DCW 4 Posted September 25, 2012 Share Posted September 25, 2012 Anyone using Kustom Note? I just started, but I'm confused: Are templates only accessible online? So I have to pull up a browser and can't use them natively in EN? Link to comment
BeyondVision 3 Posted November 18, 2012 Share Posted November 18, 2012 Thank you Hussein for listening to all of our ideas to improve an already amazing add-on to Evernote. Making all my dreams come true would make me Very Happy indeed!.. as well as all the other users very happy and in Kustom Note/Evernote Heaven as well! I'd love to help in any way that I can to make Kustom Note as exceptional and user-friendly as possible for all users. I have no shortage of ideas in my bottomless brain (it won't stop... I've tried!), so I'd love any opportunity to work even closer with you or any of your team to help with input on look and functionality of any of the things I've described so far. The thing about me is, for some reason that I can't quite explain to myself or my family or even friends ...that I seem to have a Super Detailed Oriented, Fully 3 Dimensional Animating, Chroma-Color Visualizing, Intuition Channeling, Total Abstract Connecting, Super Lateral Thinking, Crazy Creative Mind, that Compulsively and Relentlessly Focuses on how to improve every Damn thing I look at, touch, feel and think about everywhere I go, every waking day of my whole freaking life ... seriously, I wish I could turn it off at times because it does get really exhausting somedays, lol. So, essentially it's extremely easy for me to come up with much better solutions to pretty much any problem you can possibly think of when it comes to this sort of stuff or just about anything technology or systems related (except for the programming itself... so someone else still has to code it other than me). But in general I can just about 100% of the time think of a better way to do anything you show me; so don't hesitate to throw anything you guys are working on my way and give me a crack at it to help improve some aspect of it or offer a totally different vantage point. Or a user design issue that no one can seem to figure out. I pretty much guarantee that I will be able to figure it out quickly when no one else can... because that's what I always do (many of my friends can attest to this fact). I'd be open to working part time as a member of a design think tank to help give input for your team in the next cool features to implement and refine the user experience of those features if you see that I could add lots of value. That would be a lot of fun for me! My only concern is that I will have too many cool new ideas... but that's probably not a bad thing, right? Hell, it only took me about 5 min total to think up all of those solutions for the Overwhelming Templates problem. So just imagine what I can think up if you give me a whole hour! Or a full day! You'll probably get overwhelmed with the non-stop intricate details of every tiny aspect my mind generates :-) Link to comment
Donamo 0 Posted October 27, 2012 Share Posted October 27, 2012 So, I am trying to get a grasp on how Kustom Note works. I signed up and selected a public form just as a test to understand things. Do I understand correctly that in order to actually fill in a form, where you can tab from field to field, you have to be working in your browser, not in the Evernote application on your PC? thank you, sorry if it seems like a dumb question but I have been using Info Select for a hundred years for order taking and I need forms to fill out. Link to comment
Level 5 Martin Packer 162 Posted October 27, 2012 Level 5 Share Posted October 27, 2012 I'm sure that's right: I don't see how the Evernote data stream format would allow that kind of transferrability. Link to comment
kydbmaster 0 Posted November 16, 2012 Share Posted November 16, 2012 Now, I'm wondering why we should have another native app for all platforms. It should be part of Evernote, point. Think about Evernote Food, Hello, Skitch, Penultimate, Clearly, Webclipper - those are all separate apps.Kustom Note is pretty much the same concept as Evernote Food/Hello except it's a lot more powerful and flexible since you can use Kustom Note for whatever you want instead of just food/contacts.A separate app has some advantages:Not everyone needs elaborate custom templates. A separate app has a lot of freedom, it doesn't have to please everyone and it could be made for a specific niche, e.g. power users.It doesn't bloat and is not bloated by the native Evernote client.The only minor disadvantage I can see is security. I disagree, Templates should be apart of Evernote! It should be a tool with-in Evernote. I users choose not to use it then fine but the tool should be there for those who wish to use it. I am quite surprised it has taken this long for someone to tackle this, and I am somewhat disappinted that it was not Evernote who took the lead on this. Link to comment
