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Syncronization failed could not connect to evernote server


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On Vista, after resuming from standby or hibernation if I had left evernote running, it is quite likely that evernote will be sucking 100% of CPU resources (strangely, this is not user time but system time). I believe it is trying to synchronize... Since this is not user time but system time, I suspect somekind of graphical bug with the notification icon.

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I have also noticed that Evernote sometimes has trouble (max cpu usage being once symptom) if left open while Vista sleeps.

Sorry I can't be more specific yet - I'll try to come up with more details as time goes by.

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  • 2 weeks later...


still happening for me consistently on my laptop with win2003 when it comes out of standby. what's most annoying is that the process can't be killed, so when this happens I need to reboot.

any idea when it'll be fixed? thanks!

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Seeing as you are on Vista you could use the Windows Performance Toolkit to get some more information if you are technically inclined...

http://blogs.msdn.com/ntdebugging/archi ... xperf.aspx

It is nice to know that other people are having issues with high system cpu as well, I was suspecting it was because I had a relatively old video card (and a reasonably old cpu paired with it)

See viewtopic.php?f=30&t=6282&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a as well

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Since this is not user time but system time, I suspect somekind of graphical bug with the notification icon.

IMHO this is unlikely a graphical bug but a problem with the network. The problem most applications don't handle well is that as soon as the OS returns from hybernation/sleep, the network is not ready yet. Especially if you're 'connected' via a wireless card. But of course, the applications start running immediately without realizing that the network is not ready yet.

My advice to all application developers is: after returning from hybernation, set a timeout of about one minute before you do any automatic networking stuff.

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I have the same problem after resuming from standby and hibernation with Windows XP. (90-100% CPU, unable to force-quit Evernote through task manager)

Here is the displayed error message in the top left of my screen, if this helps anyone:

"Synchonization Error

17:38 0% TException: Can't send HTTP request, error: INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED"

Any solutions/workarounds at this point?

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You could try capturing some information about the issue with kernrate as that will help highlight where the problem is happening (assuming that it is a system CPU issue and not a user process CPU issue). Apparently the XP 32bit version of kernrate works on Vista without any issues

If you are not comfortable running programs from a cmd prompt I wouldn't suggest doing this

You may also need to run kernrate with elevated privileges on Vista (I haven't tried using it there)

If you are, then get kernrate from Microsoft at http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system/sy ... rview.mspx

Install the package, then run it from a command prompt and collect the output into a file

Share the information on the forum if you like or send it to Evernote support and see if it helps them get any further

If the problem is easily reproducable the Evernote staff will have already diagnosed the issue from the problem reports so far so going to all this trouble would be wasted

If you wish to go ahead and collect the extra information either just because you are curious or you want to pass it on to Evernote to see if it helps them

Get a cmd prompt and navigate to the directory where kernrate is installed and run the 32bit or 64bit version as appropriate for your installation

In order to get meaningful information for the names you need a symbol path set (on my XP installation c:\Windows\Symbols is an appropriate path)

In the cmd window

set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH=SRV*C:\Windows\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols

In my case for a 32bit XP the appropriate executable for kernrate was "C:\Program Files\KrView\Kernrates\Kernrate_i386_XP.exe"

The parameters I used for Kernrate for the first collection pass were to collect data for 60 seconds, and to look at Evernote specifically (by name)

Also to show all the processes running (-t) and to show locking information with a threshold of 100 and to exclude items that had less than 20 calls from the output

"C:\Program Files\KrView\Kernrates\Kernrate_i386_XP.exe" -ns Evernote.exe -a -s 60 -t -x# 100 -k 20 > evernote_high_cpu-file1.txt

For the second pass, after I had seen that win32k was high in the list of kernel modules consuming CPU resources (in "Results for Kernel Mode:" table)

So I added a "-z win32k" to zoom in on that module and give more details (in the hope that it might be more obvious what components were being called)

"C:\Program Files\KrView\Kernrates\Kernrate_i386_XP.exe" -z win32k -ns Evernote.exe -a -s 60 -t -x# 100 -k 20 > evernote_high_cpu-file2.txt

In my case I made a third pass as well and added "-z comctl32" as I had also used Process Explorer and noticed that comctl32 was in the stack and I wanted to make sure that the process was stuck in the kernel. I did this so I could double check that the 0.00 user time of the Evernote process really did mean that the Evernote program had not done anything and was waiting on the kernel to return.

