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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I think the multi-level issue of the discussion is because notebooks do not perform like folders; i.e. subfolders but no subnotebooks For navigation, we can emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar on Windows/Mac
  2. How do you handle notes with multiple subjects? You mentioned buying stuff from Amazon. This would be one of my subjects (vendor) but I would usually have other subjects; for example an expense budget category
  3. For myself, the big reason is that tag-centric allows for multiple entries per note; my notes have multiple organization categories Multi-level is of secondary importance, but all platform hierarchy has my vote
  4. This is a user discussion forum. You can contact Evernote support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  5. I don't think so, but I can check the note's sharedate on my Mac to see when the public url was created
  6. Right, "a chunk"; and Evernote took on the work to add notebook stacks. This was a database change, and UI update to each software client With extra effort this could have been nested notebooks. Multi-level is a design decision, implemented for tags, not notebooks >>Hierarchically structured tags are hierarchical thinking not relational thinking. I don't think this discussion is hierarchical/relational related; either works for multi-level >>worried where you put it to find it or not worried about where you put it? Notebooks are physical, tags are logical. Notebooks and Tags are both "logical" For a physical emulation, use the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar >>it is where the note actually lives in EN as far as the user knows. I know where the note "actually lives in EN". On a Mac, a separate file folder exists for each note
  7. Yes, getting technical, Evernote metadata (notebook, tags...) is stored in a SQLite database. Documentation at https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/data_structure.php Multi-level was implemented by including a parent-tag field in the tag record. This allows for unlimited levels. (Tags are the primary tool in Evernote for note organization)
  8. Evernote uses notebooks and tags; these are two fields in the note metadata There are some functional differences to folders but users can emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar (screenshot from my Mac ) >>Your last sentence, which I assume meant to be that users "who" are unable ... Thanks, I made the correction edit: Metadata describes other data, in this case data about the note in Evernote It can be stored separately from the note contents; usually in a database The note metadata includes the following fields title (text) : The note's title. creation date (date) : The note's creation date. modification date (date) : The note's last modification date. subject date (date or missing value) : The date associated with the note's content. source URL (text or missing value) : The note's source URL. latitude (real or missing value) longitude (real or missing value) altitude (real or missing value) tags: The tags assigned to this note. notebook: The notebook assigned to this note. note link (text, r/o) : A URL specifying this note. NOTE: if this note is in a synchronized notebook but has not yet been synchronized itself, the result will be nil. reminder time (date or missing value) : The reminder time for the note. reminder done time (date or missing value) : The time the reminder for the note was marked completed. reminder order (date or missing value) : The reminder order time for the note. When not empty, this is what indicates the note has a reminder.
  9. Until a backlink feature is implemented, you can search for text "Note A" or "Note B" This only works if you haven't changed the text
  10. You can adjust the list panel size so it uses a large portion of the screen
  11. I use "explicit" backlinks. Copy the link from Note A and paste that in Note B
  12. Ok, lets get the request merge started Archive is the more common term. Completed relates more to reminders, projects and tasks
  13. There are two types of tabs; note list and note "All notes" is a note list tab Note tabs show the note title. For note tabs, open the note in it's own window
  14. Search -tag:* to find notes with no tags For "forgotten notes" with missing notebook assignment, I search notebook:Inbox (my default notebook) >>Notebooks/folders are much more familiar for all the desktop computer users From desktop computer use, I'm familiar with "folder" ; not notebook Regardless of the name folder/notebook/tag, I'm able to work with the product
  15. Still not much interest (49) votes for fonts in notes. I think it's more a concern in word processing IOS has a small/medium/large selection; also colours
  16. As per @gazumped, I use an Archive tag. -tag:Archive excludes the notes from searches
  17. As premium users, you should be contacting Evernote support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  18. You're welcome to indicate support for this request using the vote button in the top left corner of the discussion. The request has votes Personally, if I need Word format, I use MS Word instead of the Evernote editor The documents are stored as note attachments
  19. From day one, Evernote has delivered an alternative to the legacy "multilevel filing system" (folders/sub-folders) Evernote provides two fields; notebook & tags. Tags incorporate a parent/child hierarchy for unlimited levels Users who are unable to work with this paradigm, should be using a different product
  20. A stack of notebooks is all we get - No stack into another stack The only hierarchy we get is for tags; parent/child for unlimited levels
  21. A work-around is to use a saved search. Evernote has an extensive search feature that includes negation (exclude) Tags can be excluded; -tag:aaaaaa Unfortunately notebooks can't be excluded. I merged this request with a similar request
  22. I've noticed an occasional memory problem on my Mac. This is visible with the Activity Monitor utility. A reboot fixes it..
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