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Help - Copy and paste text and images from Evernote to Word

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With the most recent upgrade (v 10.3.7) I can no longer select all > copy and paste the content of a note into Word or Outlook.  The text renders, but the images do not.  They appear at image or picture boxes.

Any help is appreciated.

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  • 5 weeks later...

It is ridiculous that this doesn't work. Copy and paste is a basic Windows functionaility and should just work. The only work around I know is to drag the image from EN onto the desktop and then from the desktop into the Word document (or anywhere else). That's OK for the short term but is definitely not a long term solution.

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I've just realized I couldn't copy and paste images from a note into Word or InDesign. That's a serious issue that needs to be solved. Please enable this functionality as soon as possible for I guess many people using the app as Premium members need this. Thanks in advance.

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Below is the response I received from the support team:

Thank you for contacting Evernote Customer Support.

First, I do apologize for the wait. Evernote Customer Support has seen a huge uptake in tickets with all of the updates to the various computer operating systems. We are aware that we are behind and are in the process of catching up to the demand. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

I understand that you can't copy paste an entire content with an image to other documents.

You can't easily copy paste a content especially with image to another documents, you can copy a text then paste, but for image you need to manually download the image then attach to the documents.

We haven’t built this feature into the new Evernote app. This is one of a handful of  features we are still considering. Thanks for letting us know this feature is important to you. I will share this information with our product team.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/5/2021 at 2:58 PM, sbrooks said:

Below is the response I received from the support team:

Thank you for contacting Evernote Customer Support.

First, I do apologize for the wait. Evernote Customer Support has seen a huge uptake in tickets with all of the updates to the various computer operating systems. We are aware that we are behind and are in the process of catching up to the demand. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

I understand that you can't copy paste an entire content with an image to other documents.

You can't easily copy paste a content especially with image to another documents, you can copy a text then paste, but for image you need to manually download the image then attach to the documents.

We haven’t built this feature into the new Evernote app. This is one of a handful of  features we are still considering. Thanks for letting us know this feature is important to you. I will share this information with our product team.

What do they mean by this exactly - Its hardly a feature.  I mean its a pretty basic computing function to be able to copy and paste something. I like evernote, and would rather not change to something else as I feel it is the best available - but this is ridiculous and has completely broken my workflow. It now takes much longer to get things done - utter nonsensical for them to state that they are considering adding it as a 'feature'.

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It is not a feature the haven't built in yet it is a feature that was there for years and years that is now gone.   I have been using Evernote since march of 2012.. a little while now and I do not remember ever having any issues cutting and pasting between applications......NOT good!!

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20 hours ago, avalon said:

What do they mean by this exactly - Its hardly a feature.  I mean its a pretty basic computing function to be able to copy and paste something. I like evernote, and would rather not change to something else as I feel it is the best available - but this is ridiculous and has completely broken my workflow. It now takes much longer to get things done - utter nonsensical for them to state that they are considering adding it as a 'feature'.

So I have played around with Apple notes today - Its actually easy to import in from EN and seems to work pretty well for me. Just a heads up to apple users that it is a viable alternative. No tagging feature if thats something you require though, and I dont see a web clipper, but thats no something I have ever used.

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On 1/5/2021 at 8:58 AM, sbrooks said:

Below is the response I received from the support team:

Thank you for contacting Evernote Customer Support.

First, I do apologize for the wait. Evernote Customer Support has seen a huge uptake in tickets with all of the updates to the various computer operating systems. We are aware that we are behind and are in the process of catching up to the demand. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

I understand that you can't copy paste an entire content with an image to other documents.

You can't easily copy paste a content especially with image to another documents, you can copy a text then paste, but for image you need to manually download the image then attach to the documents.

We haven’t built this feature into the new Evernote app. This is one of a handful of  features we are still considering. Thanks for letting us know this feature is important to you. I will share this information with our product team.

