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Everything posted by GrumpyMonkey

  1. Now this would make me buy the premium version. (Really don't like Skitch.) Now all I need is money, lol. Hubby's not had much of stable income in a long time. Really hope his newest job works out. Ah well, such is life! Thanks for alerting us Troy! Hi. It is Skitch that you use to annotate PDFs. You can now open up the PDFs into a Skitch interface from within the app (see screenshots on the linked page to see).
  2. GM, I'm pretty sure the "any:" term applies to EVERYTHING in the Search line. So you can NOT do an ANY of the Title AND require a tag. That is EXACTLY why boolean search is needed. You and Jefito are surely correct. That was my best guess with Evernote's search grammar. To be honest (as stated above in this thread), I rely on other apps to do complex searches. Evernote's search features are fantastic, but definitely not the most comprehensive available. As I've recommended in the past, Evernote could really benefit from adding some of the search capabilities (including boolean searches) offered by other apps.
  3. Can you share the query that you use to accomplish this search? Hi. I would guess:intitle:fbi tag:privacy encryption: GM, don't think that would work. You're missing the OR: "FBI, NSA, or CIA in the title" You search would return ONLY those notes with "FBI" in the title. Yeah, i wanted to look up if the "any" toggle is still on Windows and if it would work with the title, but i am on an iPad, so posted the reply partially finished. Sorry about that, but i often lose replies when moving away from Safari. Anyhow, I didn't find my answer.See the corrected version.
  4. Can you share the query that you use to accomplish this search? Hi. I would guess:intitle:fbi tag:privacy encryption: I am a bit behind on my search-jutsu these days, but I don't think you can get the "or" to work in the title. If you were looking for the words in the note or title, this might work: any: fbi cia nsa tag:privacy encryption:
  5. Hi. Welcome to the forums. Here is a blog post that might answer some questions about organization. http://www.christopher-mayo.com/?p=1724 To answer your specific question, I annotated PDFs using my iPad and emailed them (or used "open in")to get them into Evernote. It works pretty well and even if you get the handout in class instead of beforehand, you can just snap a photo of the page and annotate that.
  6. I agree. At the moment, I've split my notes up into confidential (VoodooPad) / non-confidential (Evernote) because I need secure access to my notes on iOS. It works pretty smoothly, and it isn't a big deal (especially with my workflow), but I think the more options the better for everyone. http://www.christopher-mayo.com/?p=1605 If you are only using a single desktop, of course, Evernote's local notebooks are a secure solution, because they do not sync to the cloud. I used this solution for a long time and accessed these notes through a remote login, but (as I talk about on the post above), this is no longer an appealing option for me. Looking forward to Evernote's "sexy" encryption solution
  7. Hi. Nothing as far as I know. I kind of doubt it will be coming anytime soon, if at all, but that's just my opinion.
  8. Client = application (on Mac, Windows, Android, the Web, etc.). Which one are you using?
  9. I'd definitely appreciate more documentation. How-to videos by Evernote exist, but are still scattered about and not well-known. They are also a little too general, in many cases. I recommend you take a look at the 43 evernote-related posts on my site. http://www.christopher-mayo.com/?s=evernote I talk about how i do stuff in a minimalistic manner. http://www.christopher-mayo.com/?p=367 I also collect links to other (often better) sites for learning more. http://www.christopher-mayo.com/?p=446 A good place to start, if all of this still seems overwhelming, is Brett Kelly's book. http://nerdgap.com/evernote-essentials-4/
  10. Stacks cannot be nested & notebooks canot be nested. Stacks can contain notebooks but not other stacks. Notebooks cannot contain other notebooks or stacks. For more intricate organizing, you can use tags, descriptive titles and "keywords". Hey all - AND WHY IS IT that stacks can't contain stacks??It would be a powerfull feature. I know EN want us to have the business edition, then you can have multiple accounts, and in that way have another dimention to EN, but EN is in competition with OneNote in businesses, and because OneNote has several more layers it wins. I like EN because it supports all my platforms: Android, Windows, FireOS, IOS. If OneNote were to be available to all platforms, I think because of lack of layering, nesting and so on EN will loose the battle in businesslife by far. That would be a shame. If stacks were could contain stacks and they were colored if containing stacks, it was easy to oversee. Maybe EN development can see the potential? I don't know why. I think the answer for the last six years has been to use tags. http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/28871-feature-request-nested-stacks-multiple-notebook-levels/ I've also suggested they have more of a notebook hierarchy. It wouldn't do me any good, because the vast majority of my notes are in a single notebook, but I do think it would please a lot of users. If i had to guess, I'd say there is a reason on the backend that an infinite number of notebooks and an infinite amount of nesting would affect performance.
