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Everything posted by GrumpyMonkey

  1. Hi. Welcome to the forums. Circus Ponies is a very good app, and it arguably does a better job than Evernote with outlines. To be honest, a lot of other applications do this or that better than Evernote. In the end, you have to choose the application that best fits your use case, so you should make sure to look around at your options. There are trade-offs to be made with each application, and in the case of Evernote, it often has fewer features / less powerful features than apps designed to work on a single platform. On the other hand, Circus Ponies only works on a single platform, and Evernote works pretty much everywhere. This thread is for Windows users, and as far as I know, Circus Ponies has no app for Windows. In short, I think if you want an app that will work no matter what platform you are using, then Evernote is the best solution. If you know that you are only going to be using a single platform, then you may have more options, though even then, things like shared notebooks, powerful searching, etc. will be out of your reach.
  2. Hi. Welcome to the forums. As far as I know, the education discount no longer exists. I think in this case you will find answers by directly contacting customer support (see the link in my signature).
  3. Yes I hope you don't mind that I merged your thread with this one. There are others asking for this feature. The good news is that Evernotes is listening, and they are also interested in developing it, but it may not be here for a little while longer. http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/34234-evernote-505/page-3#entry186642
  4. Hi. Glad I could help. The behavior is different, but neither the Windows nor the Mac Evernote app encrypts your data. Logging out on either device doesn't do a whole lot (as far as I know). I suppose it prevents someone from editing notes and syncing them to your account on the web. Beyond that, I don't know. Your Evernote content is just as secure as anything else on your computer. Exiting an app is fine. Logging out is the issue. You are not usually logged into Windows or Safari. If you share your computer with someone, I recommend creating a new user profile for them in order to keep your data separated. Also, I encourage you to encrypt your hard drive (easily done on the Mac with FileVault, and free) if you are looking for additional security.
  5. Hi. Welcome to the forums. The Evernote app works fine for me offline. I don't log out, though. I'll give a try to logging out offline. Is there any reason you would be logging out? [EDIT:] Indeed, you cannot login when you are offline. I guess that is because the app needs to check withe server, which holds your password information. Because all of your account data is accessible without a password (use Spotlight), this seems like an unnecessary hoop to jump through, but that is how it is made. The solution is quite easy -- don't log out. There is no point in logging out, in my opinion.
  6. Hi. You might want to take a look at this post for some insight into why it is not here yet, and Evernote's continuing interest in implementing it. http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/34234-evernote-505/?p=186642 Where in that post are the limitations on implementing selective sync at? I didn't see it. -j Hi. I don't know what you mean by "limitations." Here are some of the reasons, though: " there are a host of usability issues that have made this impossible in the past and will continue to hinder progress in the near-term future." I don't think Evernote has ever given a date for the implementation of any feature, though we once got a month when they said Evernote Business would roll out in December 2012. As the post I linked said, they are working on it, and Evernote staff are also wanting to see this feature, so we'll just have to wait until it is ready.
  7. Hi. I don't think of myself as a cricket Requests for features occur all the time around here. Sometimes Evernote staff respond. Sometimes they don't. Most of the time, they cannot comment on the roadmap, so there isn't much to say. However, they read all of the posts. As for the other users (this is a user forum), this feature has been requested in the past (by myself and others), and there isn't much more to say about it, I guess. Here are some ideas for "locking" notes. http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/35413-can-i-lock-my-note/?p=191517
  8. Hi. You might want to take a look at this post for some insight into why it is not here yet, and Evernote's continuing interest in implementing it. http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/34234-evernote-505/?p=186642
  9. That's a fair enough point... so I'd like to clarify a little where I'm coming from. Although I don't take it as a personal afront, I do think it's inappropriate and should be called out... not because I really think that Evernote is disrespecting the Linux community but because it is certainly a historical issue that many companies assume there are no linux users and the more cases where they say something a little stupid about Linux and one of the users calls them out on it, the more likely they are to realise those users are there. It is a little bit of a self fulfilling prophecy too, because in the case of many of those companies they will cite the lack of Linux enquiries as a reason for a policy of not supporting the platform... when often it is the long term policy of not supporting the platform which is the cause of the lack of enquiries. Actually, I did mean it when I said that having a publically accessible API is visionary... I just don't think it can replace a baseline, reliable vendor supported app. That's what would make me subscribe to the service, even tho it might be the API that ultimately keeps me there, and I don't think I'm alone. Who doesn't like the cool free app that does some neat thing?... would you like to rely on that cool free app for everything with no safety net? No. As for using Linux themselves... that's a given, noone in their right mind would be using Windows as a server for an enterprise web platform these days unless their company name started in Micro and ended in Soft... So, honestly your choices are Linux, BSD or Solaris... and Solaris will ultimately cost lots more, so you'll end up using BSD or Linux.... ultimately Linux is more mainstream out of the two, so you'll find yourself spending more time deciding what type of Linux server to use than any of those other decisions! To my knowledge, Evernote has never lied to me about their position on Linux or withdrawn support after taking people's money or actively tried to detect and block Linux users... so they're already way ahead of many of the other online services I've queried about Linux in the past. Fair points, and the forum is the place to bring up this kind of stuff. I don't know if Evernote is developing, or ever plans to develop a Linux client, but knowing how users feel about it will definitely provide them with more information for their decisions going forward.