Why did they even eliminate copying images and pasting them elsewhere? Why make what was so easy a multistep process? This is not some marginal function, either. A note-taking app often has content--text, images, etc.--that the notetaker wants to be able to conveniently, quickly drag and drop into another app or doc. This has significantly downgraded my Evernote experience to the point where I am going to search for other options and potential cancel my account. Sad. Once great app has gone the way of so many--upgrading away convenience...and for what?!?! A mess of pottage!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/16/2021 at 7:43 PM, Stephen Lake said:

Why did they even eliminate copying images and pasting them elsewhere? Why make what was so easy a multistep process? This is not some marginal function, either. A note-taking app often has content--text, images, etc.--that the notetaker wants to be able to conveniently, quickly drag and drop into another app or doc. This has significantly downgraded my Evernote experience to the point where I am going to search for other options and potential cancel my account. Sad. Once great app has gone the way of so many--upgrading away convenience...and for what?!?! A mess of pottage!

Yeah its ridiculous. Its really basic functionality. Takes twice as long to do things this way and my desktop is just cluttered with loads of screen shots. Rubbish experience for an appp that should help you improve productivity. Hopefully they reverse this idiotic decision before my renewal comes up. Sometimes I wonder if anyone that works at EN actually uses their own product.....or maybe they do and thats why it takes so darn long to get anything sorted

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cannot believe they expect us to export every image in order to use it in another application. Only thing that has made me think about OneNote again.

Edit: if I right click an image and choose "open" it opens the file in MS Photos. From there copy works as expected into a Word or Google doc.

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11 hours ago, sfmike said:

Edit: if I right click an image and choose "open" it opens the file in MS Photos. From there copy works as expected into a Word or Google doc.

Good tip, thanks. It actually opens in whatever program you have associated with that file type on your computer. For me it is Photoshop. A useful alternative to dragging to the desktop which is my current work around.

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11 hours ago, sfmike said:

Cannot believe they expect us to export every image in order to use it in another application. Only thing that has made me think about OneNote again.

Pasting Word text with bullets to Evernote is also a pain... this is also multi-step process/action... On android the app even crashes when you try, lost multiple notes this way. So I'm not surprised this copy Image is also multistep... 

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  • Evernote Expert
25 minutes ago, ArjenC said:

Pasting Word text with bullets to Evernote is also a pain... this is also multi-step process/action...

This seems to be working for me now.  Not sure when it changed. I'd kind of given up trying ;) Just tried again with a trial document and all worked as I expected... No post editing to tidy up undertaken. But to stick with the original post, no ability to copy and paste or drag and drop  from Evernote into any other program. It all has to go via the file explorer.




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Yes text seems to paste ok on 10.8.4... still the bullets are not seen as bullets, but as text. So you must still convert them to a bullet list. This is also the case with number lists. But there is some progress... for sure...

Didn't noticed the changes, don't use Evernote on daily basis anymore.
Can't trust the applications and had a workaround in place for every bug / glitch. Then i realized: what I'm i doing? So I moved away and use something that fits my workflow at the moment.


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  • 1 month later...

Wanted to share a workaround that I've found.  While it's not elegant, if you want to be able to copy and paste text and images from a note, I took these steps:

Click Share

Click E-mail A Copy

Send yourself an e-mail (I used Outlook)

When the e-mail arrives, the text and images are in order and you can copy and paste them from your e-mail.


Still, not a fix and no real response from EN, but it did help me a bit.

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  • 2 months later...

My problem is still not resolved. I've been a user since 2012.


My problem is still not resolved. I've been a user since 2012.

Strangely, the new version is worse than the old one?!

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  • Level 5

I am not sure what you want to say ?

Long story told short: The new client is 100% new code. Some features are missing, no surprise. The legacy version serves as a stopgap.

If you want to bring this problem to EN attention, contact support.

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Hello PinkElephant,

Your insight is appreciated.  Please note that 'support' was contacted on January 5, 2021 and there is no resolution.  You will see this in the comments of the thread.  The basis of this issue is that there is no 'copy and paste' function in the new code.  Most users like me feel this is unacceptable.  If you have any pull with the architects of the code, please advise that this is a show stopper for many of us.

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  • Level 5

Will do (however my lever is as long as yours, and called support ticket).

There are statements in the thread that the problem would be around since over a year, whatever. This is misleading since the new client is around for appr. 3/4 of a year now. Legacy was around then, and it is working.

Since the export to HTML is now available, my workaround would be to export the note to HTML. There will be a master file created, and then all the attachments in a folder, including pictures. Not as simple as drag & drop or copy & paste, but working with a reasonable amount of effort.

