Uge2000 Ya que Evernote es una parte tan importante para tu empresa, creo que lo que te recomendo @VincentC es una muy buena idea. Si no puedes solucionar tu situacion utilizando el sistema actual de 2 niveles de folders y el uso de etiquetas, creo que tu unica opcion es buscar otra herramienta. Es practicamente imposible que Evernote vaya a implementar mas niveles de subfolders en un futuro proximo. Por lo que escribes entiendo que llevas años utilizando EN, y que reemplazarlo por otra herramienta es un paso muy complicado, pero viendo los cambios tan arbitrarios que ha estado implementando Bending Spoons durante los ultimos meses, eliminando funciones que hemos tenido durantre años, y el absoluto abandono de respuesta a soporte tecnico, creo que no estaria mal que invirtieras tiempo buscando otras opciones.
  9. What do you mean by „word search“ ! On which device / platform ?
  10. Viewing means it all. The other options are to edit or to edit and invite others. It is obvious that who can view, can copy as well. And with the copy, he can do what he wants.
  11. Yeah - unfortunately I think that's only way... thx @PinkElephant. [See my post @ same time as yours...]. All good. Seems clunky...
  12. @gazumped @Mike P Appreciate your time / input. I use MacBook + iPhone & have very rarely used the web version of EN - always use the app on both devices. I think the bottom line is that Google can't use the EN internal link. Only options are that "Publish to Web" gig OR that upper RH "3 dots" dropdown -> "Copy internal link" dropdown -> "Copy Web link" & use the online version of EN. There used to be an option under the "Share" button to copy a link. That's gone, but may have constituted "Publish to Web". Not sure, but I don't like what that phrase implies! Maybe it's just unclear...
  13. The internal link is exactly this - internal. It only works inside of the EN app. To link up with other apps, you need to go through the web interface, which will pull the note from the cloud server.
  14. That's a pity 😕 Thank you agsteele for your quick answer 🙂
  15. No. At least not unless you can find an external program that will do this for you.
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't testing prior to GA part of the agile framework? It'd be one thing, as some have mentioned here, if they had a willing cadre of alpha testers (and I'm sure some folks would be happy to do that). But they're using regular users who depend on this software on a daily basis as their testers, and I don't think that would be considered good development practice by anyone.
  17. Thanks, I'll play with it when I have time.... I've got it saved
  18. There is but you chose not to. As mentioned before, posts about optimizing a competitor's product are outside the scope of an Evernote forum. The post has been removed.
  19. When I try to make a link in a Google doc using an EN internal link (evernote:///view..) Google docs tells me it is not a valid url An alternaive is to add the weblink format and that takes me to the Web version of Evernote. You haven't shared what device you are wanting to do this on so this may or may note be an acceptible work flow.
  20. Evernote opens at startup, but I want it to start minimized. Can this be done?
  21. It would also be possible to copy and paste the content, or to take a screenshot. There's no way to completely restrict a share other than to make sure you keep an unaltered original dated 'parent' version.
  22. Hello. More than 2 weeks have passed and this still hasn't been fixed with the latest update, as of today. When are you going to fix this?
  23. Yes, just looked it up. I think compared to the 2018 15“ they only changed the available AMD GPUs, and maybe the keyboard. The last Intel MBP was then the MBP 16“. After that only Apple Silicon Macs. Can’t tell you why it seems to be more laggy for you than for me, specially with a smallish account.
  24. Some great suggestions already by @PinkElephant and @AlbertR. Just a couple of comments 1. Boolean search is great, easy to understand and allows complex searches with brackets etc. However if all you want is any of a list of tags the old fashioned search syntax any: works well and is less typing! any: tag:tag1 tag:tag2 tag:tag3 2. If you just want a tag or any of it's sub-tags don't forget the drop down in the blue tag lozenge after you select the top level tag I wish there was an option in the main filter to select notes containing any of multiple tags rather than all of them, but at least you can do it manually.
  25. It appears that the word search function on Evernote 10.86.8 is not functioning anymore. Anyone else having the same issue? Best, f.
  26. If you share a notebook with someone on with permission restricted to 'view only', they can nonetheless copy the shared notes to a new notebook and share them. Is there a way to prevent this?
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