BeyondVision 3 Posted November 17, 2012 Share Posted November 17, 2012 HERE IS THE SOLUTION TO THE OVERWHELMING PUBLIC USER-GENERATED TEMPLATES PROBLEM:Hey Martin Packer (and especially Hussein!), I believe that the simplest and most elegant way to help us users sift through the growing number of custom public templates is for Hussein to create a User Rating System based on different criteria. (1-5 stars for A. Usefulness / B. Intuitiveness / C. Look & Feel / D. Uniqueness / E. Completeness / F. Features / G. Love Level (could be funny!) ... etc. All of those separate criteria will be averaged out to a composite 1-5 Overall Star Rating that users can use to quickly scan through a list and judge templates, or look closer at each individual criteria if they wish to make a more informed decision. [This star rating system should also be integrated into a search engine on the Kustom Note Site, that allows for someone to quickly find the best template for what they want - Type of template, overall star rating, or show the templates that have the highest Rating for Usefulness shown first, followed by Features, and ignore the rest for example) Plus a way to leave a quick review to elaborate what they like and don't like (and what they added or changed to their tweaked version of it) and perhaps allow for different versions of that same template to be offered up as a sub-directory after clicking on it; instead of it simply causing the total number of templates to just explode even greater. Especially if the new one just has minor changes made to it (but allow for users to say it should be a whole new template by itself if they have made it significantly different) The templates that then start as stand alone and then start getting different versions of it, will be automatically resorted based on the review system and the best of the best will rise to the top of that template stack. This will then save the rest of us time because the total number of public templates will stay at a much more manageable size to browse through and by simply clicking on that stack (with the sub-directories), will will automatically be shown the best version of that template. But then there should be a preview option with arrows that allow you to scroll through all the different versions that that particular template has evolved through overtime (from the very first version to the latest version, with dates of modification, who changed it [or be anonymous if they choose], what was changed or added, as well as all the reviews with individual user ratings. Then, just like on the Apple App Store, have a top 10 or 25 most used and another for highest rated templates categories to help new users even further to quickly find the best templates and get back to work. ... Problem Solved! Link to comment
BeyondVision 3 Posted November 17, 2012 Share Posted November 17, 2012 I also agree that the Kustom Note templates should be made available from within Evernote itself. Just keep the custom editor and browsing of new templates online and only have templates you selected to show up in your Evernote Desktop Application as well as iPad/Smartphones. My main issue is that sometimes, I don't have an internet connection and I hate the idea that I can't access these awesome templates unless I'm online. I want to be able to have them available locally on my MacBook Pro and then after I create a new note using one, the moment an internet connection is made available it will then sync to the cloud just like any other note created in Evernote. And for templates that reference other internet services (like movie information), then the template will simply leave those areas blank until an internet connection is established and then add those in the moment that data is available. If Kustom Note can work like that... OMG! I will be in absolute Evernote / Kustom Note Heaven... Along with thousands of other users once they get a taste of it too! Please, please, please make this dream come true for us loyal users... lol. I just discovered Kustom Note a few hours ago (Been Using Evernote for almost 1 year now) and I've already fallen in Love with the possibilities of what Kustom Note can do, especially if it gets more integrated within Evernote. Link to comment
Level 5 Martin Packer 162 Posted November 17, 2012 Level 5 Share Posted November 17, 2012 The taxonomy I was talking about (all those weeks ago) :-) wasn't really about quality (though a star system would indeed be good). I'm more interested in finding, say, a Draft Blog Post template. And then basing my own off it. Link to comment
BeyondVision 3 Posted November 17, 2012 Share Posted November 17, 2012 "SOLUTION TO THE OVERWHELMING PUBLIC USER-GENERATED TEMPLATES PROBLEM" - ADDENDUM... (Hussein, are you listening yet?)Actually, the system I described would do several things that directly apply to what you want. Manage the quantity of templates we're presented with (creating single icon stacks with subfolder of templates that are essentially variations of the same template in the order of the rating system... instead of the way it is now where every template, including every variation are all spread out in front of us in complete random, non-alphabetic, not categorical, non-order; There's like 10 templates all called "Meeting Minutes" and another 8 or 9 all called "Movie", etc. it would be much easier to