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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Which device/platform are you using? The web platform saves data directly to the Evernote server. There is no sync function. My iPad and iPhone automatically access/sync data to the Evernote server. The data is linked by account id
  2. At present, Evernote only allows a two level hierarchy for Notebooks. This is implemented by grouping notebooks into Stacks Please add your vote to the request above. Voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion >>if I want to organise notes for writing a novel, I could call the main notebook 'Novel', and then have sub notebooks called 'characters', 'theme', etc. Within 'Character' I could then have sub-notebooks like 'David', 'Sarah', etc containing notes about those characters. A work-around is to use a standard naming convention; for example Novel Novel - Characters Novel - Characters - David Novel - Characters - Sarah Novel - Theme
  3. I hope someone else contributes to the discussion. I'm not a font person, beyond fixed/proportional. I don't adjust my fonts, and thought it more of a word processing thing. A helvetica and an arial walked into a bar. The bartender said we don't serve your type
  4. Without specific font assignment, we're seeing the default fonts used on each platform. We can adjust the default on the Win/Mac platforms; I have no idea what the IOS default is. The font assignment only applies to our text content.
  5. Welcome to the user discussion forums. We're mostly a self moderated forum; Evernote employees pop in occasionally. Voting buttons are in the upper left corner of the discussion . Note: User votes are just one of the factures Evernote uses in determining development priorities Discussion comments are optional, but always welcome. >>From what I have read in the few forums I have peaked at today it seems like people suggest the features ... It works well for me, in both adding requests and adding my vote to other requests. I also enjoy the comments in the discussion. The exploring in more detail, and suggestions of work arounds and other approaches to incorporating the feature in my Evernote use. Some users just want to state their opinion, and don't like feedback.
  6. It's recognized Evernote's editor doesn't include a code syntax highlighting feature for program/script code; hence the above feature request. I agree it's a critical feature for "programmers ...", however I'm thinking Evernote's note editor/format is not the best place to do coding or store code. I use a code editor (Textastic) for my coding; storing the code as a text file which I add as an attachment to a note. This editor has syntax highlighting.
  7. Please add your vote to the request; voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion >>Scrolling through my list of notebooks is tedious I found it helps if I stick to a naming convention, including prefixing so groups sort together alphabetically. For example, instead of Red, White, Blue; I use Colour-Red, Colour-White, Colour-Blue >>And what is going to happen to me when I reach that limit of 250 notebooks? A different discussion, but here are some alternatives Upgrade your account. Business accounts have a 10,000 Notebook limit. Make use of the Tags feature; 100,000 limit. I'm running with over 300 tags. In some ways, it's just a switch in names, but there are also feature differences Here's a link for a request to increase the limit. Please add your vote
  8. A tag to be specified within the note for specific contents; snippets. It would also have to identify the beginning and end of the snippet; or maybe some form of markup like <tagname> ... </tagname> Currently Evernote has an extensive tag system, but it only exists at the note level. With the current system, users are free to insert their own keywords, like _Research. The search feature can be used to access notes with these ketwords I'd want to maintain a master list of these keywords.
  9. For encrypted text you have two options 1. show encrypted text 2. decrypt text permanently If you select option 1. show encrypted text, the text is still encrypted. There is no need to re-encrypt it
  10. I was hoping for a simple solution; changing the database and UI is complicated and beyond the skills of the average user That's how Evernote does pinning in the Reminder Section (another column) The column is called Reminder Order; and contains a value to indicate the pinning sequence
  11. I'm more in favour of translating MD when entered. I wouldn't want the "without being able to edit it in MD anymore". I can manage with not maintaining the MD format If I wanted to maintain the MD format, I'd be using a separate document as an attachment to a note.
