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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Just tested The note loaded after starting Evernote; there was a brief delay
  2. I recommend opening a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  3. I'm also disappointed with Evernote management I'm not upvoting the request to pull the upgrade The decision to release was bad, but it's done. I believe we should give Evernote time to fix the issues
  4. I'm using a Mac, so there may be a difference This is metadata; stored in the Resource table On a Mac, the actual file is stored externally in the note folder, in native format
  5. All sync'd notebooks appear on your devices; including shared notebooks The note count includes shared notebooks My iPad note count matches the Web count Macs, have the option for Local Notebooks These notes do not appear on the web or other devices
  6. I'm not sure what this means, and how it relates to a note filter for reminders
  7. I moved the discussion to the requests forum, and added my vote The previous version had a note filter line shown Here and the reminder filter was a small clock icon; easily ignored
  8. I merged your posts so we're not discussing in two different places >>notebookstructure and is not syncing with the cloud. The notebook structure is being pulled from the cloud for initial setup I wonder if your previous beta activities is causing this
  9. In my screenshot I'm using Evernote's in-app pdf viewer on my iPad The pdf was ocr'd by an external app The text is also searchable in Evernote/IOS
  10. I moved this to the Scannable forum You might want to post a separate issue report for scanning with the Evernote app I'm not experiencing issues with either process I prefer Scannable and the pdf generation
  11. There are worse sins than posting in the wrong forum The user moderators will adjust as necessary I'm guessing you want the Bugs/Technical Issues forum at evernote-for-windows-issues We try to group like content together based on platform Also separate requests from technical issues/bugs The forum code of conduct is posted at
  12. In-app links are working for me - opens Evernote at the correct note I have a problem posted Here; internal links are pasting as browser links edit: Confirmed there is a problem if Evernote is is open in the background
  13. I'm not experiencing sync problems (iPad) The duplicate/conflict notes issue is resolved for me with the latest release (v10.0.2)
  14. Your posts have been merged - cross-posting is against forum etiquette/rules
  15. I had the same problem; resolved by repeating the delete/reinstall
  16. Your post has been merged with an ongoing discussion on links within notes This is the next requirement before getting to generate a ToC based on heading styles
  17. Thanks, I just want clear disclosure when features get dropped I'm not even sure i's a priority to use Evernote's email servers Users can copy/paste into their own email services
  18. I'm able to use the any;/all search options on a small test sample (v10.0.2) Your post has been split out of the search/sort discussion
  19. Traditionally, this is posted by Evernote in the feedback forum Users have posted discussions at V10.0 v10.0.1 v10.0.2
  20. Share to Evernote is missing. Tested with web page and images v10.0.2 Resolved by rebooting my iPad
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