sift through if simply scrolling through a consolidated list of unique names only... i.e. all 10 "Meeting Minutes" would be under 1 icon called "Meeting Minutes" and you would then see the highest rated one first when you click on it, but can quickly scroll through a preview of every variation that has been made of it with simple left/right arrow buttons with full star rating & review visible on each one as you very quickly click through them to find the one that most catches your eye. Another thing I just realized the browser needs to have is the option of selecting from a sort menu based on descending / ascending (depending on up or down arrow icon selected) and choose from Alphabetical, Categorical, Modified Date, Star Rating, Most Used and Favorites. Over to the right would be the integrated search window which would include the ability to search for "blog" and the closest matching and highest rated ones would be presented to you. Then you simply take it, modify it and if enough of other users rate your version as an improvement over the last, then your version of that blog template will be rated as the new highest (or 2nd best or 3rd in certain criteria for example). Or, if there simply isn't a blog template made yet and you make one, then that means you've created a whole new category of template and yours would be the only one that would show up in the integrated search, under the 'B's' for alphabetical sort order list, and 'Blog' under the categorical sort order list view, near the top of the modified date list view if you just created today, and in the Favorites Sort List if it's received a "Favorite" rating by other users. This design would solve the quantity, the quality and ease of searching for everyone. "Favorites" would be an addition to the star rating; any one of us can designate a template as a "Favorite" and as a template gets more "Favorite's" declared to it (by simply clicking on a check box under the ratings section), it gets a special vote that will make it be listed under the "Favorites" List View. Link to comment
Hussein 23 Posted November 17, 2012 Share Posted November 17, 2012 Hi all,Thank you really so much guys for the ideas and for your feedback. I have been travelling lately thats why development was slipping the schedule and roadmap in place. I'm back now and KustomNote will be evolving again at high speed specially with (sincerely) having wonderful users like you guys who are critical thinkers and problem solvers.I have deployed a few enhancements already like setting the template(s) to allow notebook selection every time its used for creating a note and selecting a category for the template. Your ideas are all really amazing. BeyondVision, I've added all your requests to the roadmap (for ratings, trending, top and others) and I promise to make all your dreams come true ASAP ; )Development now is focused on offline access and having native applications for iOS and Android and I'll sure keep you guys posted. There is a feedback app for KustomNote at http://feedback.kustomnote.com/ I would really love it if you guys jot down any ideas or thoughts that you can think of. That is so so valuable and your insights are all seriously exceptional..Thanks again for everything all..- Hussein Link to comment
Level 5 Martin Packer 162 Posted October 21, 2012 Level 5 Share Posted October 21, 2012 @BnF Interesting what you say about positioning and FastEver...As a Linux user and one that - on occasion - might use templates this is intriguing: I think it's faster than the web interface to Evernote and therefore a better starting point for a note than the web interface.I'm really looking forward to the iOS app (if it comes) as it would be a better match for what I do - with about 50% of my TYPED notes being suitable for templating. (Clipped ones, though are my major new note use case.)Being able to edit in Kustom Note while preserving the note's "template compliance" or "template conformance" would be valuable. (I don't like either quoted term in the previous sentence.)And yes I probably WOULD be willing to elect to give Kustom Note more auth privileges than those who don't feel the need to round trip editing between Evernote and Kustom Note.One point that's only sort-of come up is how to search usefully for the template you want. The idea of preview has come up. Personally I think Kustom Note has bitten off quite a lot with allowing public user-generated templates. I'm grateful for it but I'm already put off trying out templates because there are so many. But I think things to make this easier will come. Link to comment
Hussein 23 Posted November 21, 2012 Share Posted November 21, 2012 Hi again all,I just wanted to quickly let you know that I have incorporated some of your suggestions for the public templates. Templates now are categories under a number of categories and there is also a basic search that searches in titles and descriptions of templates. Martin's idea of a taxonomy is much more flexible and useful so that wilI be rolled in soon. For now still the focus is on trying to getting offline note creation working. More features wil be added as well for the public templates, previews that is to start in addition to many other enhancements to make sure that everyone is getting the best out of that amazing, creative and professional community. Thanks again for your ideas all, I'll sure keep you posted BeyondVision and all of you, again if you think of anything or if you hate anything just let me know and I'll make sure to get it right..All the best,- Hussein Link to comment