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7 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Will do (however my lever is as long as yours, and called support ticket).

There are statements in the thread that the problem would be around since over a year, whatever. This is misleading since the new client is around for appr. 3/4 of a year now. Legacy was around then, and it is working.

Since the export to HTML is now available, my workaround would be to export the note to HTML. There will be a master file created, and then all the attachments in a folder, including pictures. Not as simple as drag & drop or copy & paste, but working with a reasonable amount of effort.

Thanks for the tip of Export to HTML.  I hadn't tried that and it is a good workaround.

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/24/2021 at 4:40 AM, sbrooks said:

Thanks for the tip of Export to HTML.  I hadn't tried that and it is a good workaround.

YOU BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEING ! THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME 20 HOURS ! I am sending you a big bear hug !

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  • 1 year later...

Exact same issue.

I want to be able to copy and paste a combination of text & images into Microsoft Word, and also Google docs.

This is so BASIC - copy and paste!!


PS interestingly, I can copy text & images from Word into Evernote. So Word can get it done, Evernote can't...


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  • Evernote Expert

I'm guessing that this is a Windows app issue. The problem was solved for MacOS.

The work around is copy the image to the desktop and then from there to Word etc.

Meanwhile open a support ticket to register that the issue continues to affect you.

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  • 2 months later...

I love the evernote app.

From today whenever I remember I will enter this topic to remind you to repair the function of copying and pasting images from Evernote to Word / Power Point / other applications.

This problem has existed for 2 years and has not been resolved to this day.

This is my day 01.

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  • Level 5
4 hours ago, ADHUMM said:

I love the evernote app.

From today whenever I remember I will enter this topic to remind you to repair the function of copying and pasting images from Evernote to Word / Power Point / other applications.

This problem has existed for 2 years and has not been resolved to this day.

This is my day 01.

It would help to know what version of Evernote, what operating system, what client (desktop or Web), what versions of the apps you're trying to paste into, and what images you're trying to paste. In responding to a similar thread in a different forum, on a Windows 10 laptop running Evernote desktop app v. 10.49, I found that I could right-click a JPG image, copy, then go to a word processing app (TextMaker), click paste, and it worked. I haven't tried pasting into MS Office apps, because I don't have registered versions of them so everything is read only. Some other types of images seemed more problematic, though.

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  • Evernote Expert
5 hours ago, ADHUMM said:

From today whenever I remember I will enter this topic to remind you to repair the function of copying and pasting images from Evernote to Word / Power Point / other applications

You could do that but you are only reminding or possibly annoying fellow users. These forums are user-to-user support and Evernote staff only come by infrequently.

Best to open a support ticket.

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Responding to above messages.

My windows is 11, with the latest registered version. My office package is also the latest. My evernote is the latest version.

I've had this simple problem for two years now. I doubt that in two years developers have not visited this forum.

Below I will post the message with the necessary corrections.

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I love the evernote app.

From today whenever I remember I will enter this topic to remind you to repair the copy and paste function from Evernote to Word/Power Point/other applications.

This problem has existed for 2 years and has not been resolved until today.

My windows version: Windows 11 Home Single Language - 21H2
My office version: Office 365 - Updated today

If you have the same problem, use Evernote Legacy, remembering that this application is no longer updated.

Today I opened the support ticket asking for the repair (ID #3615763)

This is my day 02.

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56 minutes ago, bmcl26 said:

In Windows 11 I can Copy & Paste Direct to Word, Windows and other Apps by using the keystoke Shift+Win+S  to copy, then Paste using Contol+V.

But you loose resolution so it is at best a workaround which is slightly faster than downloading the full resolution image and incorporating it into Word.

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  • Evernote Expert
3 hours ago, ADHUMM said:

From today whenever I remember I will enter this topic to remind you to repair the copy and paste function from Evernote to Word/Power Point/other applications.

Thanks, I see you've decided that irritating your fellow users is the best course.  But thanks for opening a ticket as well. Meanwhile, if you take a look at the description for this forum it says "Community-based help for Evernote Windows."

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  • Level 5
6 hours ago, ADHUMM said:

Responding to above messages.

My windows is 11, with the latest registered version. My office package is also the latest. My evernote is the latest version.

