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Losing patience - need link for EverNote Legacy

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I need to reinstall the Legacy Windows app and the  only link I've found, that pops up in every search engine is the same one that leads to a post in this forum from a guy answering his own question and that link is dead. The page is no longer valid. 

Does anyone have an up to date link for it? 

That's all I really need. Additional gripe came to mind after getting here to ask that one question. So if you're bored and want to read more......

I'm glad that evernote is devoting a good amount of resources into improving the mess they made when they abandoned the design that was working very well.
In the meantime, Evernote has made the "Legacy" version available for people like me who don't want to be robbed of the ability to have a customized toolbar that uses space that is wasted in the new design's "material design" which is senseless on a PC since you aren't usually poking fat fingers at a large display.
Likewise, I'm sure the lack of a useful tray icon that has just clickable options split by a quick note sense for the hundreds of users of small windows devices out there. But for the majority of Windows users, the tray icon in the older version is far superior. because I could do a variety of things with 1-2 clicks with very little movement of the mouse. Often, once I clicked the tray icon I could look away before even clicking on the choice I wanted and hit it every time. In short, I could get more done in less time and that's really the goal, right?

Well, I don't know if I didn't have a choice or if I overlooked it but it seems like an update was needed - I assumed it was security related - and suddenly I was on the latest version. 

Yes, it's improved. I'll even say that I like it. But it doesn't improve on what I mentioned above. To be useful, it needs to have customizable shortcuts that are up front and center. I don't want to go through a dropdown menu when a button did the work. If this bothers the artists the created the interface to a utility, then do something cool like provide optoinal resizable, custom colorable, toolbars on all four sides of the screen that can each be toggled independently where shortcut icon can be resized, grouped into sub-folders, rearranged, and moved between active toolbars,  And while you're at it, throw in an additional but optional floating customizable resizable toolbar, and make each capable of holding duplicate shortcuts so the same shortcut could be on all five. I've heard the excuse that "you can't please everyone" and I say that with the tools and skills available, that's simply not true. If each user can customize, then everyone can be happy. 

It may be extreme but it would do the job. Otherwise you either have a large chunk of people using an insecure old app on Windows or you're spending money keeping both up to date. 

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Hi.  Try this one - it appeared in a different thread somewhere:  (EDIT: link deleted)

That said,  Legacy won't (say the new owners) disappear in the immediate future,  but it is a stub.  There will be no more development or fixing,  even as OS's,  browsers and v10 keep on progressing.  Some Mac users have already lost some functionality.  So there's a clock running on how long you can continue with the old app.  It will soon be time to decide whether to accept the quirks of v10,  or find a viable alternative. 

On a quick look,  most of your objections are pretty cosmetic and there are alternative ways to get to a new note (for example) if you're willing to be flexible.  I know everyone hates change and learning curves,  but if you're actively using the new app you can at least make feature requests and find workarounds at your leisure,  with Legacy to fall back on - rather than hiding away in the Legacy cave and getting dumped out without a safety net in several months time...


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  • 1 month later...
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I deleted the link to the legacy installer in my previous post because I'm happy to help where (and if) I can,  but I'm increasingly concerned that relying on legacy is a very short-term cure for whatever ails you.  v10 is rapidly branching away from compatibility with Legacy and I'll be surprised if syncing is still possible by the end of this year. 

I totally understand and sympathise if you prefer the 'old' version with all its quirks,  but IMHO you either have to get on board with the new v10 or find a different note-taking app.  Things are changing and you may get left behind.

It's good for our community if you stay on and press for new features if you need them - improvements can only benefit everyone;  but at some point Evernote is going to realise that getting some basics totally right - like quick, error-proof syncing - means dumping compatibility and any remaining legacy users.  Sticking with legacy means your need for some features isn't being reflected in v10 stats or requests - so Evernote aren't even aware there's a need.

They've already given notice the app is no longer supported,  so legacy connections could shut down at any time.  Staying with the old app is a daily risk of losing immediate access to your notes.  (Getting it back would be relatively simple - download the new app,  let it set up your new database structure, and you're back - but with little to no experience in how to use the new architecture.)

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1 hour ago, Siim said:

I'm glad I found it before you deleted it then. When it stops syncing then I'll migrate.

I'm glad to see you took my heartfelt message seriously...;)

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Well, in theory, one can use Legacy until one has to update one's computer.  Without syncing of course.  And as long as you don't sign out.  Definitely a time line on this approach.  Current OS device air gapped in the basement in 10 years?   Probably not.

If you don't care for V10 I'd get your migration plan in place and be ready to execute (maybe tested a bit).  Voice of experience here, It took a minute for me to get it right. 

Anyway, nothing wrong in using Legacy as long as allowed and acceptable .  Maybe some of whatever the problematic issues are for you will get resolved in the meantime.  One can dream.

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The link is no longer available.

Anyone have a different one?

