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Everything posted by GrumpyMonkey

  1. Hi. Welcome to the user forums. At this time, you cannot share stacks. You can only share notebooks individually.
  2. My images are the exact same size in terms of megabytes and height/width. Could you tell us how much it increased and give us some more details about your workflow? Maybe it is a difference in our scanners or scanner software. As for the forum software you mentioned, that seems non-sequitur here. Does it resize images?
  3. In my opinion, Springpad and Evernote have radically different aims, and are pursuing them in very different ways. There are lots of things that I like about Springpad (and all sorts of other apps). You'll want to use the apps that meet your needs, but what are some of the reasons why I rely on Evernote? - Evernote has a sustainable business model with a plan to stick around at least 100 years -- I am still unclear about how Springpad's ad-based model is going to work as they scale up - it stores my data safe and secure forever on its own servers, even if I never pay a dime -- Springpad rents space from Amazon - it provides me with my own copy of the data on my devices, so I have offline access and total data security -- when I have no connection or Amazon's servers go down, Springpad is unavailable - it is accessible from any device with native applications for just about everything -- Springpad has iOS, Android, and Web clients only - it is conducive to a paperless existence by allowing notes up to 50MB in size -- I think Springpad still has a 5MB file upload limit - Evernote is a platform with lots of third-party integrations, so that even if Evernote doesn't develop that particular feature you are wanting, someone probably has, and it works with Evernote -- Springpad has an API as well, but seems to have far fewer third-party integrations This is an Evernote forum, and I am an Evernote Evangelist, so I guess you have to expect that I'd say something like this But, setting my clear bias aside, as I said above, there are some things to like about Springpad. My point is more that while Evernote and Springpad have some overlapping use cases / functionality, I think they are going in very different directions, and it is a good idea to keep this in mind if you are planning to work with an app for an extended period of time.
  4. Hi. Welcome to the forums! Thanks for sharing your use case. I'm sure having details about how you want to use the program will help developers as they work on improving the experience.
  5. If you use note templates, as Robin Lee's (welcome to the forums!) comments suggested, you can have any background color you want. However, changing it is the tricky part, and it is also not possible on mobile clients to change text color, so that can be an issue as well. I hope we'll get the feature someday, but I guess other things like control over fonts, text size, highlighting, etc. (clients vary on their support) would probably be a priority for many people as well. Evernote developers have plenty to keep them busy over the summer If you would like some background color templates, please see this page: http://www.princeton.edu/~cmayo/template.html
  6. Hi Doff. Welcome to the forums! Interesting idea The Evernote API is out there, so a third-party developer could make this happen with some kind of integration. If you could get a developer on board, you are good to go. I can't speak for Evernote, of course, but my guess is that they are unwilling to take on the project, because they have already decided not to devote resources to the platform, not because they lack the money. It isn't a one-time thing for them, after all, but support they have to continue for years and years. In order to maintain parity across different clients, they'd have to hire a team to keep updating the application. A third-party wouldn't be operating under the same constraints, and they might even be able to make money off sales of their application to Linux users.
  7. Hello. Welcome to the user forums. Could you tell us what client (Mac, iOS, Windows, Web, etc.) and what device you are using?
  8. Hi nothgirl. Welcome to the user forums! If I understand you correctly, you brought up two important points: the time it takes to display a PDF and the lack of stacks (sub-folders) in the current iPad user interface. Regarding the first one, I have not experienced a huge difference between Dropbox and Evernote. I do think Dropbox downloads the PDFs a little more quickly over wifi. However, if you make a PDF offline in Evernote, it will load more quickly. Both use the same Apple PDF viewer to display the PDFs, so the results are identical. At least, that is waht I am seeing. Maybe I am misunderstanding you. Regarding the second, I think this is an issue a lot of people have mentioned, and I have it in my thread floating around somewhere full of suggestions for improving the iPad user interface. I don't use stacks myself, but I certainly see their utility, and I think the developers would probably agree.
  9. Candid's point about tags running through multiple notebooks is important. I should say that Brett Kelly's book and the posts on this forum by longtime members helped me in the transition. Now, I have a system that doesn't rely on notebooks and tags. It is a bit unconventional, but it works for me. http://www.princeton.edu/~cmayo/evernote-organization.html However, I think for most people, a mix of tags and notebooks will be the best solution.