"C:\Program Files\KrView\Kernrates\Kernrate_i386_XP.exe" -z win32k -ns Evernote.exe -z comctl32 -a -s 60 -t -x# 100 -k 20 > evernote_high_cpu-file3.txt

The information may not mean very much but if you just ran the very first kernrate that I gave above, you might get an indication of where the process is spending its time

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  • 3 weeks later...

I started getting this problem today...first time ever for v3. I resumed from hibernation first, got the problem, so I rebooted. After reboot, still have the same problem. Frustrating!! The most frustrating part is the inability to kill the process.

Vista 32 Business Ed.

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If the problem is easily reproducable the Evernote staff will have already diagnosed the issue from the problem reports so far so going to all this trouble would be wasted

It's impossible to know what their opinion is on this topic. I'm not planning to install symbols and other diagnostic tools (not sure many other users will) just for debugging evernote. If they need help on this, they can ask.

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We appreciate the information, and are trying to reproduce this problem. (I'm running on Vista right now, and don't see this problem after coming out of suspend.)

We appreciate any other configuration information you can provide.


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We appreciate the information, and are trying to reproduce this problem. (I'm running on Vista right now, and don't see this problem after coming out of suspend.)

We appreciate any other configuration information you can provide.


On the latests versions, it doesn't happen all the time... I suspect somekind of timing between the time you suspend and when ev needs to synchronize. Thanks for looking into the issue!


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  • 2 weeks later...
We appreciate the information, and are trying to reproduce this problem. (I'm running on Vista right now, and don't see this problem after coming out of suspend.)

We appreciate any other configuration information you can provide.


Ok I captured a stack trace when evernote crashes using process explorer. I don't know if that's any help...



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We indeed suspect this to be a networking problem when trying to access network using WinInet library (which we use) right after the system wake up.

Meanwhile, if you experience the problem, try to turn off automatic synchronization (in Account > Properties) and turn off automatic checks for program updates (in Tools > Options) and live with such setup for a day or so, putting the computer in a suspend mode and back. Then report if the problem persists or not.

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  • 1 month later...

This is still not fixed; twice in the last couple of days it has happened to me -- I come back from suspend, and Evernote consumes 100% of one core (I have a dual core laptop). I have to force kill evernote.exe, and even then it that takes a good minute to take effect. What's worse is that the recent release of Evernote now essentially runs all the time. I have to explicitly go to the Application menu and select Exit; clicking on the X button in the upper right corner just minimises Evernote to the tray. Please give me options, don't *force* me into a single way of operating. I don't want the clipper running all the time, it is far too basic and buggy to be of any use to me.

And while I'm here ranting, caps-Lock twice is a terrible idea for a keyboard shortcut. By about 15 minutes after I'd installed the updated version of Evernote I'd already disabled that shortcut. There can't be any real world testing being performed on these releases with glaringly obvious issues like this in what is theoretically a minor update. Please, fix the existing bugs before implementing new features!

I really want to love Evernote, and I ADORE it in principle, but man the bugs are starting to get to me.

Sorry for the tone of the email, I just feel frustrated that I've managed to get myself hooked on a concept with such patchy execution (some things are really good), no visible improvement in terms of bug fixes (none of the ones that affect me anyway), and to top it all off, the company seems to spend an inordinate amount of time promoting Evernote (fair enough) when I would love it if that time and effort was spent fixing bugs.

At the end of the day I'm "just a user" so perhaps you don't care, but I hope you will take my post as genuine feedback.