I also use the legacy version a lot.

in the new one they removed a lot of the stuff I've been using in the old version. (toggling the Note list on and off, for starters; I would keep that next to the sidebar and toggle both very conveniently with F10 and F11; no longer possible for the note list; in order for it to show up I need to create  a new note!!!! FFS)

Keyboard hotkeys don't work for the new version, when it comes to the note list, even after expressly customizing them. That is a product bug which never got addressed since the overhaul. 

The strikethrough button was removed from the formatting bar; luckily CTRL+T still worked to achieve the same result.

No way to colour notes and notebooks in the sidebar anymore!!

And I use the search functionality in the Note list. I don't want extra fluff, such as EVN Home screen that they've added; I want the basic software to work and it doesn't.



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I am a paying customer and should have access to the version I want to use.

Really getting on my nerves and will research on how to transition to a different app. ( with notes organized into Stacks as well :( )

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34 minutes ago, hype23 said:

I am a paying customer and should have access to the version I want to use.

Windows 7 & 8 users are coming up against similar problems - Microsoft is no longer supporting them with security upgrades,  and some applications will no longer work on those platforms.  There's no right to access here - what you have are all the subscriber benefits of the currently supported application. 

Evernote have,  as a courtesy,  left it open for a couple of years now for people on Legacy to conrinue using that service,  with all original features still compatible with it.  But it's becoming harder for them to maintain that compatibility with time,  and eventually it will stop.

47 minutes ago, hype23 said:

when trying to download, I get the attached message.

I got to this with a web search for the version number and my OS...


Meantime Evernote is not limiting third party websites - any access issues are down to your browser or your network...

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1 hour ago, hype23 said:

I am a paying customer and should have access to the version I want to use.

Deprecated means deprecated, not supported any more, by no means. This was more than 30 months ago.

You can use whatever you like locally, but from a cloud based service, you can’t expect the backend to stay frozen in time. On this crucial part the clock is ticking, and it’s ticking louder every day.

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55 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

... the clock is ticking, and it’s ticking louder every day.

Yes, the clock is ticking for V10 indeed, frustrated users will not wait endlessly for a real fix of the underlying race condition bugs in V10. These kinds of bugs cannot be fixed by just improving performance. This may reduce the frequency, but the real problem will always come back sooner or later


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I too am a paying frustrated customer.  Just set up my home office and this is ridiculous.  Everything is slower and three more steps with the new version.  How can you delist the only workable version of your product?  Every old version I have won't sync with their servers...  So, the legacy version still will sync if I can find it?  I have it buried in my office files somewhere... 

Seriously, if you make me update to this version on my whole office, I would need a new document managing system.  It's that bad.  Bad enough for me to come here obviously, and I gave it a week.  In my office, I only gave it about an hour.  It is completely unworkable for real work.


Edit:  Found it on one of my office computer.  It will still sync?  Trying now...

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7 minutes ago, CalS said:

Don't know what is blacking you.  Are you on a corporate network?  Download EverNote for Windows - Filehippo.com

It works for me.  Also, thankfully its still syncing.  Thank you all, I shall retreat back into the shadows.  

On a final note, to the Devs.  People who work with this thing need instant access to everything, no dropdown menus, no quick tabs, no importing to the current notebook, no smooth scrolling through notebooks, everything downloading on the fly that hasn't downloaded before, tedious and impractical if you're using it for work.  Why ruin a good thing for no upside?

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On 6/21/2023 at 12:45 PM, gazumped said:

I'm increasingly concerned that relying on legacy is a very short-term cure for whatever ails you.  v10 is rapidly branching away from compatibility with Legacy and I'll be surprised if syncing is still possible by the end of this year. 

May be... You're right in nearly all cases - but I hope that EN will stay with Legacy's operability as long as my OS allows Legacy to run. EN should not decline syncs on their site 🙏.

The more people ask about it, the better it will be perceived by EN-Mgmt.

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The question is not whether they allow syncs on their site.

The question is how large the effort will be to further support it, once RTE has completely taken over. Legacy still needs to sync a whole note, which was how things were when EN started 15 years ago.

RTE only syncs the little snippet of information that was actually changed. If you now send a full note to the syncing interface, every time RTE has grabbed another tiny change, it will be a very costly accumulation of full notes waiting to sync, eventually.

Currently EN somehow manages to provide for syncing information for both "worlds". I doubt this will go on infinitely.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/22/2023 at 10:03 PM, AlbertR said:

May be... You're right in nearly all cases - but I hope that EN will stay with Legacy's operability as long as my OS allows Legacy to run. EN should not decline syncs on their site 🙏.

The more people ask about it, the better it will be perceived by EN-Mgmt.

Maybe still supporting the old API's of Legacy is the root of some kind of complexity causing all this trouble with v10. We don't know. I've moved to v10 and still miss ~10 features, of which ~3 are really should-have to my workflow. I changed my workflow in such a way that I can work with v10 now. But I feel handicapped every day. I hope they can fix that soon. I'll not stick to Legacy cause it's not sustainable and I will have no real good alternative to Evernote with my workflow/needs and my 15.000 of notes... 