JohnSeiffer 7 Posted December 6, 2012 Share Posted December 6, 2012 The main benefit to me of evernote is that information is available when I'm offline (a premium account is a small price to pay for this) as well as synced on-line across all my devices.I have 2 problems with Kustom note. 1) is it seems to be the notes are saved only online. Is it saved in the same place as my "real" evernote notes or on some other server?2) THIS ISN'T CLEAR that this is only on-line and can't be downloaded off line. It is kind of assumed that you know this.I find this problem with many of the different aspects of evernote platforms. They do work differently (frustrating but understandable). What's not understandable to me is the people who assume you know which platform and which limitations they're dealing with and don't spell it out. Link to comment
tardis 87 Posted December 6, 2012 Share Posted December 6, 2012 Notes you make in KustomNote are synced with your Evernote account making them available everywhere. You can test it: make a note in KustomNote, go to your Evernote client and sync. The note will appear.KustomNote is a third party service, not an official Evernote platform. They're just templates for building notes rather than doing them from scratch within an Evernote client. Link to comment
kydbmaster 0 Posted December 6, 2012 Share Posted December 6, 2012 Hussein, There is no reason to reinvent the wheel here, Focus on creating the very best Forms editor for Evernote as a separate application. This would include the ability to place fields and graphics anywhere on a defined note size page. Then work with Evernote to get them to add a field to their notes to call up your templates. When a user in Evernote adds a new note, one of the options would be to specify a template form to be used for the note. While your at it get them to support multiple pages in a note... as some forms are multi-page. This would be a MUCH more elegant solution!!!! It would cause you much less programming greif too! Link to comment
mwrob 7 Posted January 3, 2013 Share Posted January 3, 2013 Just found Kustomnote, it looks very useful. Can you use a Business notebook as the designated notebook when using a template? Link to comment
TeePee 3 Posted March 26, 2013 Share Posted March 26, 2013 I'm with you Domamo and JohnSeiffer, it's difficult to get a handle on exactly what Kustom is doing and how it's doing it based on reading the web site and other articles. I does seem that it provides an intermediation service; customized web browser based user interface to Evernote back end storage services. When I came across Kustom I was looking for a way to create a custom template that was Evernote client based. After all, I have Evernote client on my devices (Windows and iOS). I don't want a web based form because I use Evernote offline (in a plane for example) and I don't want another client because this is why I have Evernote client - it's cross-platform. What I want to be able to do is to create a custom form that would be accessible from the New Note menu (like the four in windows; New Note - Ctrl-N, New Ink Note - Ctrl-Shift-I, New Audio Note - Ctrl-Shift-U, and New Webcam Note - Ctrl-Shift-W) to meet my specific data capture needs. This is, I would have thought, a basic feature of a client front-end to a data store service? Link to comment
EvernoteConnoisseur 26 Posted April 12, 2013 Share Posted April 12, 2013 I'm with you Domamo and JohnSeiffer, it's difficult to get a handle on exactly what Kustom is doing and how it's doing it based on reading the web site and other articles. I does seem that it provides an intermediation service; customized web browser based user interface to Evernote back end storage services.Correct me if I'm wrong, it looks like the only way to create Kustom notes is via Kustomnote.com? Also it doesn't seem I could create a note template to be shared to other users in the organization? One big advantage of this "template" idea is to standardize input across multiple departments/staff in an organization, but without this function, it's useless for me, unless somehow I've missed this function somewhere? Link to comment