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This is still not fixed; twice in the last couple of days it has happened to me -- I come back from suspend, and Evernote consumes 100% of one core (I have a dual core laptop). I have to force kill evernote.exe, and even then it that takes a good minute to take effect. What's worse is that the recent release of Evernote now essentially runs all the time. I have to explicitly go to the Application menu and select Exit; clicking on the X button in the upper right corner just minimises Evernote to the tray. Please give me options, don't *force* me into a single way of operating. I don't want the clipper running all the time, it is far too basic and buggy to be of any use to me.

And while I'm here ranting, caps-Lock twice is a terrible idea for a keyboard shortcut. By about 15 minutes after I'd installed the updated version of Evernote I'd already disabled that shortcut. There can't be any real world testing being performed on these releases with glaringly obvious issues like this in what is theoretically a minor update. Please, fix the existing bugs before implementing new features!

I really want to love Evernote, and I ADORE it in principle, but man the bugs are starting to get to me.

Sorry for the tone of the email, I just feel frustrated that I've managed to get myself hooked on a concept with such patchy execution (some things are really good), no visible improvement in terms of bug fixes (none of the ones that affect me anyway), and to top it all off, the company seems to spend an inordinate amount of time promoting Evernote (fair enough) when I would love it if that time and effort was spent fixing bugs.

At the end of the day I'm "just a user" so perhaps you don't care, but I hope you will take my post as genuine feedback.

About bugs:

We know about the issue with high CPU usage after resuming from standby/hibernate. We are trying our best to nail this down. If this was easily reproducible on our side, we would just fix the problem. The problem is not reproducible in our labs, unfortunately, which makes fixing this a hard task. You say 'fix bugs and then implement features'. If we would do this literally, then we would just hold any activity and would not improve the application just because we have this nasty bug. This could last for weeks -- nobody knows -- and holding off new features would not help track this problem down.

Now, about features:

If you do not like the "caps caps" shortcut, you can change it easily (this is what you did already). For me, this is the easiest shortcut possible which doesn't interfere with my normal usage of Caps Lock feature: this is a big key which is easy to press even with the single little finger, which is close to 'A' key (when you press Ctrl+A to select all content in a window and then "caps caps" to clip the selection). For some users this doesn't work for a number of reasons -- that's fine, they have an option to change the shortcut.

We do not exit Evernote by default just because we want the clipping to be as fast and smooth as possible. If you explicitly want to exit Evernote each time and don't want the clipper to be running, then yes, you should explicitly do Application > Exit (either from the main application menu or from the tray menu). You can do this also by using the Ctrl+F4 shortcut, which is fast and convenient.

You say that the clipper is too basic and buggy. I would love to hear about bugs you noticed and missing features in it (to make it more powerful and less buggy). For now it does what advertized -- clips selection from any capable application in a single click of a button (i.e. does all the stuff all other dedicated clippers that come with Evernote do, and even more: screen clipping/drawing, etc.).

I understand that you are frustrated with that Evernote bug with freezing, but let's be less emotional and more constructive. We all want to fix bugs as and make application more usable.

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About bugs:

We know about the issue with high CPU usage after resuming from standby/hibernate. We are trying our best to nail this down. If this was easily reproducible on our side, we would just fix the problem. The problem is not reproducible in our labs, unfortunately, which makes fixing this a hard task. You say 'fix bugs and then implement features'. If we would do this literally, then we would just hold any activity and would not improve the application just because we have this nasty bug. This could last for weeks -- nobody knows -- and holding off new features would not help track this problem down.

Now, about features:

If you do not like the "caps caps" shortcut, you can change it easily (this is what you did already). For me, this is the easiest shortcut possible which doesn't interfere with my normal usage of Caps Lock feature: this is a big key which is easy to press even with the single little finger, which is close to 'A' key (when you press Ctrl+A to select all content in a window and then "caps caps" to clip the selection). For some users this doesn't work for a number of reasons -- that's fine, they have an option to change the shortcut.

