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Android update (June/2024) and Reminders

Go to solution Solved by laurence.glazier,

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Hello everyone,

I checked this latest EN update on Android and I was shocked, as I used the Reminders function a lot and they have just disappeared. I see that Reminders have been a function that has received little attention from developers for some time. But I couldn't expect them to be removed entirely from the app experience.

I used to switch between notes and reminders on the Notes view screen A LOT. It was the second thing that was part of my flow (the other was the Widgets screen, which had also been changed for the new version of the app). At least, to access My Widgets, I can go there when I tap via the top left menu. But Reminders, I just don't have access to.

I strongly hope that they review this recent change brought by this latest update and give due attention and protagonism to reminders, as well as widgets. I hardly use the "Shared" function, for example, or even the "Tasks", as I am very dependent on reminders, part of a years-long flow involving sending emails with important calendar and reminder information to EN.

While a solution doesn't appear, has anyone been able to think of a way to go around this and restore or activate reminder view on Android?

Thanks a lot!


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Reminders have been deprecated as most people were using them to pin notes. See @Federico Simionato's post on X. If you need an ACTUAL reminder, use a task with a due date within the note. You'll get a notification on all devices and that note can easily be seen in tasks view. You can also now right click a note in any notebook and pin it to the top of the notebook which should do the same thing with less space taken.


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I understand that Tasks are now more in evidence, but I usually send emails that are turned into notes with reminders, included by the syntax in the message subject. I'll look to see if there are any for Tasks.

What I managed to do was save a search with "notes:reminder" and put it in the shortcuts. This way I end up easily accessing the reminders with just a few taps (although they appear more disorganized, as the classification is not done by the reminder but by the way the notes are classified).

I imagine they carried out a study to access this majority of users who do not use Reminders, and I'm included, perhaps, in the minority who uses Reminders not with the purpose of pinning notes. I have monthly flows involving payments with invoices that arrive by email and I send them to EN with the syntax in the subject to mark the date.

If I could transform this flow of forwarding emails to the EN and they automatically become 'tasks' (as I do today with Reminders), I imagine that would be a possible solution to migrate from reminders to Tasks (as if it's an issue specifically related to Android, I hope Reminders don't vanish from Desktop, or that I find a smoothly migration to Tasks during that time). Any help I can receive from this community is valuable.

Thanks, EN community. Have a great weekend.

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There is a default task note which is defined under settings/tasks.  There may be a way to email into your default task note in Evernote using the @ qualifier.    I just spent a couple of minutes and couldn't get it to work, but someone else may be along here with more knowledge and patience who has figured it out.   

But looking at your specific example about invoices, you might consider something like:

  • Create a notebook named something like ".invoices due"   (The leading period or a similar character is important because, when you sort your notebooks by title, that notebook will be on top.)  Then you could forward your email into that notebook using the @ syntax.  Pro tip: add a note to that notebook that contains a recurring task called something like, "Pay these invoices" with an appropriate due date each week or month, whatever works for you.  



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Create a Saved Search along these lines: reminderTime:day-3 -reminderTime:day+3

This can be used on mobile devices that no longer have the reminders column

Unfortunately the Located in option was recently removed, for some reason, from the Filter menu, so to drill down further you would have to add a notebook: clause to the search string.

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23 hours ago, agsteele said:

Unfortunately, there isn't a syntax to add a task to a note. So anything added will only be text.

Yes, that's why I thought it would be helpful to add a note to the notebook with a generic recurring task, something like "check invoices due."  @ever_coffee would still have to navigate to the host notebook to see the actual invoices which would take a few pokes at the screen (assuming he's on Android which is the section we're in),  but it might be workable for him.



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Thank you, everyone.

@laurence.glazier, I'll try to implement this syntax saved search, which is far more specific than the one I was using, 'search:reminder'. Perhaps I'm gonna have to work with several saved searches, depending on the urgency of the reminder, and that's kindof a temporary solution for me. Thanks also, @VincentC. I've never been a heavy Tasks user since I was depending on Reminders to keep with my flow (a universe broader than invoices, which was only an example), but with your colaboration I will definitely explore and maybe categorize different recurring Tasks in different Notebooks, so that I could send emails directly into them.

However, I will insist in Reminders and it is far from dead. Like me, a lot of old time users may have their routines affected by this change in the app. So, I would love if EN would look into it with care, if not to revert the change, at least to think of a customization that allow us to put it back in Reminder view (just as we're still able with Widgets, even it is a few taps away).

A great week and thank you everyone.

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Em 21/06/2024 at 20:32, mackid1993 disse:

Reminders have been deprecated as most people were using them to pin notes. See @Federico Simionato's post on X. If you need an ACTUAL reminder, use a task with a due date within the note. You'll get a notification on all devices and that note can easily be seen in tasks view. You can also now right click a note in any notebook and pin it to the top of the notebook which should do the same thing with less space taken.



deprecated? On my Android and my computer the reminders continue to appear normally!  I often use undated reminders to mark notes that I'm working on or have pending.



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  • Evernote Expert

There was some misunderstanding about note reminders. They are not going to be removed but will be given less presence since fewer people use this.

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Actually I don’t like the argument „,fewer people use this“.

Is a function not used by say 80% of users, but important for the 20% who use it of lesser importance ? Maybe the 80% have not discovered the function exists, or simply have no use case (yet) that would make them employ a feature.

The removal of any reasonable use of reminders from the mobile platform is an ill explained measure. As I posted elsewhere, it is like a novice programmer acts in ignorance of use cases. Even if the prior implementation with a full tab may have been less than ideal, there would have been better options than simply cut the function.

Better, but probably not as „efficient“ to implement like axing the code, and call it a day.

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  • Evernote Expert

Note reminders are not scheduled for removal. How they are presented in the application may change.

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On 7/1/2024 at 10:01 PM, agsteele said:

Note reminders are not scheduled for removal. How they are presented in the application may change.

Check. But why they change a good old application feature  that does not interfere with other functions?
It's a unnecessary removal which makes no sense.

Just to put in my two cents worth.

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11 minutes ago, KnutK said:

But why they change a good old application feature  that does not interfere with other functions?

The main reason they changed it is that not many folk use it so they've freed up the space in the UI.

I used to use reminders a lot but since tasks arrived, I can't remember the last time I set one.

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  • Evernote Expert
1 hour ago, KnutK said:

It's a unnecessary removal which makes no sense.

And the developers agree with you. Note reminders have not been removed and there is no plan to do so. How they are displayed may change a little for the reasons @Jon/t mentioned.

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  • Level 5

One thing may be to remove the tab from the UI.

Another thing is to remove the functionality completely. And this is what was done on mobile. Without a list, ordered by reminders date the function is useless. The saved search is no replacement, as was pointed out in several posting already.

Maybe they were thinking something, but the way it was implemented is falling short of any reasonable handling of the function. "Thank you for the disrespect" from all users who have existing reminders.

Personally I am one of the people who use a different task manager - and given the permanent unreliabilities coming with EN releases will continue to do so. I will not start to have tasks here and there. Reminders are a useful way to have a note come up when I want to look after it. This is often when I am away from the office, and a mobile device is used. This for me key function was dumped.

Either remove the reminders entirely, and do so by a tool that converts all existing reminders into tasks. Or restore a functionality that can be used on mobile.

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26 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

and do so by a tool that converts all existing reminders into tasks

OMG... imagine the drama!! :)

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  • Evernote Expert

The removal of the reminders tab is one of the changes replaced by a filter which does notes with reminders.

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