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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I consider the Evernote editor to be a note editor app; not great for note-taking For note taking; my preference is the Notability app on an iPad, with an Apple Pencil I store the documents in Evernote as attachments Note definition: noun 1. a brief record of facts, topics, or thoughts, written down as an aid to memory.
  2. Evernote is my data storage tool Apple Numbers (spreadsheet) is my tool for doing calculations and reporting I scan receipts and store in Evernote I get receipts and statements by email - stored in Evernote My bank provide monthly transaction files - parsed and imported to Evernote For calculation/reporting, I export this data from Evernote to a spreadsheet
  3. Moved to the feedback forum To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  4. My default view is top list. No thumbnail I switched to snippet view and was unable to duplicate your results The thumbnail was rebuilt almost immediately Is there something I'm missing in my testing?
  5. Actually it's 2020/01/16 The simple method to "insert a basic table" is described at ([][]) Better editing features are needed
  6. My experience is that Evernote is reliable for storing and organizing my notes/documents This discussion pertains to the device limitation for Basic accounts
  7. Beta versions are known for being risky for things like data loss. Use at your own risk Evernote's "bad behavior" is that they slot users into a beta version with no notice We are regularly advising users to switch versions
  8. I miss the PDF Share function. IOS share got a little weird with the last upgrade You could check out Siri Shortcuts; there's a Make PDF function
  9. No indication from Evernote on encrypted notes In fact, the encryption function has been downgraded to text only >>To decrypt a note all one would have to do is right click on the Note and enter the password for the note and it is moved to a decrypted folder of one's choice. Interesting idea; I'd probably use a single temporary decrypt local notebook Do we need a "password for the note"? I already have an account password >>If I'm not mistaken Evernote can recover your authentication password to log into your account Standard security procedure is Evernote can not "recover your authentication password" They can only provide support to change your authentication password
  10. Not quite my definition of "sensitive information" I have faith in Evernote's security and my personal data security, but I have a small list of encrypted items examples: Scan of my passport, password list (backup) >>Like everything else, it must be simpler to do on a MAC 😉 It just works (Apple slogan)
  11. For sensitive data, I use the native encryption of PDFs and Office/iWork documents The PDF encryption level is 128-bit AES (strong)
  12. You can't hide the note panel, but you can minimize it in top list view
  13. I don't recommend the sketch feature for note taking I use the Notability app, with the documents stored in Evernote as note attachments I merged your post with similar discussions
  14. Search parameter notebook:[notebook name] The search feature is documented Here >>is it possible to merge two notes in the web-based client and the Android client? No
  15. You all might be interested in this blog post https://evernote.com/blog/2020-update-progress-road-ahead/ The re-engineered web client (in limited release), the new mobile clients (in first preview), and the (as yet unreleased) new clients for Windows, Mac, and (yes!) Linux
  16. The OCR search index is a useful tool, but I don't rely on it. After collection, I process the receipts and assign tags and title to indicate date, vendor, budget, $, ... An example receipt is titled: 2020-01-05 Receipt ?Vendor-Walmart !Budget-Furniture [Mirror] $-25.99 with tags: !Type-Receipt, ?Vendor-Walmart, !Budget-Furniture
  17. Evernote provides the display of trees for both notebooks and tags I'm happy to be not concerned with the "storing" part Evernote note storage is flat; a single file folder on my Mac - organization is maintained with the notebook/tag fields
  18. Off topic, but is there a reason for your preference? In Evernote, Notebooks and Tags serve different purposes but can be interchangeable for organization >>A structure like below is not uncommon but messy in Evernote: My structure and naming would be Project A Project A - Notes Project A - Members Project A - ... or even better, dispense with the structure Project A Project B Notes Members
  19. What scanner features are you looking for? As an IOS user, I use the Scannable app; however I know the Evernote editor has a built-in camera tool
  20. Evernote is my storage and organization tool for all my documents and notes I use the Evernote editor for creating basic notes Evernote is not my tool for creating documents, or for printing >>I don't care how YOU use Evernote Just expressing my use experience and opinions You're welcome to ignore posts 🙈🙉, or you can learn from the experience of other users >>discount user requests The request is posted at the top of this discussion I support the requests that impact my use To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner; this request has 84 non-discounted votes
  21. You're asking if notebook color/style is available on Macs No, it's not I'd like to see it fully implemented for all platforms This would require storing the format style in the notebook/tag records, as well as updates to the apps
  22. Not an Evernote feature I use scripting on a Mac and the feature is supported on third party Filterize
  23. No, format styles for Notebook/Tag names is not an Evernote feature A half baked hack was implemented in Evernote/Windows (edit: implemented by Evernote)
  24. I started an AppleScript discussion here https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/112316-scripting-on-a-mac-applescript/ Navigating the tag hierarchy is simple, for example tell application "Evernote" repeat while theTagParent is not missing value set the theTagParent to parent of theTagParent end repeat end tell Assigning tags is simple, for example tell application "Evernote" assign tag TagParent to theNote end tell
  25. This is not an Evernote feature It can be done using third party Filterize, or scripting on a Mac Automatic Tag Hierarchy If you assign a tag, filterize can add all parent tags automatically. So you have the solution, as described in the third case, but without the requirement of adding all parent tags by hand. Additionally, you can select which parent tags you are interested in. So if you have irrelevant tags in your hierarchy, you can avoid adding them.
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