GiftGaft 0 Posted June 2, 2013 Share Posted June 2, 2013 I'm with you Domamo and JohnSeiffer, it's difficult to get a handle on exactly what Kustom is doing and how it's doing it based on reading the web site and other articles. I does seem that it provides an intermediation service; customized web browser based user interface to Evernote back end storage services.Correct me if I'm wrong, it looks like the only way to create Kustom notes is via Kustomnote.com? Also it doesn't seem I could create a note template to be shared to other users in the organization? One big advantage of this "template" idea is to standardize input across multiple departments/staff in an organization, but without this function, it's useless for me, unless somehow I've missed this function somewhere? I think it is possible now to share templates to other users if you upgrade to a paying subscription plan (I think it's 1.99 a month or something). It also looks like they added a live forms feature which might work better for what you're trying to do. I'm mostly stoked about the new iOS app. It doesn't have all the functionality of the website, but you can take notes offline with it. It seems to be a lot easier to use than the website (you still have to create templates on the web right now though) Link to comment
RobD 47 Posted August 7, 2013 Share Posted August 7, 2013 I subscribed to KustomNotes and created my first custom note. I linked KN to EN but the templates don't appear in EN. What am I doing wrong? Link to comment
May 268 Posted October 16, 2012 Share Posted October 16, 2012 I saw this issue too when I shared some templates with myself, it looked like I was logged into another account but I couldn't actually access any notes, or anything, all I could see were notebook names and account name. Using third party apps with Evernote would always grant them access to your account and you'll have decide for yourself wether it's worth it or not. I really doubt that someone is going to hack into my account and read my notes. It's not worth the effort.Even if it does happen than I'm not going to loose anything because I don't store anything super confidential, I don't store passwords or credit card details, etc. in Evernote. Link to comment
guycruls 3 Posted September 27, 2012 Share Posted September 27, 2012 just found out about kustomnote. is it safe? is it worth it? Link to comment
Level 5* GrumpyMonkey 4,320 Posted September 27, 2012 Level 5* Share Posted September 27, 2012 Anyone using Kustom Note? I just started, but I'm confused: Are templates only accessible online? So I have to pull up a browser and can't use them natively in EN? Hi. Welcome to the forums. The developer of custom note began with a Web version, but I am hoping that there will be another version (perhaps an app you can open and see your templates waiting there ready to complete and send) sometime in the future. At this time, though, the solution is quite simple. Make a template, and then make a bunch of copies of that note. When you need the template, just fill it in, retitle, tag it, and move it to the appropriate notebook. It is a vast improvement over the quality of previous templates -- I know because I used to make them for myself (http://www.princeton.edu/~cmayo/template.html). just found out about kustomnote. is it safe? is it worth it? Kustomnote is perfectly safe -- it just creates a template. Of course, whenever you give anyone access to your account there is risk, but no more so in this case than any other app. I've met the developer and I can say that he is a genuinely nice guy, who is enthusiastic about the project, and earnestly wants to succeed with it, so I think he will be very careful with the trust you put in him. As for asking whether it is worth it, that depends on how much you value templates, doesn't it Link to comment
spg SCOTT 736 Posted September 27, 2012 Share Posted September 27, 2012 You can read some more here, in the Evernote blog: http://blog.evernote.com/2012/09/26/trunk-spotlight-kustomnote-adds-structure-to-notes-wins-silver-devcup-award/ A quote from the post: Coming next: Mobile versions of the service' date=' for iOS and Android. Also, an offline note creation tool.[/quote'] just found out about kustomnote. is it safe? is it worth it? Kustomnote is perfectly safe -- it just creates a template. Of course, whenever you give anyone access to your account there is risk, but no more so in this case than any other app. I've met the developer and I can say that he is a genuinely nice guy, who is enthusiastic about the project, and earnestly wants to succeed with it, so I think he will be very careful with the trust you put in him. As for asking whether it is worth it, that depends on how much you value templates, doesn't it As with other apps that connect with your Evernote account, the authorisation to do so is your choice. It can also be revoked at any time that you want. If you decide that you don't want to use it, or are worried about accessing your account for whatever reason, then you can stop it from doing so. Login to your Evernote account on the web -> Click on your username in the top right -> Settings -> Applications -> choose what to revoke permissions from and then click revoke access. Scott Link to comment