We do not exit Evernote by default just because we want the clipping to be as fast and smooth as possible. If you explicitly want to exit Evernote each time and don't want the clipper to be running, then yes, you should explicitly do Application > Exit (either from the main application menu or from the tray menu). You can do this also by using the Ctrl+F4 shortcut, which is fast and convenient.

You say that the clipper is too basic and buggy. I would love to hear about bugs you noticed and missing features in it (to make it more powerful and less buggy). For now it does what advertized -- clips selection from any capable application in a single click of a button (i.e. does all the stuff all other dedicated clippers that come with Evernote do, and even more: screen clipping/drawing, etc.).

I understand that you are frustrated with that Evernote bug with freezing, but let's be less emotional and more constructive. We all want to fix bugs as and make application more usable.

Thanks for the reply.

The freezing is far from the only bug I have experienced; rather, it is only the latest, exarcebated by the new behaviour of Evernote never quitting. About a week after I first found out about and installed Evernote 3 (maybe three or four months ago), I submitted a long list of bugs to the website (via a feedback form). I never got any response (that'll teach me for taking the time to offer feedback), and in the intervening months not a single thing on that list has been fixed. There would've been perhaps 20 bugs, all fairly significant; to be fair, a lot of them were related to the editor which I know you are trying to replace. Unfortunately I didn't keep the list, otherwise I would post it here again.

Re. 100% CPU utilisation, for what it's worth: I have a Dell XPS M1330 laptop, with Vista Business, 4GB of RAM. Software I have running all the time:

NOD32 anti-virus

Jungle Disk


Windows Live Messenger

PureText (a clipboard utility)


Re. clipper: two main problems in my view. One, in general, HTML capture is very poor, almost unusable. I hardly use this function because it mangles websites so much. Evernote obviously has its own HMTL engine, but it is missing too much functionality, and so I never use it. Two, screen capture is too fiddly. Instead of showing a bounding box that I then have to resize by its corners, what you should present is a cross-hair cursor that I can drag over the area I want to capture, and as soon as I release the mouse the capture is done. I should also have several screen capture options like entire screen, window, active window, etc. For screenshots I currently use SnagIt and paste into Evernote.

Re. caps-lock twice: if I go to hit the A key and instead accidentally hit the caps-lock key, I immediately hit caps-lock again to unset caps-lock. See the problem? Evernote kicks in, takes over the actual caps-lock function (it seems to either disable it completely or reverse it), pops up the capture notification, takes focus away from what I was doing... Incredibly jarring and frustrating.


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The freezing is far from the only bug I have experienced; rather, it is only the latest, exarcebated by the new behaviour of Evernote never quitting. About a week after I first found out about and installed Evernote 3 (maybe three or four months ago), I submitted a long list of bugs to the website (via a feedback form). I never got any response (that'll teach me for taking the time to offer feedback), and in the intervening months not a single thing on that list has been fixed. There would've been perhaps 20 bugs, all fairly significant; to be fair, a lot of them were related to the editor which I know you are trying to replace. Unfortunately I didn't keep the list, otherwise I would post it here again.

Please be assured that we look at all feedback we get; if the feedback describes the bug, we certainly file a case. If we don't get back to the customer who reported the bug, well, we simply have no time to reply to everyone with 'thanks, got this'. We get back to the user only if we need some additional information. But we are very thankful to everyone who dares to send feedback to us.

Re. 100% CPU utilisation, for what it's worth: I have a Dell XPS M1330 laptop, with Vista Business, 4GB of RAM. Software I have running all the time:

NOD32 anti-virus

Jungle Disk


Windows Live Messenger

PureText (a clipboard utility)


Can you try to experiment with disabling automatic synchronization (this is what we suspect to be the cause of the problem)? If the freezing will go away, this will help us to narrow the problem down (and may help you to use Evernote with less problems while we fixing the bug).

Re. clipper: two main problems in my view. One, in general, HTML capture is very poor, almost unusable. I hardly use this function because it mangles websites so much. Evernote obviously has its own HMTL engine, but it is missing too much functionality, and so I never use it.

