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Owyn last won the day on August 24 2012

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  1. Note that there is a serious regression in Wine 1.4 (stable) and 1.5 (beta) which prevents Evernote from syncing. See below for current status and a workaround.
  2. Welcome to the forums. I usually find new notes from email gateway are visible in the Web client almost immediately after e.g. forward from GMail. Other clients need to be synced before the notes are seen.
  3. Did you receive an acknowledgement email immediately after submitting the support ticket? If not, you should check your email spam folder.
  4. Welcome to the forums. No. None of the clippers provide the capability to append to an existing note. All clips are new notes.
  5. As I have said before, Nixnote is a very good client that unfortunately does not scale well due to high resource usage. It was unusable when my main database was just 8000 notes (currently approx 11000). No problems at all when I used it with my 100 note test account. Will definitely be retesting when v2 is available.
  6. Sounds like you had a corrupted sync state in your old database. Replacing it with a known good database fixed the problem.
  7. There is no way to find duplicates that I know of. I usually just clean them up as I find them. This happens most frequently when I am processing my Inbox.
  8. @Martin I extended the test of Evernote + Wine for almost a week. Used it instead of the Web client. My conclusion at this time is that this is almost a usable solution in Linux. The memory and cpu load is about the same as the web client and performance is equivalent to using EN Windows in a VM. The memory and cpu load is materially less than the VM. The problem is that there a lot of UI problems with the Wine + ENW solution. The extent of these problems makes me class this as an unreliable solution. This is an upgrade from my previous rating of it as an unusable solution due to performance problems. Going back to my Web client plus EN Windows via VirtualBox configuration.
  9. Just quick tested UB 10.04 / Wine 1.4 / Evernote Windows and latest Performance problem appears to be fixed. Need to do a longer test to see how it works in production (just starting a 24 hour dog food test).
  10. My weird filter just shorted. Started wondering what other niche text only formats could be of use. ABC Notation for songs came to mind (I have an old notebook filled with these).
  11. Tex and LaTex is ubiquitous in math and the physical sciences. Markdown and MultiMarkDown would be of more general use.
  12. I have both EN Windows + Wine (out of date at the moment) and EN Windows in a XP VM installed on the same system. The Wine install is/was literally an order of magnitude slower than the VM install for database operations.
  13. @Martin. Has 1.4 fixed the Evernote sqlite performance issues? I see that Wine 1.4 went stable yesterday (2012-03-07). I have been ignoring Wine recently pending my planned rebuild/update to 12.04 LTS from 10.04 LTS.
  14. @gazumped You can buy another 1GB of upload. Web Client -> Increase Upload Allowance
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