May 268 Posted October 14, 2012 Share Posted October 14, 2012 Kustom Note is awesome. I don't really use templates for any fancy formatting, but I do like to use auto-tagging for some frequently used types of notes. For example if I'm saving lots of quotes from some book in Evernote,I usually organise each quote with tags such as: "quote" "name of the book" "name of author" Now... I can add each quote to Evernote and manually add those tags OR I can use Kustom Note and create a custom template and get all necessary tags applied automatically whenever I use this template.� It just saves time because frequently used notes are organised automatically without any work. So here is how it looks: If I select a custom template for quotes from the book It's added to Evernote with specified preset tags automatically All I have to do is just copy-paste some quote from the book and that's it. I will remove this template after I'm finished with the book. This is just a simple example. It could get a lot more elaborate too. I'm waiting for native ios app. Link to comment
SimonF 5 Posted October 14, 2012 Share Posted October 14, 2012 Kustom Note is a wonderful idea.About two week earlier of Kustom Note availability, I begun programming a few templates, more to understand how to make them in Evernote. I now have an understanding of what it takes to make them good. Kustom Note makes them perfect.Now, I'm wondering why we should have another native app for all platforms. It should be part of Evernote, point. Someone at Evernote corp. should seriously consider hiring Hussein Ahmed (and his team, if any). I don't know how long it took him to develop this idea into Kustom Note but I have not seem a project so finished from a young startup for a while. Link to comment
May 268 Posted October 15, 2012 Share Posted October 15, 2012 Now, I'm wondering why we should have another native app for all platforms. It should be part of Evernote, point. Think about Evernote Food, Hello, Skitch, Penultimate, Clearly, Webclipper - those are all separate apps. Kustom Note is pretty much the same concept as Evernote Food/Hello except it's a lot more powerful and flexible since you can use Kustom Note for whatever you want instead of just food/contacts. A separate app has some advantages:Not everyone needs elaborate custom templates. A separate app has a lot of freedom, it doesn't have to please everyone and it could be made for a specific niche, e.g. power users.It doesn't bloat and is not bloated by the native Evernote client. The only minor disadvantage I can see is security. Link to comment
Dave Smith 2 Posted October 16, 2012 Share Posted October 16, 2012 just found out about kustomnote. is it safe? is it worth it?I think CustomNote looks great but I can't say that it's safe. Check out this scary security issue.https://www.evernote.com/shard/s27/sh/b765542b-3304-4c79-8097-4cd4210b5f04/91d7d63cc44e823ffd96198b9e7b5604?noteKey=91d7d63cc44e823ffd96198b9e7b5604¬eGuid=b765542b-3304-4c79-8097-4cd4210b5f04 Link to comment
SimonF 5 Posted October 16, 2012 Share Posted October 16, 2012 May,If you believe that security is only a "minor disadvantage", that's up to you. As far as I'm concerned, it is a big issue. It should be considered by everyone with the same care they have for their own physical security.In order to add and manage templates easily, Kustom Note acts as a "proxy" since data of the notes are passing through their servers. Now, here are my questions:Did anybody exploited that breach before David published it? (BTW David, thanks a lot!). Anything to validate to be sure? If not, serious logging capabilities should be implemented as soon as possible.Aside of the usual agreements between developers, is there any way to get serious quality testing from Evernote before such partners software get released? I mean, would it be possible to get Evernote helping third parties to ensure the community that security is taken really seriously by the management? Do not forget that Kustom Note was awarded on the last Devcup?Now, I will stop using Kustom Note as long as they (both Kustom Note and Evernote) would not provide a serious explanation of what happen and how they resolved this issue.I hope that I will not have to reconsider my premium membership. Products are great. Company have so far done things that I wasn't be able to imagine. But security is something I am unable to let other people handle if they have lower standards than mine.Evernote staff: feel free to contact me if precisions are needed or if I can help.Now, I'm wondering why we should have another native app for all platforms. It should be part of Evernote, point. Think about Evernote Food, Hello, Skitch, Penultimate, Clearly, Webclipper - those are all separate apps.Kustom Note is pretty much the same concept as Evernote Food/Hello except it's a lot more powerful and flexible since you can use Kustom Note for whatever you want instead of just food/contacts.A separate app has some advantages:Not everyone needs elaborate custom templates. A separate app has a lot of freedom, it doesn't have to please everyone and it could be made for a specific niche, e.g. power users.It doesn't bloat and is not bloated by the native Evernote client.The only minor disadvantage I can see is security.just found out about kustomnote. is it safe? is it worth it?I think CustomNote looks great but I can't say that it's safe. Check out this scary security issue.https://www.evernote...97-4cd4210b5f04 Link to comment
