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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Here's a screenshot of my subscription page I don't see a 'cancel subscription' button There is a process doc described here
  2. I can confirm your results - I have ticket #2983029 opened for this edit: Feedback from technical support Our development team is aware of the issue and they're currently working on a fix.
  3. Usually, a dashboard would include links to those "notes in various places"
  4. There are hundreds of emoji to insert into a note I access the emoji/symbol table select the appropriate entry ♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏☉☿♀︎♁♂︎♃♄♅⛢♆♇ The screenshots are from my Mac
  5. I haven't seen any feedback from developers on this integration I know the majority of users are unwilling to fund development for this product
  6. Evernote has a Note History backup running several times a day Access to the data is a paid account feature; you can subscribe for a single month Documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note
  7. You can use a reminder note for that 😊
  8. Is this an Evernote feature, or are you using a third party product? There are a few alternative solutions like Cronofy Evernote reminders are an important part of my workflow, but I only sync event based items to my calendar
  9. I have over 13,000 notes and see no reason to move any out of my account I have a generic !Archive tag that can be applied to notes Using tag:-!Archive in searches excludes the archived notes To archive tags/notebooks, I prefix the name with an x The tag/notebook isn't removed, but it's moved to the bottom of the list
  10. On my Mac, I can right click on a selection - image or text I select the object first, right-click, then have the option of adding a link
  11. Reminders are a search item reminderorder:* There are 3 web versions; Previous, New Classic, New Beta Previous has support for reminders
  12. Agreed, links to searches would be useful (includes notebooks and tags) Your empty note could be a Table of Contents for the notebook Even better, a dynamic ToC My workaround is to specify the search parameters so they can be copy/pasted into the search box For example: Current Tasks notebook:aaaaaaaaaa
  13. Here's my work-around using a read-only tag and third party Filterize
  14. Please explain the "a lot of tags are open"; perhaps a screenshot When I open EN, I see the All Notes list >>I have loads of tags organised. Is this a known problem? I also have my tags organized; using the tag hierarchy feature, also replicated in the tagname On my platforms the tag filters are an alphabetical list
  15. More a GTD question, but I'm also interested in "Open Actions" and "Next Actions" I also identify Completed Actions My "slotted into GTD" begins when I identify a note as actionable Actions and Projects Instead of a notebook - I use a tag (Actionable) assigned to any notes that are actionable - Project is another tag (Project-aaaaaaaaaaa) To "make them come from different projects" is a simple search on the notebook/tags, for example tag:Actionable or Notebook:"Open Actions" I don't have a specific Open identification; I use not Completed in a search I suspect Next Actions are addressed with tags Now/Soon/Later/Waiting/Thinking For myself, I use the Reminder feature (also handles date specified actions) Either dated/undated; the reminder also stores Due-Date and Completed-Date/Status I don't have a specific Now tag An action reminder is defaulted to Now, if not Soon/Later/Waiting/Thinking/Future-Dated
  16. I would save all of them - as I said, they're included in my Time Machine backup fyi Content is where your note contents are stored; a folder for each note Local Note Store is where your note metadata is stored (SQLite database) purgatory is where notes go after they're deleted/expunged It's temporary, before they disappear completely (I like that name)
  17. Do nothing works. The Evernote app takes care of everything The average user doesn't work at this raw data level >>So if I don't save any files from these folders, are they all still stored on the EN cloud database? Correct. The master version of our data is stored "on the EN Cloud database" One exception: Local Notebooks - this is where the data is stored; the only place Some users back up these folders; they're included in my Time Machine backup The more standard backup process is to use Evernote's export feature >>I guess if I leave the company and don't want other people to read my notes/audio left over on my machine, then I should delete them? Correct
  18. I don't see a problem changing the email for your account I suspect your SSO will no longer be valid >>but aren't all our info and notes stored on the cloud with Evernote? Or is there an option to store it locally on our hard drive? And how do I know where it is currently being stored? Correct, our data is stored in the cloud Users accessing Evernote with Windows/Mac software have a copy of their data stored locally. On my Mac, the location is identified by pressing the option key and selecting Help > Troubleshooting > Open Database Folder
  19. I'd like to hear how this is being done in Evernote/Windows My understanding is Evernote doesn't support note encryption - only text; more information at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005547-How-to-encrypt-content-inside-Evernote and it's only Mac/Windows I can only encrypt selected text on my Mac; and a Local Notebook is recomended Personally, I do my encryption externally before adding data to Evernote (PDFs, Office/iWork documents)
  20. I'd like the same inline/attachment option I have on my Mac for each individual pdf The setting should be preserved for when the note is revisited I suspect at one time the mobile platforms lacked the power for inline pdf display. I don't think this applies today. Certainly the delayed download prevents inline display
  21. With my iPad, flipping through my offline notebooks, I find all pdfs available Regardless, as per @CalS, this discussion relates to the inline/attachment display of pdfs
  22. A website can be used as a Dashboard In fact; generate a public link and any note become a "website" >>wouldn't meet my needs in keeping track of specific 'next actions' e.g. A DashBoard may or may-not include GTD information On my Dashboard, I have chosen to include a link to my tasks (specific 'next actions' e.g.) I also include a screenshot
  23. In itself, the reminder email is a dashboard A concern is that it's a one time notification of the reminder; not repeated for open reminders Kudos on using a Mac - you're ahead of the pack. I use a Mac and iPad
  24. Not an Evernote feature, but both my Mac and iPad have a dictation feature Where ever I have a keyboard, I can switch to microphone and get voice to text
  25. To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion My work-around solution for recurring reminders starts with identifying notes as actionable and recurring I use tags: Actionable, ActionableRecurring, ActionableRecurring-Day7, ActionableRecurring-Day14, ... ActionableRecurring-Month1,... ActionableRecurring-Year1,... To automate the reminder reset, I use an applescript on my Mac another option is third party Filterize
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