Do you use other clippers (e.g. for Firefox or IE)? All our clippers produce the same result when clipping HTML. Yes, we are currently stripping down CSS for several reasons (text with CSS is very hard to alter later and to render properly when in web interface). This is not just because of the limitation of the HTML engine we use on Windows.

Two, screen capture is too fiddly. Instead of showing a bounding box that I then have to resize by its corners, what you should present is a cross-hair cursor that I can drag over the area I want to capture, and as soon as I release the mouse the capture is done.

The clipper already has the cross-hair cursor when you move it outside the selection box, so you can either "draw" the box or use handles to fine-tune it. Double-click inside the selected area, and your clip will go into Evernote.

I should also have several screen capture options like entire screen, window, active window, etc.

Our clipper has this also. Right-click when in screen capture mode, and you will discover many handly options and shortcuts.

Re. caps-lock twice: if I go to hit the A key and instead accidentally hit the caps-lock key, I immediately hit caps-lock again to unset caps-lock. See the problem? Evernote kicks in, takes over the actual caps-lock function (it seems to either disable it completely or reverse it), pops up the capture notification, takes focus away from what I was doing... Incredibly jarring and frustrating.

Well, we will try to see what can be the reason of malfunctioning. Current "caps caps" implementation is supposed to be transparent and it doesn't "eat" your single Caps Lock keypresses. If you press Caps Lock twice quickly (a 500ms threshold is used now), then it will only fire. Maybe the option to tweak the threshold will help.

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Can you try to experiment with disabling automatic synchronization (this is what we suspect to be the cause of the problem)? If the freezing will go away, this will help us to narrow the problem down (and may help you to use Evernote with less problems while we fixing the bug).

I disabled automatic synchronisation, and the problem hasn't occurred in the two or three days since I changed it, so it would appear to be a strong suspect.

Do you use other clippers (e.g. for Firefox or IE)? All our clippers produce the same result when clipping HTML. Yes, we are currently stripping down CSS for several reasons (text with CSS is very hard to alter later and to render properly when in web interface). This is not just because of the limitation of the HTML engine we use on Windows.

Not really. I have the Firefox clipper installed, but I just find the HTML capture too poor. It may capture the raw information, but the presentation is usually pretty bad. I end up selecting text, copying and pasting into Evernote.

The clipper already has the cross-hair cursor when you move it outside the selection box, so you can either "draw" the box or use handles to fine-tune it. Double-click inside the selected area, and your clip will go into Evernote.

Our clipper has this also. Right-click when in screen capture mode, and you will discover many handly options and shortcuts.

Ha!! Amazing! That's great, it's pretty useful!

My confidence is restored. By disabling auto-synchronisation I've managed to sidestep the 100% CPU bug, and the screen capture is pretty good. Thanks again!

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  • 2 years later...

I just signed up for the premium service yesterday and it seemed to be working fine, syncronizing and everything.

Today, every time the program tries to syncronize i get the message - Synchronization failed could not connect to evernote server. Could you please help with this problem, there doesn't seem to be any point in having the program if I can't synchronize my notes online.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for the tip. I had the same problem and I hardly use Internet Explorer and wouldn't have come up with this solution. Still strange that Evernote is in someway linked to (the offline setting of) the Internet Explorer, while I'm happily surfing the internet with Chrome or Firefox...

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  • 9 months later...

Evernote, like many other Windows applications, uses Internet Explorer components to access the internet. One consequence of this is that when IE is set to offline mode, then these apps can not access the internet.

The first thing a user should do when a sync failure is reported is to check EN -> Help -> Activity Log. The last entries in the log should show the reason for the failure. If the reason is shown as IE Offline then fix that and the problem should go away.


Evernote for Windows (203756) Prerelease
OS: Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
User: owyn
Memory: 46.6MB
Created: 2011/11/12 10:04:08
10:02:53 [964] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com
10:02:53 [964] 0% * loaded updateCount: 90450
10:02:53 [964] 0% Windows Internet subsystem is in offline mode
10:02:53 [964] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s
10:02:53 [964] 0% * 0s (0%) spent in EDAM RPC

If some other reason caused the failure, and, the failure persists on retry after waiting 5-10 minutes. Then:

- Save the last 10 lines of the log

- Include the log information when reporting the error to the forum.