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Thanks for the Legacy version link, that was useful.

On a not-so-recent Windows 10 laptop :

  • New interface = slow reaction time, unable to change the UI language, consuming 500MB+ of RAM memory
  • Legacy = quick reaction time, more flexible, consuming 150MB or RAM

The day the legacy version will be blocked will be my last day as a paid user.

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On 7/5/2023 at 8:16 PM, MvdH said:

Maybe still supporting the old API's of Legacy is the root of some kind of complexity causing all this trouble with v10.

To use the APIs you connect to the server. Who uses APIs? Approximately 1% of forum attendees and 0.001% of average EN users.

From my point of view all the pain with V10 comes from its UI on client side which is designed to be the same on all platforms. That's a good goal for EN developers - but a very hard decision for us users with beloved fluidy workflows 😞

OK, there are some new features that affect clients and server functionailty (RTE/new sync, tasks) but as long as we do not use them, EN10 should be enhanced to reflect Legacy's UI advantages (speed, display size, possibility to show images and embedded documents in one line, ...).

The last mentioned UI advantages are my 3 should-haves. But I've to add an other one that seems more complicated to be implemented: Handle two EN account in parallel in one Windows session 😉

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On 7/10/2023 at 9:25 AM, AlbertR said:

To use the APIs you connect to the server. Who uses APIs? Approximately 1% of forum attendees and 0.001% of average EN users.


Everybody uses API's. Nobody excluded. I meant the API's that Legacy and v10 use themselves to connect and sync with the backend. 😊

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4 hours ago, MvdH said:

I meant the API's that Legacy and v10 use themselves to connect and sync with the backend.


On 7/5/2023 at 8:16 PM, MvdH said:

Maybe still supporting the old API's of Legacy is the root of some kind of complexity causing all this trouble with v10.

OK, I'm not as deep inside EN's architecture to destinguish between the documented (and open to all) API, an (internal?) API of Legacy to talk with the server and a (new?) API that EN10 uses. If WebClipper and EN10 communicate by using the (only, documented, old) API, this cannot be the reason for EN10 trouble.

But Tasks and RTE need either a new or at least enhanced API. If I would have been part of a EN10 development team, my suggestion would have gone to a new API to avoid conflicts with older stuff.

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41 minutes ago, AlbertR said:

my suggestion would have gone to a new API to avoid conflicts with older stuff.

Any detailed discussion is going to be pure speculation - none of us knows what choices they had when bringing in new features,  but I'm increasingly of the belief that ensuring backwards compatibility with Legacy means delays for committed v10 users,  and anyone still using Legacy even part time is at least partly contributing to their own degraded performance experience.  It's going to be painful until everyone makes a commitment to v10.

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4 hours ago, gazumped said:

... ensuring backwards compatibility with Legacy means delays for committed v10 users...

OK, ok - I am guilty 🙏

But if you think about re-occuring time lags on opening notes even a user uses only EN10: Are the caused by backward compatibility to Legacy? Or space needs on our screens? Or inability to use two accounts in parallel? Or, or, or...

These are caused be the new UI framework. This has come first with EN10. And noone forced EN to fire new additional features before getting this run to our satisfaction. Why not solving problems step by step? And increase the price at last 😉


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35 minutes ago, AlbertR said:

Or space needs on our screens? Or inability to use two accounts in parallel? Or, or, or...

These are caused be the new UI framework. This has come first with EN10. And noone forced EN to fire new additional features before getting this run to our satisfaction. Why not solving problems step by step?

Perhaps because there is no intention to address the space and two accounts in parallel. I've no inside knowledge but that may just be gone or not planned for future changes.

The note opening lag has been addressed and, for some/many, it works well enough now with the suggestion that switching back and forth between Legacy and v10 may be part of the cause of continued problems.

I applaud your commitment to trying to frame the conversation around Legacy features. I wish you well but strongly suspect that you will be unsuccessful.

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14 minutes ago, agsteele said:

I've no inside knowledge

Hmmm, but as being member of the Expert Community you are somewhere between in- and outsider.
We appreciate your comments on upcoming releases - and hope that EN10.60 (planned on 03.08.23 ) will solve some of our problems. Obviously not my two-account need... 😉

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37 minutes ago, agsteele said:

You can read the Release Notes for 10.59 for the tentative dates for 10.60

Where?  I don't see it in the Mac release notes.  Here is what we have in the Mac:


  • Added option to disable Low Hard Drive Space warning
  • Added option to disable Open Local File warning (handling file:// links)
  • Added option to disable Open External Application warning (handling file:// links)



  • Set Low Hard Drive Space limit to 5GB before showing warning
  • Performance improvements and miscellaneous bug fixes
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