  12. Just wondering if the Evernote editor is the best tool for writing a novel Certainly a step up from typewriter, but I'm certain there are better apps suited for the job
  13. Not commenting on the ease of implementing this feature, the fact remains Evernote has to prioritize the development work. You can influence the prioritisation by indicating your support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion This feature request is up to votes
  14. Yes, notes can have various "defining features"; some "features" could be considered primary (depends on context) For ID'ing the notes with these features, we can use Tags and/or Notebooks Use whatever tool or combination works best for you I use Tags I'm not concerned if a "feature" is primary or secondary, but I could prefix my tagnames with "Primary" >>I think you need four levels... I don't think three is enough. If I only had work in evernote, I'd be fine - I'd have cut out one level. All the levels can be represented in Evernote Stacks/notebooks offer 2 levels; tags offer unlimited level. (This request is asking for more levels for notebooks) >>This is a consequence of wanting notes to only be in one location. I can't see "location" for notes; nor a single location I'm more comfortable with notes having one or multiple "features" >>I can't remember every tag. I have the same problem remembering every tag or notebook. I make use of the lists to aid in assignment; also a naming standard so classes sort together alphabetically >>I can't search all the notes in a top level tag easily, as I can with notebooks. Top level tag search is actually an Evernote/Windows feature I make use of wildcards, for example tag:Budget* gives me all my budget tags >>Finally, it's really easy using drag and drop to organise my notes with notebooks. Agreed. I can drag and drop in the taglist; it adds the tag to the note, but doesn't delete tags
  15. As per @gazumped, you can't share at the Stack level. You might take a look at the new Spaces feature Spaces are a new, more efficient way of organizing your team’s information in Evernote Business. You can create a Space for a project, team, or topic; fill it with notes and notebooks; and share it with your team
  16. To indicate your support for this request, use the voting buttons in the top left corner
  17. It might depend on your purpose for organizing notes; "create links between notes that wouldn't normally be together, to aid searching and finding notes" works for me >>Evernote's facebook poll showed clearly that most people use notebooks for organising notes There's a story that if Ford had asked his customers what they wanted, they would have said faster horses >>from the way Evernote is set up, you should organise your notes with notebooks Evernote is set up with two attributes that can be assigned to notes; Notebooks and Tags Its more than just different names; each have specific features These are the tools. It's your choice how you use them I use - tags for organization - notebooks for the sync'd/local, shared, offline feature >>Add at least one more level to notebooks. If I was going to use notebooks for organization, I'd want unlimited hierarchy Also, and increase in the max, multiple entries per note, and search features (all the tag features) >>So don't be a Neanderthal. Get your anthropology straight. Call it a shelf or something. Make it graphically distinct. I'm not strong on antropology, but I don't think organizing data was a priority for Neanderthals. Did they actually use notes, notebooks and tags? It's conceivable they had shelfs Does this have any connection to Evernote?
  18. To indicate your support for this request, use the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion >>It doesn't sound like a complicate change. Exclude anything in the "No Search 01 - No Search 10" notebooks. I don't want to move my notes to a different notebook; my notebook setup is fine I just want to flag notes as archived exclude from searches Evernote has not indicated an interest in implementing specific archive features, also the search feature doesn't allow exclusion by notebook Working with the existing features, my solution is flag notes as archived, using tag !Archive exclude from searches, using -tag:!Archive
  19. When I need advanced features like line spacing, I switch to a word processing document (Word/Pages) I store the document as an attachment to a note; Evernote works well with office/iwork documents Please indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion
  20. Could you provide more details. Perhaps post a screenshot. If you're looking for the database location it's been moved to Option-Help > Troubleshooting > Open Database Folder
  21. Hellofax is a third party product that offers fax features in the cloud. I use it occasionally, independent of Evernote. There is documentation at https://appcenter.evernote.com/app/hellofax/web-apps Forward faxes, signed emails, and requested signature documents to Evernote.Allow importing of your notes into HelloFax. >>It seems the company, if they wanted, could just embed Scannable directly to into Evernote mobile as an effect designed for taking images of documents... It's a trade off. We don't have to use separate apps, but the Evernote app becomes bloated with features not used by everyone
  22. Please consider adding your vote to feature requests for the Atlas feature The voting buttons are at the top left corner of the request discussion An IOS request is posted here
  23. I should have advised you to check your note on the web platform. Sometimes we see corruption on our devices, but the master data on the servers is ok. The Mac platform has a full sync function to resolve these issues
  24. Evernote only offers encryption (password) for specific text within a note. I also encrypt my sensitive data via encrypted attachments. I'm curious how you feel password protected notes should be displayed in Evernote. Title only? Included/Excluded from text search?
  25. Just to be clear, this is a user discussion forum. We're both users and not Evernote employees. Our posts represent personal feedback in the discussion I am intrested in posts that provide information, or constructive criticism, I'm not interested in the "Boohoo, Evernote is so bad" posts >>creating a perception that popularity does in fact determine decisions. My understanding is that popularity is one of the factors that influences decisions. That's why I encourage users to add their vote to the requests
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