The users here may not be able to solve the problem, but, we certainly will be able to determine if you need to file a support request for direct action by Evernote. The information from the log will also be needed for the support request.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm using Evernote 4.5.2 on an XP machine that's fully updated. Both the automatic sync and clicking on the Sync button produce the message "Synchronisation failed" and the Sync button has the red exclamation point. What can I do to help diagnose the problem?


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Evernote for Windows (209040) Public

OS: Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3

User: maddaze

Memory: 34.3MB

Created: 2011/12/22 00:17:12


00:14:43 [5252] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

00:15:50 [5252] 0% Authenticating user "maddaze"

00:15:50 [5252] 0% Can't send HTTP request, error: INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

00:15:50 [5252] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

00:15:50 [5252] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

00:16:10 [2624] Command line: "C:Program FilesEvernoteEvernoteEvernote.exe"

00:16:13 [5252] 0% Authenticating user "maddaze"

00:16:13 [5252] 0% Can't send HTTP request, error: INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

00:16:13 [5252] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

00:16:13 [5252] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC


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I am having the same problem as Maddaze. Here is my cut/paste:

Evernote for Windows (209040) Public

OS: Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3

User: loveja92

Memory: 24.2MB

Created: 2011/12/22 09:04:02


08:51:23 [4924] 0% Authenticating user "loveja92"

08:51:24 [4924] 0% HTTP request failed, code: 403, error: Authentication required

08:51:24 [4924] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s

08:51:24 [4924] 0% * 0s (0%) spent in EDAM RPC

08:51:24 [7732] Launching service url https://www.evernote.com/setAuthToken?auth=&redirect=/User.action#summary

08:53:08 [7780] AutoUpdate: checking for update at: http://update.evernote.com/public/ENWin4/update.xml

08:53:09 [7780] Received status code 200 when accessing URL http://update.evernote.com/public/ENWin4/update.xml

08:53:09 [7780] Unable to load XML file: 3 - INVALID_DOC



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Related question: I posted my problem to Evernote Dec 22. No response yet. I'm not a premium member. Any idea when and how I might hear from Evernote?


It depends on how busy things are at Evernote support. I only submitted one support request as a free member. I submitted it 2011-08-28 and after the automatic email assigning a ticket number I did not hear from support until 2011-09-07. Response after that was very quick.

Premium users typically see a response within one business day. Sometimes much less than one business day, but, again that depends on load at support.

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Hmmm...I didn't get any sort of automatic response. Wonder if I mistyped my email address. In any case, your experience of a week during a normal work period suggests the delay I'm seeing is not unusual. And since it's Christmas, who knows?

Thanks for the feedback,


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The automatic response should have been sent within minutes to the registered email address for your account (Web client -> Settings -> Personal Settings -> Email address).

The automatic response email may have ended up in your Spam.

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I've verified that the email address is correct. And I check the spam folder each time before deleting its contents. I can't guarantee that the email wasn't there, though I doubt it. In any case, I'll wait another week before leaving another msg at Evernote.

Thanks and as one says around here, Bonne Fin d'Année,


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I've verified that the email address is correct. And I check the spam folder each time before deleting its contents. I can't guarantee that the email wasn't there, though I doubt it. In any case, I'll wait another week before leaving another msg at Evernote.

Thanks and as one says around here, Bonne Fin d'Année,


Get another one in the queue NOW. And make sure that you get and save the confirmation email. Sync problems need to get fixed.

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If you haven't received an auto-response it's highly likely we didn't receive your submission. Did some nosing about and couldn't find any tickets with your forum account info. If you want, PM me your Evernote username and I can double check again, otherwise, I'd attempt to resubmit to ensure you get something in queue.

Other reasons you may not have received notice is it's either being caught by your spam folder, or you're requesting with a different Evernote Account or registered email (it happens quite a bit).

