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S Pen doesn't work with sketch and now finger sketch is problematic

Go to solution Solved by PinkElephant,

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I've never been able to sketch in a note with the S Pen on my Samsung Galaxy S22 but I've been able to use my finger to sketch. But I just updated the Android mobile app to version 10.56.2 and now, even finger sketching doesn't work properly. Any ideas?

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  • Evernote Expert

If this is an issuw for you then you should raise a support ticket. I can sketch with my finger on v10.56.2 but I don't have Samsung phone. You could try the defaukt uninstall/reinstall. Version upgrades have been known to break things which can be resolved by uninstalling.  I don't think that would resolve the S Pen thing but it MIGHT work to get the finger sketch going again.

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  • Level 5

There are several threads on sketching already in existence, and you might take a look at them. Most people complain of the failure of the S Pen / stylus, but in fact it doesn't work with a finger either, in my experience. This has been an ongoing issue for a really long time. After they finally finish cleaning up the data loss issues left over from introducing the new sync structure, maybe they'll turn to this.

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I raised a support ticket and gave a summary of the problem, details of my phone and the activity log. I have a paid Personal account. Somewhere on the Evernote website, I seem to recall you get Premium support with a paid account. Below is an email I just received back. From the 'holding' reply, I don't feel like I'm getting Premium support. Sketching is important to me and it's a pity that this core utility seems broken for Android users

Hi there,

Evernote Customer Support here!

We are currently restructuring the Evernote Customer Support department to ensure we can deliver a better service to you and all our customers. Some delay in response time is expected. We apologize for the inconvenience.

 Although you can be sure that our team is actively working to catch up and provide all users with the assistance they need as soon as possible, we would also like to invite you to take a look at the resources available on our Help & Learning. We hope that you find useful information there!

 If you still have doubts after following the instructions and suggestions available there and if you still need support, please reply to this email making sure to include:

  • As many details as possible regarding your request and experience
  • All the steps that you took to resolve your doubts or issues after referring to the Help & Learning resources

Without a significant level of detail, we won’t be able to process your request quickly.

 We appreciate your patience and cooperation very much!

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  • Evernote Expert

Please supply the information requested in reply to the support Email. If only to say the support forums have been unable to help you.

They are, for sure, extremely busy at the moment. A paid subscription doesn't provide a premium support. It just gives access to tech support which free users don't get.

Sadly the standard support does take long time at present.

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9 minutes ago, agsteele said:

Please supply the information requested in reply to the support Email. If only to say the support forums have been unable to help you.

They are, for sure, extremely busy at the moment. A paid subscription doesn't provide a premium support. It just gives access to tech support which free users don't get.

Sadly the standard support does take long time at present.

If you are asking what I said in reply to the support email I quoted in my last post, I said this...

"Hi, I still need support please.

Help & Resources didn’t help me fix the problem.

Community forum couldn’t help me fix the problem.

I uninstalled and re-installed the Android mobile app but it didn’t help.

The problem is this

I've never been able to sketch in a note with the S Pen on my Samsung Galaxy S22 but I've been able to use my finger to sketch. But I just updated the Android mobile app to version 10.56.3 and now, even finger sketching doesn't work properly! I can sketch a word but if I take my finger off the screen to write another word, sketching won’t work. Nothing gets drawn.

Evernote Account - Personal
App – Android mobile 10.56.3
Phone – Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra with Android 13 and One UI 5.1 (this is the latest build).

Attached is the activity log again."

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Since initially raising the ticket with Evernote Support, I have since found that the problem occurs only when tapping on the new sketch icon in the screen in the first attachment. What happens is you can sketch whilst your finger or stylus is on the screen but the minute you remove your finger/stylus, you can’t continue sketching at all!

However, I can get sketching to work as it should if I first create a new note from the previous screen by tapping on the green ‘Note’ icon and then clicking on the blue + symbol to insert an item into a new note and then clicking on 'sketch' as in the second attachment.

Then sketching works just fine. So inserting a sketch into a new blank note results in proper sketching whereas creating a sketch on its own doesn’t work.

I have advised support of my findings with a screen grab recording of what happens and I am awaiting a response.


Attachment 1.jpg

Attachment 2.jpg

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  • Level 5

Nice catch, @pmaddern. However BE AWARE THAT IN THE LATES V. 10.57.2 ATTEMPTING TO CREATE A NEW NOTE WITH A SKETCH BY EITHER METHOD WILL FREEZE THE APP. Adding a sketch to a note that already has some other content does likewise. Only restarting the phone will restore it to function. So in this latest update, it's actually worse than ever.

