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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Feature requests have been posted Please indicate your support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion A feature request is posted here
  2. I use the Scannable app. I use colour mode; I see little benefit in b&w mode that would justify losing colours I send the scan directly to Evernote in pdf format. Evernote has an OCR feature for search purposes, but OCR isn't that important to me. I make sure the note title contains the important information, and I add tags to the note. My search views are tag based. If I do a text search it's intitle:
  3. Oh great, we're restarting the price increase discussion My point was that making a decision to switch products (or not) should be based on features more than price Also, actually knowing the prices is a good idea
  4. As per @GrumpyMonkey, it depends on the account plan you're using The Nimbus Pro account is $44.99 yearly compared to Evernote Plus account at $34.99 I think it's more important to compare the features offered by each product Evernote's software and upgrades are free of charges Evernote's Basic Account is free of charges I have the Premium Account, the most expensive Personal Plan and yes, there was a substantial increase two years ago. It was presented as a realignment as Evernote switched to a user fee funded model.
  5. And Sharing And for the future, there's an indication of note/notebook assignment to multiple Spaces
  6. Actually the way "pinning" works is by a sort column (a field in the note) For example, in the Reminder Section the column is called Reminder Order
  7. I wanted to point out that in my posts I reference quality of the image. One aspect of quality is resolution, and the ability to print the image. You don't need high resolution to display the image on your screen. If you ever want to print the image as a poster, you should be saving it with the highest resolution possible.
  8. And attachments? My notes are mostly short summaries; anything lengthy would be an attachment, usually Word or PDF
  9. Since you identified this solution, I'll point out that notes may also be sorted by date. The Win/Mac platforms allow adjustment to the note dates You might want to cover all three sort sequences edited: There are six sort sequences when ascending/descending is considered Adjusting the title/date can't conver both ascending/descending
  10. It's not just paid accounts; non-paying users are also demanding features/service Note: Evernote does not charge for the software or upgrades.
  11. I don't have any specifications; just a general feeling that the best quality is maintained when I use the image format.
  12. Thanks for the news. I'm looking forward to using the Spaces feature. >As for pinning within notebooks, reminders work fine. It's an option and works for some users. Personally, my Reminders section is full of .... reminders
  13. I just tried this using Safari web browser on my Mac To the right is a screenshot of my notebooks I dragged a notebook on top of another and got this stack page
  14. I think you're indicating a different request than this topic for password protection Please consider adding your vote to the request linked below Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion
  15. For the best quality I'd use a camera app instead of the camera bundled in Evernote's editor. That said, I use the camera app in Evernote and Scannable. I find the quality fine for my use. I would save art as an image.
  16. Please also add your vote to feature requests to indicate your support. Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion. >>I guess it would help if Evernote clarified what its core business is. I'm clear on the "Remember Everthing", but I also get excited about feature announcements, only to find out Win/Mac only.
  17. There is no real stack element. It only exists as a collection of notebooks. Think of the physcial representation, a stack of notebooks. The stack inside of a stack isn't logical A more popular request is for notebook hierarchy.
  18. I'm not sure about the spam reference but your posts belong in the off topic forum (MIA) I'm assuming your posts were a genuine attempt to assist people. The admins might not be so discriminating. >>Not sure who named you the spam cop Assignment by Evernote. This is mostly a self-moderated forum and we are the first line moderators.
  19. The last promotion 2018-New-Year-Promotion-FAQ expired Jan 31. I'm not aware of any new promotions.
  20. The web clipper? Which platform/browser? I can disable it on my Mac/Safari, but don't see the point.
  21. Thanks for contributing @Jay-Bob Do you know the default font used in IOS notes? Its not a big issue for me, but I do see a difference when viewing notes on my Mac and iPad. I can't set the IOS default, but I can set my Mac default to match
  22. I've seen two issues causing a search problem #1 Incomplete database copy To trigger a full re-sync; Hold the Shift and Option keys on your keyboard and click the sync wheel #2 Incomplet searc index To trigger a full index rebuild; Option-Key Help > Troubleshooting > Recreate >>I have evernote basic account and they do provide customer support for technical issues. Support is available for all accounts at Twitter @evernotehelps
  23. Users can use this forum/discussion to complain about the notebook layout. Even better, add your vote the the request, using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. The user vote is one of the factors Evernote uses in identifying priority for development. This request is at votes
  24. Generally, this seems to be much prettier than Evernote, and I agree it's notebook icons are more beautiful than Evernote ever had (we could never use custom covers) Beyond notebook covers, can you comment on ZoHo regarding the other features delivered by Evernote. I need more than beautiful notebook icons before I decide to switch.
  25. Command-L switches focus to the note title From there, tab switches focus to the note content These keyboard shortcuts can be adjusted in the Mac > System Preferences
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