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Today, without me doing anything other than replying to a personal email to gbarry of Evernote, synchronisation is now working on my desktop. If gbarry did something, thanks! To everyone else, thanks also.

Happy synchronisation in 2012 to everyone,


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I am new to Evernote and installed it on my work PC yesterday. It synced just fine with my iPad yesterday. Today, when I launch EN it will not sync. I get the following error message:

Synchonization Failed

could not connect to evernote server

Any ideas as to where I should go from here?

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Thanks for the help - Here is the information from the activity log.


11:04:24 [3848] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

11:04:24 [3848] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

11:07:28 [3848] 0% Authenticating user "jazzrat"

11:07:28 [3848] 0% Can't send HTTP request, error: INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

11:07:28 [3848] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

11:07:28 [3848] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

11:10:24 [3848] 0% Authenticating user "jazzrat"

11:10:24 [3848] 0% Can't send HTTP request, error: INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

11:10:24 [3848] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

11:10:24 [3848] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

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  • 3 months later...

For users seeing this issue. Test to see if IE can connect to www.evernote.com

If not, IE9 users should check their tracking protection lists which seem to be blocking the evernote domain.

Go to the Safety->Tracking Prtotection menu item and disable all tracking protection.

Enable them 1 by 1 while testing your connection to www.evernote.com.

You'll need to restart IE9 after each tracking protection list config change.

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  • 1 year later...

For the last few hours I've been getting this error on Evernote that it has failed to synch.


I've checked my log and found this:


"19:14:05 [6884] 0% Can't send HTTP request, error: INTERNET_SECURITY_CHANNEL_ERROR

19:14:05 [6884] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s
19:14:05 [6884] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC"
I've cleared my trash folder and etc. just because that has done it in the past, are the servers down, or what's up with this error code?
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Same for me. I have the correct log-in details as can log in to web portal. Have raised it through support as well.


Have logged out of the desktop app and tried to log back in. Have the response -  'Cannot connect to server. Please try again later'

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Mine says this:

12:02:57 [5176] 0% Can't send HTTP request, error: INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

12:02:57 [5176] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 33s

12:02:57 [5176] 0% * 0s (0%) spent in EDAM RPC

I emptied the trash and also uninstalled, rebooted, reinstalled withe the current install file, as they told me to do. and nothing helped.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't sync it keeps saying synchronization failed, and the tech support is non-existent, other than saying there is a bug without any clear solution.  I have uninstalled and re-installed numerous times, without any real solution.  I have no idea how to fix this...and Evernote is very clever since they don't have live tech support.  The chat didn't help. Does anyone know how to fix this based on the below log?



Evernote for Windows (268861) Public
OS: Windows 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
User: shelly411
Memory: 46.2MB
Created: 2013/05/20 13:31:54
Bootstrap info: loadedFresh
<bootstrap_info><profile name="Evernote"><settings account_email_domain="m.evernote.com" enable_facebook_sharing="1" enable_gift_subscriptions="1" enable_linkedin_sharing="1" enable_shared_notebooks="1" enable_single_notesharing="1" enable_sponsored_accounts="1" enable_support_tickets="1" enable_twitter_sharing="1" marketing_url="http://evernote.com" service_host="www.evernote.com" support_url="https://evernote.com/contact/support/"/></profile></bootstrap_info>
Log opened on 2013/05/20 12:29:32 (UTC-4:00)
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Hi Sade, welcome to the forum :)

It appears that the issue is due to a tag:

13:24:02 [5468] 0% Updating server tag "Rich Falkenrath"13:24:02 [5468] 0% * guid={294a1b66-69f6-459d-8451-9ce11af9d344}13:24:03 [5468] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Tag.guid" key="294a1b66-69f6-459d-8451-9ce11af9d344"
Something is wrong with this tag. The server thinks it still exists, but the windows version cannot find it. (at least that is my understanding of it.)

Have you changed this tag recently?

- Try deleting the trash, this can sometime resolve sync errors like this.

