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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Shortcuts are working for me. Is your Activity Log showing an error?
  2. You tacked your post onto an existing discussion. You should start a new discussion in an appropriate forum. Evernote is a cloud app with data stored on the server. "backing up my notes with my phone" is not applicable
  3. What does this mean; divert people? These forums were made by Evernote for user discussions; this specific forum is for product feedback and feature requests (Mac) Where would I be posting if not here? There is a reddit forum at https://www.reddit.com/r/Evernote/
  4. The first step is to select the notes in Evernote Second, launch the Script Editor app This app comes free with every Mac installation Enter the commands to execute First statement identifies theNotes as the selected notes Next, a repeat loop to pass through every note Within the loop, the action required - a statement to set the reminder time Click run ( ) to run the script tell application "Evernote" to set theNotes to selection repeat with theNote in theNotes tell application "Evernote" to set reminder time of theNote to date "Monday, January 1, 2018 at 00:00:00" end repeat
  5. Which platform? Mass reminder changes is not an Evernote feature, but can be scripted on Evernote/Mac
  6. Evernote has limited print features. My solution would be to transfer the note data to a word processing app
  7. Please add an option to disable the display of the Recent Notes list. With the last update, the Recent Notes list moved to the Shortcuts list. We can disable the Shortcuts List; but we lost a separate disable option for Recent Notes
  8. I'm not a fan of Evernote's sketch feature for "pen and handwriting" There are many external editors that support this feature; I like using Notability on my iPad; GoodNotes is usefull too with OCR transcribing Of course there's always pen and paper, which I imediately scan using my iPad camera Evernote remains my digital filing cabinet. I add the documents as attachments to notes. Evernote works well with PDFs, images, office/iwork documents, ...
  9. You might consider using a word processing editor like Word/Pages. The document file can be attached to the note; Evernote works well with office/iwork files
  10. The servers are the hub in the sync process: device <> server <> device. This does not allow device <> device sync; it's do-able, but would be a completely different process >>I tend to use offline books for some of this stuff Actually called Local Notebooks. Make sure you backup your data; Evernote only looks after data on the server >>But, I could create an offline book on my Mac and have it replicated on my PC My solution is to protect my sensitive data with encryption (password); it's then sync'd and available on all my devices and backup Evernote has a text encryption feature, and I use encrypted attachments (PDFs, office/iwork documents, ...)
  11. You'll find Evernote has many features differ depending on the platform The basics are covered on the IOS platform, but it's not the full set of features The desktop platforms (Win/Mac) have the most complete set of features; including tag hierarchy
  12. And the joke is? You're posting in the discussion for a feature request ([REQUEST] Tag Nesting / Hierarchy for the iOS Evernote !) I consider this to be a useful feature; I use it on my Mac to organize my tags. To indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.
  13. Just an fyi; Evernote is rolling out a new Spaces feature. It allows for pinning notes
  14. The text encryption feature is useful, but it's retricted to text only. I also make use of encrypted file attachments PDFs, office/iwork documents, ...
  15. I agree anchor links are supported in the base html code Please add your vote to this request using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. This request has 92 votes. This is one of the factors Evernote uses in identifying development priorities.
  16. By definition, Evernote is not processing your local notes - there is no backup on the server The user has responsibility for backups - any possibility you have a backup file, or Time Machine running
  17. Which device/platform? I'm not seeing sync delays; it mostly happens in the background. However I'm not making a lot of changes at any given time. I see a beach-ball delay sometimes on my Mac, but it's not sync related
  18. That's an interesting idea. I have seen UI's that group data in the list
  19. There's a third response class, illustrated by your post BooHoo >>slightest interest in the merits of the argument To indicate your support for the request, please use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion If you're interested is organization solutions, review the posts
  20. If Evernote implement MD support, we would have titles, Please indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. This request has 12 votes
  21. Please indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. There are currently 14 votes.
  22. Your use case is reasonable, and the request has been posted. To indicate your support, use the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. Since this feature is not currently offered by Evernote, you might wat to look at the posts offering work-arounds. >>I mean, notebook or note lock will do the job and it's kinda surprising to see that this topic is open for almost 5 years now and I haven't seen any NO, NOT NOW or MAYBE's from EN officials. Maybe there is but I missed it though.... I've seen no response from Evernote, either pro/con. I just know from the start that the Evernote service isn't a solution for note/noteboook/database encryption.
  23. My primary reason for using notebooks is to share notes. Instead, as I read it, I will use Spaces; multiple Spaces per note
  24. Evernote has a sketch feature which allows for handwriting and drawing symbols You could also look at using an external editor that supports the LaTeX or MathML. The document can be stored in Evernote as a note attachment
  25. Most devices have password protection Your Evernote account has password protection On mobile devices Evernote has a pin password protection (I use my fingerprint)
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