BurgersNFries 2,407 Posted October 20, 2012 Share Posted October 20, 2012 Kustom Note is awesome. I don't really use templates for any fancy formatting, but I do like to use auto-tagging for some frequently used types of notes. For example if I'm saving lots of quotes from some book in Evernote,I usually organise each quote with tags such as: "quote" "name of the book" "name of author" Now... I can add each quote to Evernote and manually add those tags OR I can use Kustom Note and create a custom template and get all necessary tags applied automatically whenever I use this template.� It just saves time because frequently used notes are organised automatically without any work. So here is how it looks: If I select a custom template for quotes from the book It's added to Evernote with specified preset tags automatically All I have to do is just copy-paste some quote from the book and that's it. I will remove this template after I'm finished with the book. This is just a simple example. It could get a lot more elaborate too. I'm waiting for native ios app. I finally tried Kustomnote. And like May, I don't normally need or want fancy formatted notes. BUT...Kustomnote is pretty darned neat! Ok, AWESOME! I DO think I'll use it often, though b/c my current problem with Evernote on the Windows client is that it often takes a couple of minutes (or more) to start a new note or edit an existing note. I've tried all the things suggested to me by EN support (updating to Windows 7, new hard drive, moved from a Truecrypted container) except one - redownloading all my notes. I'm guessing it may have something to do with my large database...I dunno. But at times it sure does interfere with my workflow, since I use EN SO MUCH. Anyway, just yesterday I was wishing there was a Windows version of FastEver. I use FastEver on my iPad & iPhone & it's just a quick entry app for Evernote. So with the recent talk about Kustomnote, I decided to check into it. The fancy formatting sure is purty & I may create my own, basic template with just a touch of bling. But I'm also looking forward to the basic text template Hussein mentioned. Although I've not really run it through it's paces, I'm hoping KN will expedite new note creation on my Windows desktop. Great work, Hussein! Go team! Link to comment
SimonF 5 Posted October 16, 2012 Share Posted October 16, 2012 May,I don't have the same behaviour as you and David describes, which scares me a bit.As well, I don't store anything confidential. For that, other tools with stronger encryption (note: not sure about US but Canada recently change the laws related to encryption) exist.Although, it isn't a reason to toss away security. Link to comment
Hussein 23 Posted October 16, 2012 Share Posted October 16, 2012 Hi everyone, I'm Hussein, the developer of KustomNote.com. Thanks so much everyone for your feedback, encouragement and comments. Regarding the threat that was discovered by Dave, I was notified just last night about Dave's finding and I didn't sleep all night doing all possible exhaustive test with my fellow developers trying to replicate that incident and work on a solution. Our findings concluded that this could have only happened with Dave due to a glitch in the caching mechanism implemented to elevate the system performance. To be 100% sure that this would never happen to any single one as an anomaly we have turned off all caching of notebooks, notebooks listing and notes traversal to be completely on the safe side.Just for the record and to assure you all, Evernote cannot be safer than it is, it would have not been ever possible for someone (even in Dave's case) to even browse the note titles in a notebook, such calls are highly restricted by the Evernote API and is not possible without explicit calls with the authentication tokens. Regarding opening or reading notes, as you all have noticed, KustomNote does not even touch or open notes, it just embeds your Evernote window on the page for convenience. This window, as you've all probably noticed is an actual Evernote window that asks for your login and credentials. If you log out of Evernote (in a separate tab), in order to just display one of your notes, you will see the Evernote login again to just display the note.I want you all to rest assured that the application is totally secure and Evernote is so securely locked down even for authenticated applications. As a developer, and a system architect I really admire the Evernote platform - compared to all other platforms- specially when it comes to security, anyone can easily tell that this point ranks so high followed by everything else like performance, flexibility and other factors. Thanks so much to Dave for catching this incident and reporting it quickly and please let me know anyone if you'd like to have anything changed or added to the application.Sincerely, - Hussein Link to comment