I've had this simple problem for two years now. I doubt that in two years developers have not visited this forum.

Below I will post the message with the necessary corrections.

Clearly not everyone is having this issue with Windows 11, so it's good you've opened a support ticket. Does it happen with all images, or do some (such as JPG) work better than others?

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  • 1 month later...
Em 19/12/2022 at 15:08, Dave-in-Decatur disse:

Clearly not everyone is having this issue with Windows 11, so it's good you've opened a support ticket. Does it happen with all images, or do some (such as JPG) work better than others?

I just bought a new laptop that has the same problem.


A new update: my ticket created on Dec 19, 2022 08:24 am and updated on Jan 17th at 2:28 am says it's been resolved. I just downloaded it on a work computer and guess what?


It was not solved!


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  • Level 5

A ticket status „Solved“ just means that the ticket was answered, and the user is informed.

If you were informed that you experience the „intended behavior“, the ticket is „solved“, even if the issue itself is still open.

If you now feel like Alice between the mirrors - take a second look 😳

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As it has not been resolved, I will continue my adventures in creating tickets until resolution.

I opened a new support ticket today.

How many tickets will I open until they fix the bug? Does anyone have a guess?

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13 hours ago, ADHUMM said:

As it has not been resolved

I can copy and paste images and text separately but not together. This is clearly not ideal if you have a long document with interspersed text and images. It is at least an improvement from having to download images in order to do anything with them. 

I really don't understand why this basic functionaility has not been sorted. If I was feeling cynical, I might wonder whether most EN employees use Macs! But then one of the V10 mantras has been to have a common experience over all platforms so I can't possibly be right.

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On 1/20/2023 at 9:01 PM, ADHUMM said:

As it has not been resolved, I will continue my adventures

... and note that Legacy doesn't have the problem: Images are copied (OK, sometimes twice - but even better than nothing 😉).

Embedded attachments are automatically extracted to an attachment folder and arrive in Word as preview images to the document that hold a link to extracted attachments. Not the best solution - but works for programs that do not support embedded files...

@Evernote-developers: Please contact collegues from Legacy development (if not retired) and ask them how to fill the clipboard with appropriate information 🙏

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  • 2 months later...

Same problem here, been living with it for over 2 years in disbelief that it doesn't work. Now I have a load of word docs to be pasted into Evernote and the workarounds above are not suitable.

Any chance of getting such a simple request looked at? The version of word I have even now has automatic export to OneNote built in, so it's very temping to just switch...



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Same problem here, been living with it for over 2 years in disbelief that it doesn't work. Now I have a load of word docs to be pasted into Evernote and the workarounds above are not suitable.


@flyg This thread is entitled "Help - Copy and paste text and images from Evernote to Word" (my emphasis) but you are talking about copying from Word to Evernote

However, my workaround of copying text and images separately still seems to work going from Word to EN.

Perhaps you could provide some more details of what is included in your word document (text, images, tables ...?) and exactly how you are trying to do the copying.

At least with Word documents you can simply attach the document to a note.

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ok my mistake, however it doesn't work the opposite way round as well. Open up word, select all, copy and then paste into evernote - desktop or web client, makes no difference. All text is there (including formatting) but all pictures simply say attachment and an exclamation error mark.


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15 minutes ago, flyg said:

ok my mistake, however it doesn't work the opposite way round as well. Open up word, select all, copy and then paste into evernote - desktop or web client, makes no difference. All text is there (including formatting) but all pictures simply say attachment and an exclamation error mark.


I agree it doesn't work.  It's a pain and it should have been sorted by now, but you can copy the images separately into the EN note. I guess that the number of images you have in the note will determine whether that is practical or not.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Everyone, 

If I'm reading thru this post and replies, I'm guessing the following is TRUE:

1). Copy/Paste from Evernote into Word will not carry over images? 

2). Export a Note to HTML does not carry over images? 

3). Export to PDF does not carry over images? 

IIRC, a couple of years ago, I was able to do copy/paste and exporting out pretty well - at least the images all carried over. 

That's no longer the case with the newer versions of Evernote? 