  10. I simply consider it a civic duty to raise these issues... most Linux users have spent a long time assuming that they won't be supported regardless of the money they absolutely do have to spend... and most companies assume that Linux users are mostly spotty kids with no money to spend... the cycle perpetuates. Meanwhile Humble Bundle repeatedly proves that Linux users are typically prepared to pay more on average for software and services than other users. If that sometimes means raising an issue like this, then so be it.... and your implication that I should not raise these issues and should just keep quiet an move just makes me consider you to be part of the problem. I don't necessarily want to labour the point, but at the same time... it's long past time that as a group of computer users we made our presence known. I don't know why Evernote has not made a Linux client, and I think it's great that you post, but I don't see why you insist on painting them as a company disrespecting the Linux community. I wouldn't presume to know what they assume, or infer any deep meanings from an off-the-cuff statement by an employee. As has already been said, they use Linux themselves, but they made a business decision not to develop a client for it in-house. I don't think you should take it as a personal affront...
  11. Hi. Again, do you know who said this and in what episode? If you could provide a link, that would help. Thanks! [EDIT:] Actually, you can find a similar phrase online after all. Rafe Needleman says "Evernote builds versions of Evernote for almost all the computing platforms that matter. But there’s one platform we’ve never served directly, one with, literally, billions of users: the feature phone." (http://blog.evernote.com/blog/2012/10/08/devcup-bronze-winner-ev-brings-evernote-to-all-feature-phones/). It doesn't seem offensive to me, esp. with the word "almost" thrown in there, and in the context of saying that Evernote is under-represented in a massive market (feature phones). You seem to have added the word "Almost"... I wasn't sure I was going to name specific people, since I'm talking about a general attitude, but since your "quote" doesn't match what was said, I invite people to listen to TWiT Ep. 392 starting at 41:30. I have transcribed relevant section as accurately as I am able... there is no "almost" about it. Leo: "There is no evernote on Blackberry 10 yet right? Or is there?" Rafe: "There's an evernote for blackberry and..." Leo: "Blackberry 10 has it integrated in!" Rafe: "Yeah, it ships with a... err, evernote integration." Leo: "Share to evernote kinda is everywhere" Rafe: "Yeah" Leo: "I like that!" Rafe: "We believe on being err, native on all platforms, that matter" Leo: "That's very interesting, it makes me want to try blackberry 10" John: "Are you on Linux?" Rafe: "*Cough*" Leo?: "Only on the web" Jason?: "He said platforms that matter" ***Inaudible John: "He said the word 'Matter', so now all you Linux people out there know what he thinks about your pl...". Rafe: "Here's my target, shoot at me. There is an API and people have written evernote aerr, desktops, or applications to that - for our API... inaudible" Leo: "You know phil liben, and and, by the way and I'm not taking a job with evernote, but phil liben once told me that 4% of evernote referals were by leo laporte...... " Also, I'll grant you that there might possibly be a good number of potential users for Blackberry 10, it's a good product (A fact which surprised me in the end)... but it will still be a long time before there are more BB10 users than Ubuntu users alone. Thank you for posting that. I did not know about the interview. I just want to clear a couple of things up: (1) I asked you once or twice in this thread for the link and the name of the person, because otherwise we have no idea how to interpret the statement you attributed to Evernote. In this case, it was an Evernote employee. Is this a general attitude? I don't know. I haven't gotten that impression in the past. (2) You did not supply the information in #1, so I Googled and found this written post by Rafe (the same person in the video clip). The word "almost" is correct, and I did not add it into the statement (why would I make this up?), because I copy/pasted it from the site. Please follow the link I provided. It doesn't match what was said in the clip, because (see #1) I didn't know what was said, only what I could find that was written.
  12. Yeah, if you know what .enex is, then you probably have the ability to do this -- and if you are a programmer, you won't even break a sweat. As for a a stand-alone template editor, see http://kustomnote.com/. It seems to be headed in this direction, though I haven't heard anything from the developer since August.
  13. That would be one way of doing it, and it's not all that hard (not taking anything away from GM, of course:)). Oh no, it is quite easy. In fact, if I remember correctly, I did fiddle around with the .enex file. It's no big deal, and the nice thing is that you get a bit of color coding in your snippet view as well.
  14. Hi. Again, do you know who said this and in what episode? If you could provide a link, that would help. Thanks! [EDIT:] Actually, you can find a similar phrase online after all. Rafe Needleman says "Evernote builds versions of Evernote for almost all the computing platforms that matter. But there’s one platform we’ve never served directly, one with, literally, billions of users: the feature phone." (http://blog.evernote.com/blog/2012/10/08/devcup-bronze-winner-ev-brings-evernote-to-all-feature-phones/). It doesn't seem offensive to me, esp. with the word "almost" thrown in there, and in the context of saying that Evernote is under-represented in a massive market (feature phones).