  10. Hello. Welcome to the forums! This is an oft-requested feature. We can currently nest one level (stacks). I don't know if Evernote plans to offer more. If you search the forums, you'll find lots of discussion about tags. These could offer a workaround for you, and you might find (like I did) that they are far better than nested notebooks
  11. I disagree. It may be "smart" from a technical point of view, but not of a users point of view. There is very little correlation between the image size and what image is the most important, or most relevant, to the user. On top of that, the thumbnail often crops the image in the middle, making it almost unrecognizable. Don't see anything "smart" about this. Choosing the first image whose width and height are both greater than that used for borders would be "smart", as well a give the user control over which image is used for the thumbnail. It works pretty well from this user's point of view. The images chosen are appropriate, and even when cut-off (as they must be to fit within the constraints of the snippet view), they are perfectly recognizable.The designers must have done something right if the results work so well a lot of the time (for this user, at least), so I'll stick with calling the current implementation "smart." It would be "smarter," of course, if they added the ability to override the existing algorithm
  12. I think this is a case of the programmers trying to be cool with a "clever" algorithm, yet they did not have a good understanding of the end-user's needs/perspective. We have tried several times to convince the EN team that the current selection process does not work very well, but they don't seem to want to hear it. I don't think your speculation about the developers is supported by the evidence. In fact, they seem very concerned about the user experience What I got out of the developer comments in this thread is that they were looking for a way to populate the thumbnails with images that would make sense to the user and avoid having horizontal bars or other non-sensical images showing up. The process occurs automatically and actually does a good job in most cases for me. As we discussed in the other thread, there are good things about the product, but also areas that need improvement. It seems like a smart design decision, and I like it, but I think it would be nice if users had the option to overide the algorithm in a note. Hopefully, the developers will consider this in future updates. Just because the developers don't do what we ask them to do doesn't mean they are not listening or not hearing us. We may have been un-persuasive. They might be waiting to roll it out together with a different update so that they don't have to recode for a new interface. They might disagree. Or, they could be too busy. Who knows? Rather than questioning their commitment to a good user experience, I think we can offer real life use cases that will help them design it better in future ones.
  13. Hi. Welcome to the forums! As BNF said, you purchase a premium account, and the subscription only applies to it. You can make sub-notebooks (called "stacks") by dragging the notebooks into another one (if I remember correctly) for the Mac and Windows clients. Could you tell us why a "professional" and "personal" notebook would not be enough, and you want to have two accounts instead? Of course, you could create two accounts, but I wouldn't recommend it, because there are very few benefits to doing a hemispherectomy on your external brain!
  14. Hi. Welcome to the forums! I believe that Phil Libin (CEO) mentioned that this kind of feature would have to come eventually (see Evernote podcast #28), so I think they are aware of the need. I imagine that it will take some time, though, to implement such a major change. I am looking forward to it By scanning to the cloud, I assume you mean scanning directly into Evernote without having it on your local drive. Even if this were possible, it is a moot point, because Evernote automatically syncs everything to your local drive. As for the third-party apps and giving away your login information, as I understand it, we no longer give this information to third-party developers.
  15. Oh. The delete key on the keyboard? Interesting. I guess I have never accidentally deleted anything in that fashion. I thought he was talking about the toolbar. The dialogue box with a checkbox would be OK with me, but I'd just check the box and hope to never see it again
  16. Is this a default configuration? I imagine this causes much of a headache everywhere... Perceptive question. On the Mac (wisely) the default configuration doesn't even contain the trash. Perhaps the Windows team ought to consider removing it from the default view or moving it.
  17. I customized my toolbar so that the trash appears far away from anything I regularly click. I think it would be pretty difficult for me to accidentally throw anything away, besides the fact that it is all quite easily recoverable. I would definitely not like to see a message asking if I really want to do something. These are the kinds of messages that drive me nuts!
  18. Hi. Welcome to the forums! I didn't even know this thread existed. I have been wanting the same thing, but I haven't been able to express it very clearly, and here we are with a simple solution: a manual sort order. Yes. This is what I want. I do a lot of writing, amongst other things, and I would appreciate the ability to arrange and re-arrange notes freely. Once you have more than a handful of notes, the renaming process to change the sort (using sort by title) or re-dating process (using sort by created date) becomes quite laborious, and on some platforms (the iOS), the re-dating option isn't available. My current workaround is to create a note full of note links. Then, it is a relatively simple matter to cut/paste in order to change the order. This works well enough, but it isn't quite the same, because you are jumping from note to note instead of seeing them all lined up conveniently in the center pane. We cannot make note links on mobile platforms yet, so this is only an option if you are using desktops. It isn't a deal-breaker or anything, but the ability to manually determine the search order could potentially affect a lot of users. Complaints about the inability to pin notes to the top, GTD folks, writers, users preparing a kind of "slide show" of notes with photographs, and people sharing notebooks (multiple users with multiple naming conventions make things a bit messy).
  19. It's still a solid app I trust, but not yet for critical things, because it lacks save and continue, and as you said, no way to undo or cancel. I primarily use an external keyboard with the phone, so cmd-z gets me undo, but i still think we need all of these in the app.
  20. Who do we have to bombard with emails to get this done Phil? Don't worry, I'll do it in an enjoyablly Evernotey way, with shared notes full of rick-roll links
  21. Hi. At least one member of the Evernote staff has voiced his support for "save and continue," and pur Android brethren have it, so things are looking up
  22. This is exactly what happened to me. I had deleted something and didn't notice it for a few weeks. Why not give people the ability to avoid having to use the note histories at all when such a simple thing as a read-only flag would solve it once and for all? i could not agree more
  23. hi. welcome to the forums! this request occasionally comes up in the forums. so far, evernote doesn't seem like it is likely to implement it. however, i sure would like to see it. even with trash that doesn't have to be deleted and note histories, it is still a worry, because you might accidentally delete something and not realize it for days or weeks, especially in an account with thousands of notes.
  24. hi. welcome to the forums! i am afraid the answer is no. i have been lobbying for a plain text option for about a year now. i still hold out hope for it! in the meantime, run it through a text edior, or use formatmatch (app). i use formatmatch on a daily basis. i sure wish i had it on the ipad, because the situation there is even more textastrous. in celebration of geek pride day, maybe the developers will hear our pleas
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