It's pretty embarrassing TBTH, to have to tell my colleagues that Evernote no longer has basic functionality that

1). it used to have, and

2). Every other app has 

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  1. True. You can paste the images separately but if you copy a mixture of text and images only the text is pasted. I still cannot understand how this basic Windows functionality is missing from V10
  2. False. Images are placed in a separate folder and linked in the html. The html when viewed in Chrome includes the images.
  3. False

Not really sure why your questions warrant a post as you could have easily verified it for yourself in the time that it took you to write the post.

10.58.3-win-ddl-public (4147)
Editor: v172.19.3
Service: v1.69.3
© 2019 - 2023 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved

Microsoft® Word for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2305 Build 16.0.16501.20074) 64-bit


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  • 1 month later...

Hello peeps! Sharing something in hope that it helps you to relieve some pain.

If you need to export or copy images manually from Evernote to Notion, here is a workaround that works best for me so far:

  • Open your note in browser from its shared link (viz. open the shard version, not the web client version)
  • Drag the images one after another from Evernote to a different application (Word, Notion, etc.)

Please note that this is a manual process and can be time-consuming!



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  • 1 month later...
  • Level 5

That is the most absurd explanation I have ever heard. There is an export function - nobody needs to copy content note by note between apps.

EN v10 is based on the Electron framework. It is a known problem of Electron apps that they need to be programmed to exchange data with other apps 

If this is not coded, it doesn’t work. What does usually work is to drag & drop to the desktop first, and then from there to the final place.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, yes, I would just like to add my request to fix the electron version for Evernote on Windows, and to make it easier for me to select all of the notes and images and everything in the note and then paste it into a word document or other online form easily. it is completely ridiculous that the new Evernote for Windows application does not allow this and it completely ruins my use of Evernote. Please add this to the Windows electron version thank you. 

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To Evernote support or engineers are you aware of this problem with the Evernote for Windows desktop program? Or even the Web app version? 

I want to be able to select all of the content in my Evernote note, and then write click it and press copy, and then go to a different application, and then right, click paste and have all of the pictures and text all show up perfectly formatted with bullets, and everything into word, or into any other HTML, rich, editor interface in the browser.

Is this a feature that you can add quickly because I feel that I am limited by the new Evernote windows electron version and the web version and I will have to move to a different software if you can’t offer this feature.

Other people have this issue and want this feature resolved. If you added this, it would really make Evernote Web perfect for me as a very long time Evernote user.

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  • Level 5

No EN support or engineers here, only other users. If you read the thread, the „why“ has been explained already.

In brief: To copy mixed content is not a natural, since pictures and the like are wrapped inside of „containers“ in the notes.

It needs to be coded, and this means it needs to go on the backlog. You need to contact support - expect a long reaction time at the moment.

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  • Evernote Expert

Just yesterday I copied text and images from a note into Word and all seemed to go as intended. This was definitely different from my experience a few months ago. The note was very simple with only a small amount of text and two small images. I haven't given it a serious test. But it feels that there has been at least some progress since it was first reported two years ago.

Until yesterday I saved notes as an HTML file and then opened in Word.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Copy / pasting text with images, a very basic function, still does not work in the latest version. How deplorable is this. All this useless AI-implementations, massive (insane) price increases, but "hey, copy/pasting does not work :)"

When I paste text with images, it always shows a gray error block with a clip.

Who can help me with this ? It still works on Evernote Legacy! Viva Evernote Legacy, never take it down (even when it updates itself by force within a week, no choice).



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I'd like to also request this feature. Saving images one by one takes forever and my notes sometimes have dozens of images in between text. Being able to have any method to copy it out, and send it elsewhere is important to me. The email fails because the notes are larger than 14 megs as well.

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  • Level 5

If you have a number of pictures, the best workaround is to export the note to HTML.

You find all text in the HTML file, and all attachments in a folder together with it. It’s not ideal, but still better than trying to copy directly from the source.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just installed the latest evernote on my new Windows 11 laptop

10.67.2-win-ddl-public (20231122160420)
Editor: v176.32.0
Service: v1.80.1
© 2019 - 2023 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved

, and I'm shocked to be running into the issues mentioned above.  Does anyone have a link to an older version of evernote that worked with the cut and paste features ?  The https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote link is now dead 😞



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Thanks Agsteele.  I'll look at FileHippo and use the Revo Uninstaller before installing an older version of Evernote.  Hopefully the shortcomings of Evernote 10 will be fixed soon - before I have to jump.

