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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I'm still getting the reminder email Just to cover all bases, check your option in your account settings. Maybe flip the switch a couple of times
  2. I started a dashboards discussion topic at the note linked here As per @jefito, I think the existing Productivity Forum is a good place for these discussions
  3. I moved your post to the feature request forum, and will merge with existing requests >>sharing in universal formats The current format is enml/html with attachments in native format I use Evernote's export feature, with the enml/html converted to pure html, and the attachments remaining in native format
  4. I find the note list useful for navigating notes. How are you planning to move between notes?
  5. I've merged this discussion with a similar request You're referring to the Note List panel It displays Notes; not Notebooks >> I don't see a way to get RID of this column (aka sidebar) or minimize it. In list view, you can reduce the size by dragging the side column You can also switch to Top List view. The panel is dropped and the info moved to the top.
  6. Sharing the web page in IOS suggests this title for web page
  7. I'm currently beta testing some development work. You could check the videos posted at https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/306-behind-the-scenes-series/
  8. You"re posting in the IOS forum. As per @CalS, make sure you're using the correct userid/password
  9. I'm guessing this is a reference to the sidebar in the Mac platform I'll move the discussion to the Mac forum I added my vote but I roll with a minimized sidebar - just the notebook/tag/... icons - use the notebook page when necessary (infrequent) - long-press the icon to display the notebook/tag trees
  10. What's the process for "I always have to download it to my cell phone first" If you're looking at an image, it's already downloaded I'm using IOS, looking at a note with an image Click on the image > Share > Mail >>is there a way to send it directly from evernot to >> watzapp? I can email the entire note directly from Evernote Windows/Mac platforms
  11. I will be merging the Timestamp posts These fields are displayed using the info button (Updated, Created) The date updated is also displayed in the note list panel; just the date, no time
  12. I recommend contacting Evernote support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action I just tested emailing a pdf and it was successful
  13. I merged your post with an existing request for this feature To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion >>If anyone has any ideas or techniques they use to navigate more easily within a note, I would love to hear what you do. I split long notes into separate notes. A Table-of-Contents links the sections >>Sometimes I have very large notes with multiple sections and thousands of words Is this really a "note",and is Evernote the best editor? I would use a word processing editor. The document can be stored in Evernote as an attachment
  14. "back to base" for me is a Mac, running Evernote/Mac I also use an Evernote/IOS and Evernote/Web There are three web versions Previous New (Classic) New (Beta)
  15. For users asking for "nested structure", my motivation is to point them to the organization hierarchy implemented by Evernote (Notebooks and Tags). My preference is multiple levels for note organization For users requesting additional notebook levels, my motivation is to point them to this Feature Request and the vote button so they can indicate their support >>Why do you care if Evernote would implement nested structure? For users claiming Evernote has not implemented "nested structure", my motivation is to correct inaccurate information >>No it's not, your motivation is ... It seems you're only interested in your own opinion >>Like any feature, it wouldn't harm you, why do you care? You would simply not use it and keep doing what you do I'm a user of "nested structure" for note organization Notebooks - 2 levels and Tags - unlimited levels
  16. There's a story about Henry Ford ignoring what his customers wanted; they wanted faster horses >>and your point is? That it's possible that just because people want something, it's not necessarily best Also quoting Shaw "“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself" Of course he goes on to say "Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
  17. Also part of the 1%. Reminders are an essential component of my task management workflow No complaints, but I had to implement a work-around (scripting) for recurring reminders
  18. A notebook hierarchy is not impossible This is proven technology - Evernote has already implemented an unlimited hierarchy for the Tag field I think the "doesn't want to do it" is correct Notebooks and Tags serve different purposes in the Evernote design >>I happen to need hierarchical notes. I also need a hierarchical organization for my notes >>If Evernote doesn't want to provide that .... Evernote provides an unlimited hierarchy (Tag field) >>My points stand. "But hey, defend it all you want. I'm glad you're happy with it. " >>alternative that includes a deeper hierarchy than stack/notebook/notes The Tag feature includes a deeper hierarchy; unlimited levels
  19. I'm using a Mac, with the sidebar at minimized width Top list view provides the maximum panel size for the note panel
  20. I keep my data in Evernote; a daily journal note Not a dedicated journal reflection UI; my "questions" are included in a journal template I export to a spreadsheet for "tabulation" The export is automated using applescript (Mac) I also copy the bad/average/great icon to the note title Some days are diamond, some days are.....John Denver song
  21. I have compiled a platform comparison note at https://www.evernote.com/l/AAoB3_fDfmpPxqvpFTQIuw-pyD5MgDc0Lrk This is followup to a recent one sided discussion in the Windows forum I wanted to include all platforms (the note scrolls right/left) I'll keep it updated as more points are posted So far, I've included the following 64-Bit Scripting Local Data Storage Note Toolbar Import Folder Batch Note Select - Merging Batch Note Select - Table of Contents Shortcuts Keyboard Shortcuts Notebooks Tags Saved Searches
  22. Which software/service are you using? The information belongs there if possible I'm using Mac Family Tree and IOS Mobile Family Tree with the data uploaded to website MacFamilyTree.com
  23. I'm not clear about the difference between "broad" and "specific" I use minimal notebooks; basically a single Filing Cabinet notebook Tags are my organization tool >>close to a hierarchy setup (true hierarchy does not exist with Evernote) A hierarchy is supported for tags on my Mac, but I also replicate it using prefix naming, as per your Com-Motorola For archiving, I use a tag (!Archive) >>advantages with my tag system An important advantage of tags vs notebooks is that multiple tags can be assigned to a note If you assign a note to a notebook (example Personal), - you can't assign a second notebook (example Archived)
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