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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I moved your post the Mac Request forum Users can indicate support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion Since we're using Macs, we can change the shortcut to any menu item using Apple Preferences
  2. From https://evernote.com/blog/new-windows-mac/ please be aware that there are a handful of features—...—that are not yet available. If your workflow depends on these features, you can continue to use our legacy apps
  3. No, the Version 10 product is still very much a work-in-progress There's "issues" and pending feature implementations I'm still using the Legacy product >>I don't have any local notebooks, anymore... Support for Local Notebooks has definitely been dropped in the Version 10 product The new architecture is cloud based, with limited optional offline support
  4. I also have separate daily journal notes; tagged as !Type-Journal, titled yyyy-mm-dd Journal I start each morning with a note generated from my journal template Not clear about the "tabulated list"; a sample might help It's easy to generate a note list, also search
  5. Evernote has limited sort options for notes fwiw I take my data to a spreadsheet where there's more options I have this scripted with Applescript on my Mac >>Valuable lists can be produced with Priority as the first level sort and Action the second level. Another valuable list can be produced with the opposite - Action as the first level sort followed by Priority as the second level. Due-date is also useful
  6. Expand Sort Options is requested Here To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  7. You're showing the Help menu, selected with no option key Did you hold down the option key then select the Help menu
  8. Same answer as the FAQ Identify the database folder by Click on the Help Menu while holding down the option key Select Troubleshooting > Open Database Folder
  9. The link was to an Append Metadata script The automated backup script is simple tell application "Evernote" to export theNotes to fileBackuphtml format HTML with tags
  10. That would be the Legacy "on demand sync" It removes unused data from the local database store
  11. By default, Evernote Legacy stores data locally; a giant .exb file in Windows Export executes against the local database; not the server
  12. We're expecting the 50 note limit to be removed Export can be executed at the notebook level - no limit I'm using the Legacy product (Mac) and have full export functionality - no limits The export function still functions after "they turn off Evernote Legacy/v6 sync"
  13. Yes, HTML export stores a note's tag information (no hierarchy) No, the export does not store notebook or stack information I append the metadata to a note's contents I have this scripted with Applescript on a Mac
  14. As I said, I have my data backed up; a full export in html format, scheduled weekly on my Mac Mac's index the content so text search is available With no other action, I'm able to access my data I've made no decision on an Evernote alternative, but I do keep an eye on the candidates Some offer a direct import from Evernote
  15. I didn't say I have confidence (or trust) The product (Legacy) is working well for me for the immediate feature However I'm prepared when this product/service is no longer the best solution for me I have my data backed up and my exit strategy prepared
  16. No sunset date specified for the Legacy product. I just know it's working well in the present, and immediate future
  17. I moved your post to the request forum, and added my vote In the meantime, I use a script utility to format the date to my preference (yyyy-mm-dd) and insert wherever I need it, title or contents edit; Sorry, I missed the "in the lists" reference.
  18. I have a full offline copy of data on my Mac The data is backed up weekly using the export feature in html format This data is not useless; it's functional >>withdrawing the classic version This would be the Evernote Legacy product. The app software is installed on my Mac and will continue to function without Evernote support >>The new version is totally unusable This would be the Version 10 product; a work-in-progress imho It's not ready for general use. In their release notes, Evernote advises If your workflow depends on these features, you can continue to use our legacy apps.
  19. I know that @bigphilwalks has only one post, requesting information about the sync button
  20. No, the Legacy product only has two options: enex and html The Version 10 product only exports to enex format; new options are pending >>Alternatively is it possible to convert the complete contents of a ENEX export to markdown? html > markdown would be more likely; it's ubiquitous
  21. A strange comment for a user post requesting information Also, this post has become a feature request where users can indicate support (vote button at the top left corner of the discussion) This is useful towards convincing Evernote to implement this feature
  22. I don't know if hysteria is the right word, but there is something wrong with the general user-base mentality regarding the Version 10 product I'm a long time Legacy product user (Mac), with no issues I'm aware there's a Version 10 product; it's a work-in-progress and I won't be seriously reviewing it until the work is completed The posts I'm seeing are not objective feedback of the Version 10 product It seems to by hysteria given these users can easily revert to the Legacy product (Mac/Windows)
  23. Export by notebook; there is no limit on # of notes
  24. Click on the ..., and Select This gives the multi-select option
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