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  • 3 months later...

Referring back to November 2020

"With the most recent upgrade (v 10.3.7) I can no longer select all > copy and paste the content of a note into Word or Outlook.  The text renders, but the images do not.  They appear at image or picture boxes."

This issue still has not been fixed. It is a major interruption in what was a effective and efficient workflow (create Evernote Legacy note with text and images and then select all and copy everything into an email for communication of a newsletter to hundreds of users) for ten years. Switching between the two apps was a workaround but now Legacy Evernote will be retired in less than three weeks. 

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On 1/5/2021 at 3:58 PM, sbrooks said:

Below is the response I received from the support team:

Thank you for contacting Evernote Customer Support.

First, I do apologize for the wait. Evernote Customer Support has seen a huge uptake in tickets with all of the updates to the various computer operating systems. We are aware that we are behind and are in the process of catching up to the demand. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

I understand that you can't copy paste an entire content with an image to other documents.

You can't easily copy paste a content especially with image to another documents, you can copy a text then paste, but for image you need to manually download the image then attach to the documents.

We haven’t built this feature into the new Evernote app. This is one of a handful of  features we are still considering. Thanks for letting us know this feature is important to you. I will share this information with our product team.

Evernote could for years just copy/paste text with images. Now they have removed this vital function! This is outrageous... If you have a long e-mail with 30 images, you have to manually download one by one...

Evernote should stop investing in their useless AI function, and just give this vital option back to copy/paste text with images.

Everybody is complaining about this, certainly after they have raised the prices with such huge amounts recently.

Maybe they hope that Evernote is less slow and buggy without this copy & paste function, as it puts less load on their database ?

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That didn’t work for me. The only method that copy and pasted properly is emailing then copying but it has a hard limit of 14 mb export from Evernote so it isn’t a solution. Their html preparation somehow doesn’t copy and paste well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/5/2024 at 3:29 PM, aaronbrownsound said:

That didn’t work for me. The only method that copy and pasted properly is emailing then copying but it has a hard limit of 14 mb export from Evernote so it isn’t a solution. Their html preparation somehow doesn’t copy and paste well.

Absolutely right. I hoped that exporting a note  from Evernote V.10  to html would be a workaround for the missing images.
I hoped that I could copy and paste the HTML content when opened the exported HTML in a browser, by copying directly the content from the browser.
But otherwise than in Evernote V6 / Legacy , even this does not work, it only copies the text, not the images.

To the community: Has anybody found a HTML tidy tool or HTML converter that converts the evernote HTML exported file in a style that is copy&pasteable including the images ?

(UPDATE) Meanwhile this workaround is working now (Windows version , Evernote Version V10.80.2) :
When exporting the note to a single html-file (important: use short filenames without any special characters)
and then openiong this html-File in a Browser (Chrome, Edge,...),
selecting the whole or parts of a note including images / photos etc.;
copy it and paste it e.g. to a Outlook-client new email , the note in its whole content including images / photos is been copied and pasted.


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  • 2 months later...

Here is a procedure for retrieving text and images in a Libreoffice Writer or Microsoft Word file:
- from Evernote, export the note in html format
- open this file with Firefox
Note: this operation works with Firefox, but not with other browsers based on the Chrome rendering engine.
- ctrl + A, then ctrl + C to select and copy everything
- copy into Libreoffice Writer, where you'll have text and images. this doesn't work in Word, where you lose the images.
- in Libreoffice Writer, you can save in docx format (Word) to recover in Word if necessary.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes it is.  But I wish they'd fix it.  Mixed text/image paste to and from third party apps is a pretty basic requirement, highlighted by many people.

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  • Level 5

It still is not an intentional limitation, but a basic restraint created by the way the framework used for the app handles content.

Every object is wrapped in a HTML container that is nested into the notes HTML code. When copying mixed content the unwrapping of these containers doesn’t work.

As I said, this is a deeply technical issue. I don’t expect a solution for this specific problem.

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Thanks for the technical explanation !  So a limitation imposed by the Evernote implementaion, V11 onwards, as earlier versions worked fine ?


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