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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Actually I'm not too familiar with OneNote, but thanks for the info I am an Evernote user; not sure about "refusal to allow multiple sub-folders" I guess the comparison in Evernote is Stacks/Notebooks/Notes; only three levels. I was never fond of the folder filing model. I prefer to organize my data using tags
  2. Get the agreement of other users that this is a high priority item. You've started that process by posting in this forum and users can indicate their support using the voting buttons in the top left corner. There are many bugs and features to be worked. We can provide feedback as to the priority
  3. If they're currently Window users I would think they're already prospects for MS I agree that MS has more products for monetization than EN
  4. Non-paying users are the ones who tend to be more migratory They try out a product, then switch to another product and so on Paying users tend to be long term. They pay for a subscription. However when their subscriptions expire, its conceivable they may chose to move to OneNote or other services. It happens all the time. But my point was that since One Note doesn't charge for their accounts; all user are non-paying. They don't generate revenue directly
  5. XML? Why not html - at least they'd be readable
  6. I've moved this discussion to a feedback forum so it can be better addressed as a request Please indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons in the discussions upper left corner
  7. First off; you should be aware that - We can continue to use all our devices. I added more details here This is the method I would use to access Evernote on an iphone If you insist on using the web site on a mobile device, here's my method There are two versions of many websites, mobile and desktop When you say "first page", I think by default, you are seeing the mobile version of the website On my ipad, to switch to the desktop version; I hold down the refresh icon
  8. I own a phone. I paid for it, and I pay for my phone service, and I pay for my internet service It never occurred to me that anyone was spitting in my face Evernote is one of the few companies offering free a free service level And we can continue to use all our devices. I added more details here
  9. I'm not enthused with the Notification system in EN Reminders I use a service to sync my reminders to my calendar which provides more extensive features. This helps, but I find the best feature set for alarms/reminders is outside of EN
  10. @deyawper @gazumped Since you seem to understand this discussion, can you explain what is meant by type "document". I'm not seeing it as a Mac thing
  11. Architecture wise, they've already shown it can be done. (they added the reminder order field to notes for the reminder section) So I'm guessing the solution is to add a notebook order field Thats the easy part; updating the UI across all the platforms is another matter I'm not sure what you want to hear from Engineering I've accepted that in the list of priorities, its been decided not to implement this at this time.
  12. Can't see how often I'd use this Sometimes I have a bunch of notes to get the same tags. On my Mac, I can select the notes, and then use the mass change box to assign tags I've moved the discussion to a feedback forum to be better addressed as a feature request. Please indicate your support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner
  13. Fine - I apologize for causing the tangent by mentioning most requested feature and voting
  14. I edited my post to show my comment on votes related to the current time frame Maybe now this conversation will get back to Selective Sync
  15. The voting numbers are one of the indicators that I use; and Evernote has said they are using it Anyways, the issue I was contesting was "I think is probably the most-requested feature"
  16. Can you explain "probably the most-requested feature"? The request doesn't seem to have gotten that many votes (in the current time frame)
  17. It's ok that we disagree. That makes a good discussion. Personal attacks are another thing I don't have much to contribute to this thread, but I appreciate what I'm learning from it.
  18. Any intelligence issues I may have are not pertinent to this discussion
  19. This discussion started in 2009 and is now 20 pages The original post was responded to by Evernote, and stated there would not be a linux client A reasonable person would have recognized this and looked for solutions elsewhere.
  20. If Evernote had a $ for everyone "considering" to pay, they would....... Why don't you "consider" upgrading to the Plus account
  21. Both? Mostly, I just use the Windows forum even though many suggestions are multi platform. I figure if it gets into Windows, it will make it to Mac eventually.
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