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On 10/28/2023 at 12:31 AM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Nice catch, @pmaddern. However BE AWARE THAT IN THE LATES V. 10.57.2 ATTEMPTING TO CREATE A NEW NOTE WITH A SKETCH BY EITHER METHOD WILL FREEZE THE APP. Adding a sketch to a note that already has some other content does likewise. Only restarting the phone will restore it to function. So in this latest update, it's actually worse than ever.

Have the same problem exactly as you described. My setting:

- Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+

- Android 13

- S-Pen

- Evernote 10.57.2

- Personal Plan

Contacted the support and the answer is the newest variant of impertinence concerning paid customers.🤬


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I have the SG23U, am an Artist but rarely use sketch because glass screensavers do not like.

I'd rather have screen protection for now. Probably change my mind in future. Thanks 4 the solid reporting.  I have true "Update Fear". Been thru far too many problems, therefore back & forth drama w/ support.


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Today I got message from support, that this issue is solved with latest version (app freezes when trying to add a sketch or create a sketch note with S-Pen on Samsung devices):


NO, IT IS NOT RESOLVED with latest version which is 10.57.2 at Google Play Store.

Tried it again with Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+, both use S-Pen, latest Android 13, latest Evernote 10.57.2, Personal Plan.


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  • Level 5
  • Solution

The issue will be solved with release 10.58.1

For iOS it is already available, and I can confirm that under iOS, the bug is squeezed. For Android as you can read from the version counter, it is still on the release channel. Apple seems to be significantly faster than Google in moving new versions from the Inbox to the AppStore.

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I loaded 10.58.1 on Android via apkmirror. Can confirm, the freezing has been resolved. Sketching by finger most often works...unfortunately sometime still lags or stops working. But this is the long time bug related to S Pen not working at all for several months now 😔 Short: freezing of the app seems gone, sketching still buggy on Samsung - with S Pen still not working at all.

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16 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

The issue will be solved with release 10.58.1

For iOS it is already available, and I can confirm that under iOS, the bug is squeezed. For Android as you can read from the version counter, it is still on the release channel.

Why do YOU declare this as "solved" when this ANDROID (!!!) version isn't available at all, although YOU don't have Android and therefore YOU can't even know it???

When the TO and others with Android here hadn't the option to verify your claim???

If you don't have an Android device to prove that the issue has been solved beyond a doubt, then refrain from making false claims that something has been solved, especially if that version is not even available on Android yet.🤬👎🏻

And as @Alxasaid, the prob with S-Pen witch belongs to this without a doubt, isn't solved for months.

Just because it works on your iPhone doesn't mean it will work the same on Android.  You are here in the Android forum


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  • Level 5

@BEHA You mix up 2 issues: 

Issue 1: When starting Sketch, the app freezes. Should be solved with 10.58.1 (when available).

Issue 2: S-Pen problems: Has nothing to do with the first problem, status unknown, AFAIK no fix available.

And if YOU have a problem with me sharing information here, just go ahead: YOU are invited to do it yourself. Likely more work than criticizing others …

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But actually it is not solved, because the Android version isn't available at PlayStore.
We haven't the possibility to check this and you have said, that you don't have Android.
Your answers are as always no helpful at all. You are in the wrong forum when you are not an Android user!

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Anyone know if the next update for Android users on version 10.57.2 will be straight to version 10.58.1? Or will Google need to push out a couple of incremental builds that may have been submitted to it by the EN team on the way to 10.58.1?

Just hoping we don't have to wait for ages to to be able to get 10.58.1.

To avoid a long wait, Is it safe to get 10.58.1 from apkmirror and are there any downsides from updating via that service? 

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50 minutes ago, pmaddern said:

Just hoping we don't have to wait for ages to to be able to get 10.58.1.


As far as I know it was released on Monday and Google send it out of 5 - 7 days so everyone should have the update by Sunday.

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  • Level 5

I just was able to get 10.58.1 today. Sketching is improved but still erratic, meaning (a) it doesn't crash; (b) both S Pen and finger can be used to sketch, but may stop after an unpredictable number of strokes; (c) the finger seems to need a lot of pressure to work.

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In version 10.58.1

  • I can insert a sketch into a note and sketch fine with finger or a stylus other than an S-Pen
  • If I tap on the sketch icon from the Evernote Android widget, sketching is not possible. I get nothing.
  • The long standing problem of not being able to sketch with a Samsung S-Pen is still not resolved.

My solution to the vagaries of the sketch function - I make a sketch in Samsung Notes with my S-Pen and I 'share' it as an image file to Evernote. Not to everyone's taste I'm sure but I find it quick and useful for me.




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Level 5
On 12/3/2023 at 10:54 AM, pmaddern said:

Yippee....I just discovered I can now sketch with my S-Pen in EN on my Samsung Galaxy Ultra S22 with latest EN Android version10.61.1!!