- Try removing the tag from all the notes it is in and see what happens with it.

I think EN would also like to hear more about your experience with the support team. Please can you post the ticket number relating to your ticket so any passing staff members can check into it.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Have been using EN successfully on my pc, a macbook air and an ipad. Have successfully removed the app from the ipad and the macbook. But NOW, when I sync (manually or automatically) my pc, a window pops up indicating database update 5%, then an error box that says "Synchronization failed" and "connection with the server is lost"/


My connection is ok. EN log says I connected 3x today. But what I changed on my pc is not updated on the web version. Thanks for any help.

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I have been having persistent issues with syncing to the server.  Using EN Windows 7 interface.  I keep getting "Sync failed due to a problem at the server side." 


I've been getting these errors repeatedly lately and I don't know if it's something on my end or if there's an issue with EN servers but appears to be on the EN side.  Been so problematic that I've been forced to go back to my old way of uploading stuff to dropbox and syncing files with my tablet that way.  Didn't pay $45/yr for a program that can't sync.  Please help.

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Same issue. Here is the log information: 


20:00:05 [5356] 0% Authenticating user "encognitus"
20:00:05 [5356] 0% Can't send HTTP request, error: INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
20:00:05 [5356] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s
20:00:05 [5356] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC
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Please help this is really getting frustrating.




11:11:21 [6364] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0
11:11:21 [6364] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=2419
11:11:21 [6364] 0% * saved updateCount: 2419
11:11:21 [6364] 0% Updating server items
11:11:21 [6364] 6% Creating server note "GEM_Earnings Decoder_Q113.pdf", resource count: 1
11:11:21 [6364] 6% HTTP request failed, code: 504, error: Gateway Timeout
11:11:21 [6364] 6% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s
11:11:21 [6364] 6% * sent: 299KB, received: 80B
11:11:21 [6364] 6% * 0s (85%) spent in EDAM RPC
11:12:04 [6364] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com
11:12:04 [6364] 0% * loaded updateCount: 2419
11:12:05 [6364] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0
11:12:05 [6364] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=2419
11:12:05 [6364] 0% * saved updateCount: 2419
11:12:05 [6364] 0% Updating server items
11:12:05 [6364] 6% Creating server note "GEM_Earnings Decoder_Q113.pdf", resource count: 1
11:12:05 [6364] 6% HTTP request failed, code: 504, error: Gateway Timeout
11:12:05 [6364] 6% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s
11:12:05 [6364] 6% * sent: 299KB, received: 80B
11:12:05 [6364] 6% * 0s (89%) spent in EDAM RPC
11:15:02 [6364] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com
11:15:02 [6364] 0% * loaded updateCount: 2419
11:15:02 [6364] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=1
11:15:02 [6364] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=2419
11:15:02 [6364] 0% * saved updateCount: 2419
11:15:03 [6364] 0% Updating server items
11:15:03 [6364] 6% Creating server note "GEM_Earnings Decoder_Q113.pdf", resource count: 1
11:15:03 [6364] 6% HTTP request failed, code: 504, error: Gateway Timeout
11:15:03 [6364] 6% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s
11:15:03 [6364] 6% * sent: 299KB, received: 80B
11:15:03 [6364] 6% * 0s (88%) spent in EDAM RPC

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These are both errors that I am not familiar with and don't seem to have solutions posted here in the forum that I can find (don't know about anyone else), and so your best bet would probably be to create a support request here:


Ensure that you receive a confirmation email, with a ticket number. If you don't receive this, then you will have to resubmit.

Send them the same info that you have posted here, the activity log and your sync troubles.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am experiencing the same issue as reported above.  Does anyone have any update on the possible cause/solution?

I submitted a support ticket and after trying a couple of things what ultimately solved the problem was:


1) Uninstall Evernote from your Windows machine

2) Reboot

3) Install a fresh copy of Evernote for Windows


I just did this yesterday and so far it's working.  Not 100% as I've still gotten a few failed syncs but it's working a lot better than before.

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  • 1 year later...


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