Level 5* GrumpyMonkey 4,320 Posted October 16, 2012 Level 5* Share Posted October 16, 2012 Hi everyone,I'm Hussein, the developer of KustomNote.com. Thanks so much everyone for your feedback, encouragement and comments. Regarding the threat that was discovered by Dave, I was notified just last night about Dave's finding and I didn't sleep all night doing all possible exhaustive test with my fellow developers trying to replicate that incident and work on a solution. Our findings concluded that this could have only happened with Dave due to a glitch in the caching mechanism implemented to elevate the system performance. To be 100% sure that this would never happen to any single one as an anomaly we have turned off all caching of notebooks, notebooks listing and notes traversal to be completely on the safe side.Just for the record and to assure you all, Evernote cannot be safer than it is, it would have not been ever possible for someone (even in Dave's case) to even browse the note titles in a notebook, such calls are highly restricted by the Evernote API and is not possible without explicit calls with the authentication tokens. Regarding opening or reading notes, as you all have noticed, KustomNote does not even touch or open notes, it just embeds your Evernote window on the page for convenience. This window, as you've all probably noticed is an actual Evernote window that asks for your login and credentials. If you log out of Evernote (in a separate tab), in order to just display one of your notes, you will see the Evernote login again to just display the note.I want you all to rest assured that the application is totally secure and Evernote is so securely locked down even for authenticated applications. As a developer, and a system architect I really admire the Evernote platform - compared to all other platforms- specially when it comes to security, anyone can easily tell that this point ranks so high followed by everything else like performance, flexibility and other factors.Thanks so much to Dave for catching this incident and reporting it quickly and please let me know anyone if you'd like to have anything changed or added to the application.Sincerely,- HusseinWell-said Hussein. I think it is great that a developer steps onto the forums and gives us a detailed explanation of his application and the integration with Evernote. Thanks. Link to comment
Hussein 23 Posted October 16, 2012 Share Posted October 16, 2012 Thanks GrumpyMonkey and thanks to you all, its my duty GrumpyMonkey. Its not coding, architectures or protocols that matters, its all about the actual amazing people using them and their precious data.I'll be pushing several updates this week too, so you guys lookout for new enhancements...You can now all share your voice, ideas, thoughts about new features, enhancements or issues at http://feedback.kustomnote.comWould love to hear from you all! Link to comment
SimonF 5 Posted October 18, 2012 Share Posted October 18, 2012 Thanks GrumpyMonkey and thanks to you all, its my duty GrumpyMonkey. Its not coding, architectures or protocols that matters, its all about the actual amazing people using them and their precious data. I'll be pushing several updates this week too, so you guys lookout for new enhancements... You can now all share your voice, ideas, thoughts about new features, enhancements or issues at http://feedback.kustomnote.com Would love to hear from you all! Hussein, I'm pretty sure you don't have any release notes or that you use version numbers. How do you usually advertise changes when they are rolled out? Keep on your good work, Simon Link to comment
Level 5 Martin Packer 162 Posted October 19, 2012 Level 5 Share Posted October 19, 2012 Yes, do you have a Twitter or Facebook ID set up for KustomNote Hussein? Link to comment
Hussein 23 Posted October 19, 2012 Share Posted October 19, 2012 Thanks Simon. I'll sure add a page on the site for that, thanks for advice. Right now its as Martin guessed, Twitter and Facebook: )For now, the new update in themes is that there is a new 100% text-based theme without any font formatting, backgrounds or graphics, just basic and plain. Regarding security, major changes were made to avoid the need on relying on Full-Access of the users accounts, Evernote are currently updating the application keys to request basic-access only with no access at all to data. Some functionality was sacrificed of course, like browsing through all your notebooks and notes that were created with and without KustomNote but the sacrifice is worth eliminating risks all together and hopefully get more amazing users on board!Martin, yes, KustomNote twitter handle is @kustomnote and the facebook page is at: https://www.facebook.com/KustomNote ; ) Link to comment
SimonF 5 Posted October 20, 2012 Share Posted October 20, 2012 Hussein, Thank you for the update. To recapitulate, part of the solution had been already implemented by your team but we are still waiting on Evernote to finish updating the application keys? Did Evernote gave any timeframe to complete this? To be honest, I am not really using any social media, whichever they are. Especially for updates or new features announcements, RSS feeds are doing great. Webpages are OK to get long explainations. In my opinion, emails should be avoided at all cost: we already have enough spam... Have a nice weekend, Simon Link to comment
Anyone using Kustom Note? I just started, but I'm confused: Are templates only accessible online? So I have to pull up a browser and can't use them natively in EN?
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