  11. Here's why Evernote exports to html...https://www.evernote.com/shard/s137/sh/e10c37c9-be36-40f4-b7b4-3501c4bcbc61/e1f2636a2d024c13de29b10c8544b65b So it seems like the main reason to have only html export is for the attached files to be included. Makes sense. Still, for folks like me who don't have any attachments, it would be nice to have the additional capability to export notes as txt. Oh well.Ideally, we'd have many more export options. I think it is a minor annoyance, though. I mainly use text, and I find it quite easy to move smoothly from one app to another. http://www.christopher-mayo.com/?p=1564
  12. Hi. It could be Mavericks. System Preferences -> Language and Region -> Keyboard preferences -> Text -> Uncheck "use smart quotes"
  13. It's not for me to say. But I'd guess if it were premium, it would spawn a whole 'nuther rant theme similar to the one(s) that offline notebooks should not be a premium feature. True. I don't envy Evernote's task of deciding what goes with Premium and what doesn't. Their notebook sharing policy might give a clue, though. Free=encrypt one notebook. Premium=encrypt up to 250?
  14. No word, yet. My opinion is that this ought to be standard (it is with other note-taking apps on the Mac like DevonThink, nvALT, and VoodooPad). However, if it was a Premium feature, that would be fine with me as well.
  15. Hi. There is no find and replace. If you drag your saved searches into the shortcuts area you can have them available in the sidebar.
  16. Hi! Welcome to the forums. Let's keep this space family-friendly and refrain from profanity. Besides, your point is better made without it. What you are asking for is a new rationale, and I think it is fair to ask. I am afraid we (other users) can't help out here, though. All we know is what we have heard from Evernote staff on the forums. If you want an official answer to your query, I strongly suggest contacting customer support.
  17. I think that is a great feature suggestion. The solutions are cohesive, in my opinion, but require you to use the local notebooks or encrypt each PDF individually. Personally, I file confidential notes in a local notebook. This way, I avoid any issues with security on the cloud. Ideally, of course, we'd have encrypted notebooks, but until that time, you actually do have some options.
  18. Hi. Welcome to the forums. The Evernote developers use Linux and are quite familiar with the open source community -- they contribute to it themselves! They decided not to make an app for Linux, though. There is a native client created by a member of the user community. http://nevernote.sourceforge.net/index.htm See earlier in this thread for a discussion of it and other points related to your comments.
  19. I mirror all of my notes in another program called nvALT on the Mac. It's actually a pretty straightforward process. 1. Export notes as .html. 2. Drag .html files into nvALT. If you use VoodooPad (Mac), it is just as simple. 1. Export notes as .html. 2. Import .html files. 3. (optional) Export notes as .txt. If you are working on Mac and the iPad in Evernote, they both have options to change your notes into plain text. It isn't "really" plain text, of course, because everything in Evernote is in .enex format, but it strips out formatting. I write in markup, so when I mirror my notes everything works (almost) seamlessly. The exception would be tabs and spaces. Evernote doesn't record tabs (just spaces), so you can't rely on tabbed stuff to render properly in markdown. In addition, somewhere I am getting a strange kind of space (a zero-width non-breaking one?). These cause markdown to act funky, so I replace them all with regular spaces using BBEdit. This only takes a few seconds (replace all in multiple files), but it is a minor annoyance.
  20. Not snowed in. Doesn't happen often in the desert. ;-) WRT the feature request, I don't have a problem with the way things work now. IMO, it's NBD to sort the results pane differently, when I need to. I do think Jeff pointed out a reasonable concern...that when one notebook is sorted one way & another notebook sorted another way & the search results include notes from both notebooks, what to do? Sure, EN could add all kinds of flags & options, but I think they still try to stay as basic/simple/straight forward as possible. I think that also makes it easier to deal with the multi-platform issues. Yeah. If we're talking about sorting, I'd say I am far more interested in having additional sort options. As a Windows user, you don't have to worry about this It is good to remind people that they can open up the app in multiple windows, so notebooks can be sorted different ways for each window. It's probably not ideal for some users, but it is workable.
  21. We're sniping right & left this morning! Are you snowed in as well? LOL. The streets didn't get plowed all morning out here. So, where do my fellow evangelists stand on this feature suggestion? Personally, it doesn't matter much to me, because I only have one main notebook. However, for users with a lot of notebooks, I could see this as a very helpful feature. Why not have it as an option? Then again, I'm still waiting on Mac and iOS for more sort options (Windows still has the most).
  22. A forum search on "notebook sort" turned up several previous topics, including: http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/30959-request-different-notebooks-different-sorting/ http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/43739-manual-sort-order-of-notebooks-and-tag-list/ Looks like someone found one of them, and added your post. Sniped you are, I am afraid
  23. Hi. Welcome to the forums! I've merged your thread with this existing one. As you can see, the answer to your question is "yes." Maybe the explanation of your use case will help convince the developers to introduce this feature.
  24. If you are willing to look outside of Evernote, and you are using a Mac, it is pretty easy. Spotlight supports boolean searches. I believe DevonThink does as well (point DevonThink to your Evernote database and have it index the contents). I like BBEdit myself. It has an overwhelming range of features with its searches. All of this is possible because Evernote's contents are accessible on the Mac instead of being tucked away inside a database file as they are on Windows.
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