I eagerly await! I just installed v. 10.60.2 from Google Play, after my S22 Ultra got upgraded to Android 14 (and OneUI 6) yesterday. I tested again, and found that finger sketching now seems to work well, if I keep a steady pressure. S Pen on the other hand is still a hot mess: It will start writing when I press down, but very soon it will begin air sketching--I can't lift the stylus from the screen far enough for it to stop recording every movement I make on the sketch. Totally unusable. I'll test again when I get 10.61.

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I'm also occasionally experiencing problems while sketching (Evernote Android). It goes several versions back - can't remember when it started exactly. 

Never any sketching/drawing problems with other apps, so it clearly is Evernote bug.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Android version 10.62.3

Issue NOT solved.  S-Pen still doesn't work on my Samsung Tab S7.  

Does Bending Spoons even care anymore?  I have been using Evernote since 3/2011 with a paid subscription.  About ready to jump ship...

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14 hours ago, bulldog485 said:

Android version 10.62.3

Issue NOT solved.  S-Pen still doesn't work on my Samsung Tab S7.  

Does Bending Spoons even care anymore?  I have been using Evernote since 3/2011 with a paid subscription.  About ready to jump ship...

Please open a support ticket, so that the guys be aware of it, here is just a user forum

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  • 2 months later...

The problem of sketching with an S-Pen on Samsung S22 Ultra seems to have come back again! It worked in the release previous to this. My Android version is 10.80.0.

The problem occurs only when tapping on the new sketch icon in the screen in the first attachment. Adding a sketch this way won’t work at all. Funnily enough, if I hover the pen over the screen and move it around, a line appears in the Evernote sketch window following the movement of the pen. But when you touch the screen with the S-Pen, nothing happens!

However, I can get sketching to work as it should if I first create a new note from the previous screen by tapping on the green ‘Note’ icon, tapping the pan into the body of a new note and then clicking on the blue + symbol in the bottom left hand corner to insert an item into a new note and then clicking on 'sketch' as in the second attachment.

Then sketching works just fine. So inserting a sketch into a new blank note results in proper sketching whereas creating a sketch by the first method above doesn’t work anymore. I rely on sketching a lot so I find this frustrating.

First attachment.jpg

Second attachment.jpg

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  • Level 5
On 3/21/2024 at 8:35 AM, pmaddern said:

However, I can get sketching to work as it should if I first create a new note from the previous screen by tapping on the green ‘Note’ icon, tapping the pan into the body of a new note and then clicking on the blue + symbol in the bottom left hand corner to insert an item into a new note and then clicking on 'sketch' as in the second attachment.

Then sketching works just fine. So inserting a sketch into a new blank note results in proper sketching whereas creating a sketch by the first method above doesn’t work anymore. I rely on sketching a lot so I find this frustrating.

Thanks for catching this! I can confirm it (S22 Ultra, Evernote 10.80.0). I think it's an improvement, but like you say, not a complete fix. And it seems so weird for it to be broken in one method and not in the other.

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Just got a Tablet with an S Pen to take advantage of the Sketch option within Evernote.  Didn't work at all for me.  Sketch opens,  but you can't write anything with the s pen nor a finger. Is this still an issue for others too? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/21/2024 at 8:35 AM, pmaddern said:

The problem of sketching with an S-Pen on Samsung S22 Ultra seems to have come back again! It worked in the release previous to this. My Android version is 10.80.0.

The problem occurs only when tapping on the new sketch icon in the screen in the first attachment. Adding a sketch this way won’t work at all. Funnily enough, if I hover the pen over the screen and move it around, a line appears in the Evernote sketch window following the movement of the pen. But when you touch the screen with the S-Pen, nothing happens!

However, I can get sketching to work as it should if I first create a new note from the previous screen by tapping on the green ‘Note’ icon, tapping the pan into the body of a new note and then clicking on the blue + symbol in the bottom left hand corner to insert an item into a new note and then clicking on 'sketch' as in the second attachment.

Then sketching works just fine. So inserting a sketch into a new blank note results in proper sketching whereas creating a sketch by the first method above doesn’t work anymore. I rely on sketching a lot so I find this frustrating.

First attachment.jpg

Second attachment.jpg

S24 Ultra - Likewise - Sketch function does not work properly when using via direct button on widget or direct button in app - Sketch opens, and my pen works on the outer perimeter, but not in the center. 

If I follow your excellent recommendation by going via a new note, it works perfectly. The Sketch function within Samsung Notes works perfectly, so the glitch is within Evernote and not Samsung or any magnetic case issue.  

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  • 3 months later...

Samsung A52 with same exact behavior. No stylus recognition in middle of screen, except for miniscule start of line.

Works correctly after opening ne note and then selecting "sketch".

All other "drawing' apps on screen work correctly.


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