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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The Evernote Legacy product can be installed from here (Windows/Mac)
  2. Evernote is a cloud service with the master copy of our data stored on the servers Deleting apps on a device has no impact to the data on the server To access your data on the server, log in on the web at www.evernote.com
  3. Confirmed - The delete option is not currently supported on the v10 product
  4. As per @gazumped, the .enex file identifies tag objects, but no facility for structure fwiw, I reflect hierarchy in my tag names For example !Budget, !Budget-Housing, !Budget-HousingRent, !Budget-HousingUtilities ???aaaaaaaa (FamilyMember), ??Doctor-aaaaaaa, ?aaaaaaaa (OtherPeople)
  5. Actually Evernote has no support for folders Notebooks and Tags are fields in the note metadata Some users emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar >>Tags aredifferent, they are much more powerful, because a note can be "in" multiple tags Agreed; tags are a more powerful tool for note organization Evernote uses notebooks to identify notes as private/shared, online/local (Legacy), offline
  6. I suspect this would be more of a document than a note I would be using a word processing editor (Apple Pages) The document would be stored in Evernote as a note attachment file
  7. Might be easier to share an Evernote account Your data can be accessed on all your devices either via the web (www.evernote.com) or installed software Each morning, I use my Mac to create a daily note from a template; a combination Journal/Planner/Dashboard I reference this throughout the day >>you can see that its simple for us to misplace documents All my documents are stored in Evernote; I rarely keep paper I use Evernote's Scannable app on my iPad to scan paper documents >>how best to use Notebooks and Tags I rarely use the notebook feature My documents are tagged appropriately so I don't "misplace" anything For example; a document categorized as Insurance, Home, Email, AllState receives tags !Insurance, !Home, !Email, ?AllState To keep my tags organized, I reflect hierarchy in the tag names First character prefix; ?Who, !What, @Where, .When, #Actionable For example !Budget, !Budget-Housing, !Budget-HousingRent !Insurance, !Insurance-Home, !Insurance-Car ??Family Members, ??Doctor-aaaaaa, ?Other People >>we use google Calendar ... miss appointments and just straight out forget things Since you're Apple users, I recommend Apple Calendar The calendar app is installed on your devices, and syncs appointment data Also Apple Reminder for things like medicine >>plenty of bills to pay My bills are scanned and stored in Evernote; I use the Reminder feature for bill payment >>we have a MacBook Pro , two iPads and two iPhones Excellent choice I have a Mac Mini and iPad No iPhone (I use VOIP on the iPad)
  8. For a trial, pay for a single month
  9. For sensitive data, I use the native encryption of note attachment files; pdfs, Office/iWork documents, ...
  10. At what point in the "years" did you realize this deficiency My solution to protect sensitive data is to use the native encryption of note attachment files; pdfs, office/iWork documents, ...
  11. File links are supported in Evernote's Legacy product File links are not supported innEvernote's v10 product Two different products; I run both on my Mac
  12. "Personal" is an account tier level To upgrade to "Personal", log into your account in the web platform (www.evernote.com) Access your account settings and chose subscription level
  13. A feature request is not a "bug"; no report is required If you wish to indicate support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  14. I do use embedded keywords, but use an applescript to draw from a master list (the EN tag list)
  15. Thanks for the post Is there a reason you're using "internal tagging" (keywords) instead of Evernote tags
  16. You posted in the General Features request forum; or is this an Android specific request Personally, I work on a Mac and just drag the note to a new notebook
  17. Export the notes in .enex format, then import the .enex file The notes will be copied to aa new folder
  18. This is called the Trash When notes are deleted (or a notebook deleted); the notes are stored in the Trash until the Trash is emptied Notes in the Trash can be easily restored. To restore, select the notes and right click
  19. The format for notes is enml (basically html); it's text based and doesn't support such editing To add annotations, convert the note to pdf or image format
  20. afaik There is no change; you will carry on with the Plus legacy Evernote has produced this Chart showing the plan types, including Plus
  21. Personally, I can't get too upset about an icon Memory usage is a bigger concern
  22. Customer suppot can be contacted at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  23. Warning; notebook information is not included in the export data The only way I've found to preserve notebook assignment is separate exports for each notebook >>I have a projects stack with a notebook for each project results in a lot of notebooks For note organization, I use Tags I have minimal notebooks
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