  15. Hi. I've posted a few templates with colors. Just use those if you don't want a white background. http://www.princeton.edu/~cmayo/template.html
  16. Hi. Do you know which episode where you heard this? Anyone could call themselves a platform evangelist, and say anything they want But, more importantly, Evernote has made it pretty clear that they are not developing for Linux themselves right now (this doesn't mean they never will). The API is open to development for any platform including Linux, though. Please remember that Evernote is still a startup that has not yet gone public. It is not Facebook or Google with billions and billions in valuation, and there are simply going to be limits to the reach that Evernote will have on its own. For this reason, they cultivate a developer community. Also, they have the Web interface, and that will always be available, so you don't really have to worry terribly much about not having access in the future.
  17. Hi. Welcome to the forums! I have merged your thread with this one on the same topic.
  18. Hi. It is true that you cannot create stacks within the business library for other business members to see. You currently only have one level available there. However, you can combine notebooks as you would like within your own account, and make stacks at will. It would be best if we could have both (stacks in the business and personal library), but perhaps that is something they will roll out in the future.
  19. Hi. I think you'll find your answers here (I've merged your thread with this one). The best we know is that Evernote does not have an app for Linux, it was not planning to make one in the past, and we have not heard if they plan to make one in the future.
  20. Hi. Welcome to the forums! What you want to do is not possible. On the Mac, you could put the note into shortcuts, and that space on the left sidebar is the only one in all of the clients where you can manually re-arrange notes. Otherwise, you have to resort to a bit of ingenuity. In my case, I title everything YYMMDD, so if I sort by title, then everything is arranged chronologically. I can also put a future date into the note, and my note for 2050 will always appear at the top. You could also sort by title and put an exclamation mark (!) at the front of the note title to make it appear first. Obviously, changing the note created, note updated, and other metadata will affect the order as well. An "index" note full of note links to important notes will give you manual sort order as well. I have one that I always start off with each day, because it has links to all of my main categories of notes. ok I see. So i f I want to make a note appear at the top of the stack I can just insert "1" and the subsequent note "2"? Also does the android or windows version have this "shortcut" feature? I'd use 01 and 02. No one else has the shortcut feature... yet
  21. Hi. Welcome to the forums! What you want to do is not possible. On the Mac, you could put the note into shortcuts, and that space on the left sidebar is the only one in all of the clients where you can manually re-arrange notes. Otherwise, you have to resort to a bit of ingenuity. In my case, I title everything YYMMDD, so if I sort by title, then everything is arranged chronologically. I can also put a future date into the note, and my note for 2050 will always appear at the top. You could also sort by title and put an exclamation mark (!) at the front of the note title to make it appear first. Obviously, changing the note created, note updated, and other metadata will affect the order as well. An "index" note full of note links to important notes will give you manual sort order as well. I have one that I always start off with each day, because it has links to all of my main categories of notes.
  22. Sure. Personally, I think it is a confusing menu (5.0.4), and it is inconvenient (two levels deep), but it is there.
  23. Mac has had reverse order sorts for as long as I can remember. iOS, as you said, does not.
  24. This seems like a valuable feature, though I don't know how one would easily achieve this within XHTML, which is what Evernote uses to create each note. Generally speaking, the desire for the "feature" is totally understandable, and I can see why someone would expect a list (because that is what we see on the surface) to be sortable, but if XHTML is underneath and it is (to my inexpert eyes) difficult or impossible to achieve without the introduction of javascript or some other entirely new element, then the seemingly simple issue becomes quite complex. All of this (if I am correct) is therefore one of the tradeoffs for using XHTML. Every design decision requires tradeoffs, and this might just be one of them. In answer to the OP, I would guess it will never come. But, it could come tomorrow. No one outside of Evernote really knows. It is just my guess. How likely is it that I am correct in my prognostication? Personally, like NightStalker, I want to see Evernote achieve parity with their sorts across all clients. On iOS we have a paltry 3 (up from a low of 2). On Windows we have an amazing 17, and reverse sorts. Other clients fall somewhere in-between these two extremes. In other words, the sorts exist, but are not everywhere. If you think about that, then a sort that doesn't yet exist (the sortable content of notes) seems like something that may take quite a while, if it ever comes.
  25. If Blackberry, with many more users than Linux (I think, but we don't have numbers of either, do we?) is not the revenue stream I suggested it was, then Linux will be even less likely, especially without a mobile client. The benefit with Blackberry? An existing user base and development team for Evernote. This is a nice discussion we are having about the computer industry, and there is no doubt a lot of programming / technological expertise amongst all the members (myself excluded), but in the end it boils down to what BNF said. In a rare statement of future intentions, Evernote has said they do not currently, and do not plan in the future to support Linux (podcast # 8 http://blog.evernote.com/2009/07/20/evernote-podcast-8/ 18:03-18:59). This may change, of course, but there it is.
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