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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Two steps Install the Evernote app Login with the correct userid/password Evernote is a cloud service; minimal data is retrieved from the servers; just metadata The app accesses note contents via the internet
  2. This is a field in the note metadata; Subject Date It can also be used in searches Evernote doesn't makes it easy to access/edit this field; I use Applescript on a Mac For easier access, I also store the subject date in two other locations Prepended to the note title Appended to the note contents (copy of note metadata)
  3. Tab alignment is definitely an important feature for word processing
  4. I moved your post to the feature request forum, and will merge it with similar requests For my use format styles is a word processing feature, and not a priority for a note editor like Evernote
  5. Agreed; it's my digital filing cabinet for all my notes/documents >>In most other respects, it is lacking (in search, in organization …) Disagree. Another great strength (IMHO) is Evernote's storage and organization of data. The search feature is extensive
  6. Not me - I've only used the default Safari browser I could easily install a different browser, however the web clipper feature isn't that important for my use I avoid merging my own notes with the web page content The Evernote editor has issues with the complex code behind some web pages
  7. I use descending update sequence; my recent notes are at the top of the list
  8. I have not encountered missing Note History data, but that's a problem Another problem is the Note History can only be accessed via the note. If you've lost the note, you can't restore from Note History As an alternative, I maintain my own version history with daily incremental backups
  9. Good point; the email feature is a useful service Downsides are; it's a premium feature, and we have no formatting options My preference is to archive emails in both .eml and .pdf formats
  10. I'm running at 15GB, and have no pressure to offload my data (Mac/iPad) This may change but for now I like the benefits of having an offline data copy
  11. I think we're talking about display size instead of actual photo size I use a table to limit my image displays The size is preserved between my Mac and iPad
  12. I start typing and the box disappears 🙂 If you post this as a feature request, I'll add my vote. I don't use the templates feature
  13. I use both backup methods (export, TM), and also rely on Evernote backup to the server with Note History. Using the export feature, I have daily incremental and weekly full backups Restoring a full database gives an exact copy of your data (but the master stored on the Evernote server is not affected) This may get overwritten when the sync process is run The export feature stores all note data except for notebook and note-id Using export/import to restore data results in the creation of new notes, instead of restoring actual notes This will show up with a default notebook and failed note links For backup using export, I prefer html format. The backup data is readable by any browser app
  14. This might depend on your definition of "what it was supposed to do" My definition of the Evernote core function is storage and organization of my data. The other stuff is ancillary Others might disagree and consider the "ancillary stuff" as core function btw The Evernote web clipper is temporary unavailable on the Mac platform ☹️ Edit: Safari Browser
  15. My example above showed two accounts, with database folders 115620 and 140273970. They are different databases, with most of the disk space defined by the note contents An example is a note stored under folder 115620 (200MB) Your "LN" will move the note to folder 140273970 (200MB) Net saving is 0 MB
  16. https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  17. On Mac/Pad, "ink" is simply an element in the note; an attachment like an image No problem combining with text or other elements Instead of the "MS control", we can use an external editor for the "ink". I use the Notability app on my iPad
  18. Any chance you accidentally created a second account. Make sure you're using the same userid/password
  19. To append these files to a note, they will have to be saved/retrieved to a folder I export the files using keyboard shortcuts (command-shift-s, ....) After doing this manually, the folder location is constant Here's sample applescript code for applying keyboard shortcuts: tell application "System Events" to keystroke "s" using {shift down, command down} delay 3 tell application "System Events" to keystroke return Then retrieve the files using tell application "Finder" to set the_files to name of files of folder POSIX file ("/Users/david/Desktop/...") >>while also getting this error Did you download Evernote from the app store? There's reports of sandboxing restrictions I'm using Evernote downloaded from www.evernote.com/download
  20. I posted notes on using Applescript at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/112316-scripting-on-a-mac-applescript/ You need to decide the design for your note in Evernote The screenshot shows the format I'm using I've attached a barebones script file MailToEvernote.scpt It uses these code elements tell application "Mail" Interface with the Mail application set theMessages to selection Retrieve selected email messages repeat with theMessage in theMessages Pass through each email message set theMessageDate to the date received of theMessage set theMessageSubject to the subject of the theMessage set theMessageContent to the content of theMessage <insert code> end repeat end tell tell application "Evernote" Interace with the Evernote application set theNewNote to create note with text "....." Create a note <insert code> end tell
  21. It's off topic for this topic, so best to start a new discussion I'm willing to help with the script development; my post included the commands for creating a note I posted scripting documentation at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/112316-scripting-on-a-mac-applescript/
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