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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. No, uninstalling the app has no impact on the database files >>After uninstalling, should I locate .com.evernote folders and delete them too Yes, manually delete the database files You might want to locate the files before uninstalling the app hold down the option key and Help > Troubleshooting > Open Database folder
  2. There's documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  3. I also use individual task notes ToDo lists can be generated using saved searches, for example Current Task List reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* (all reminders, exclude future dated, exclude completed) If you need an actual ToDo note, a table-of-contents note can be created
  4. Deleting the local database from your Mac will have no impact to the data on the servers However, the first time you login with the Mac app,, the local database will be recreated
  5. This should be do-able; we have the option on the mobile platforms - offline notebooks I merged your post with an existing discussion An alternative is to use the web platform (www.evernote.com)
  6. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note Warning, Note History backup data is accessed through the note if the note is "vanished", you won't have access to the data
  7. I manage tasks using Evernote features Recurring reminders can be implemented using third party Filterize; I use applescript on my Mac
  8. Right, an alphabetic list does not show hierarchy You can see in my example hierarchy is reflected in a prefix naming convention For example; !Actionable !ActionablePriority !ActionablePriority-Important !ActionableRecurring
  9. Yes Various methods. I think the simplest is to create a table of contents note The titles can then be copy/pasted https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005667-How-to-create-a-table-of-contents-with-links-to-other-notes I'm a fan of taking titles to a spreadsheet foe extended processing
  10. As per @gazumpud, Evernote provides apps for iOS, Android, Windows or MacOS plus web access at www.evernote.com You need to identify if the device can support this access
  11. I don't clip the entire article I clip the important info/phrase The screenshot is from my Mac with the web clipper in Safari
  12. These are defined menu items as per the screenshot Any of these shortcuts can be adjusted in Apple > Preferences
  13. https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  14. For a full details on the encoding, see https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.ASP
  15. It might be clearer if you post a screenshot With the current home screen, I have all the access tools I need
  16. Yes, I mean all my documents. I don't use Dropbox or GDrive. I prefer the organization/search features supported in Evernote >>For example, I have about 18 GB of "teaching materials" - I'd love to make each folder of teaching stuff a note in Evernote Evernote can easily handle that volume of material Be aware that Evernote doesn't support a folder filing methodology The primary organization tool is Tags Notebooks are also supported, but there's only two levels and limited entries Users can emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar >>link my daily lesson plans to the appropriate Note - Does this work do you think? This would work for me me. Daily Lesson plans would also be stored in Evernote.
  17. I prefer to have the document saved in native format plus PDF (ocr'd) I use Notability; unfortunately no auto-sync - I use the share box >>Please keep in mind: adding all these features into one super fat Evernote App may not be a good idea Agreed. I use various editors each with their own unique features Evernote is my note storage/organize tool and the editor is useful for basic text based notes
  18. I moved your post to the Business Forum Hopefully someone here can help
  19. Is that a Windows feature? My empty new notes do not vanish; they remain with a default title and have to be deleted (Mac/iPad)
  20. You can indicate your support for this request using the vote button at the upper left corner of the discussion >>keep updating a file you want and hope that others you are sharing with have their list sorted by updated files Not sure what "file" you're updating To keep a note at the top of the sorted note list, you can adjust the note title and dates
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