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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The obvious option to try is to close EN v10 and delete the data directory and then relaunch, log back in and allow the program to rebuild its data directory. If that doesn't work there is always the option to use the legacy version which is entirely separate and will not be affected by this issue. You can raise a ticket but response times are extended because of all the development work that is underway and the challenges they are raising. You will get a reply but not immediately. I suggest the legacy route if you have no quick success. I'm still interested to know which version of Evernote folk are using. Is it the direct download from the website or the version from the Microsoft store? The sxtore version will be different to the direct download. So trying the other may provide a solution. My first try if you want to stay with v10 is to close, remove the data directory %appdata%\Evernote
  2. And the scratchpad inside the application is significantly more useful
  3. Except that there is an available method of carrying on with version 6.25 without being troubled by the new version and its changes. You'll have heard the revert to the legacy version mantra. Sounds like this would enable you to carry on working without disruption. You can even have both versions if you want keep watch on how version 10 is developing. Doubt you'll get a chargeback through since the dispute isn't about lack of provision of the service. Even if you do, you'll presumably find your account moved to Basic and lost some of the functions you might want to use. Best to get the legacy and negotiate with EN direct over the refund you wish. These forums are for peer support so I doubt very much you'll get any traction here on a refund.
  4. I agree with this but, at the same time, recognise that this is a change from the way the older version defaulted.
  5. It looks like today's release v10.5.6 is beginning to restore the sharing notes via Email.
  6. No. Everything syncs to the cloud. So reinstalling simply recreates the local version of the data.
  7. Isto é ótimo. Estou feliz que você tenha uma resolução. Looks like this issue is resolved for now...
  8. THis is a bug I've seen from time to time. You'll probably have to wait for the next release. As with your other issues, uninstall/reinstall may resolve this or revert to the legacy version.
  9. As I said earlier, why not stick with the legacy version which will allow you to edit HTML content. You could try uninstalling v10 and reinstalling - be sure to remove the data directory. But I don't think you'll be happy with the simplify formatting option unless the original note is laid out in a simple fashion. Editing the HTML is a poor option in v10 compared to the legacy.
  10. Actually, each release deals with issues and extra bug releases have come along as well. The problem most folk seem to have is not that nothing is happening but that the things they are personally concerned about aren't addressed as quickly as they would like. Obviously, if an alternative product does what you need then good for you. None of the alternatives do what I need so since I can work in the so-called legacy version for the time being, I'm content to let the bugs be dealt with and for v10 to catch up with the legacy. Everything I need and pay for remains available so I'm happy to be patient and enjoy watching the new version develop step by step.
  11. My EN v10 data occupies slightly less than my v6.25 data folders. 1.17gB compared to 1.31gB. But this isn't a great comparison since the data stored on my PC is entirely different. There isn't a database in v10 that is the same as in v6.25. The primary data store is in the cloud - not on the local machine. The largest contributor to disk space use in EN v10 for me is the resource-cache folder which holds local copies of note attachments. Database compaction isn't an option, I think, because the data isn't stored in that means. Perhaps delete the data directory for v10. Restart the program and let it rebuild itself.
  12. The HTML Content container is a new way of seeing what has always been HTML content. Nothing has been converted - just the way it is displayed. So the easiest way of returning to the old way of viewing is to go back to the legacy version of Evernote. You will still have all the function you want to see. The use of HTML containers allows Evernote 10 to be more faithful in displaying content as it was originally intended. It comes with the significant disadvantage that the content cannot be edited inside the container. At the moment the only means of achieving that is to simplify formatting (as you have noted) or to go back to the legacy version. I personally favour the legacy application for this purpose. I can't say why simplifying formatting isn't working for you on this note. Switch over to the old legacy version and all should be OK there. As you'll have seen noted, you can use the legacy version and EN v10 alongside one another.
  13. I can't say for Mac - this is the Windows version forum. On Windows, installing the new version partially removes the older version of Evernote. It does not remove the data but desktop shortcuts and the like do disappear. Install version 10 then install the legacy version and you will find shortcuts to both are available. As @gazumped notes, the local notebooks that were available in v6.25 are not available in v10.
  14. Você optou por utilizar a assinatura Basic que tem uma série de limitações - uma das quais é o acesso ao suporte. Uma assinatura lhe daria maior suporte. Portanto, você está limitado a estes fóruns. Você pode estar no lugar errado na web para verificar quantos dispositivos estão conectados à sua conta. Outra limitação da conta Básica é que você só pode conectar dois dispositivos, incluindo o navegador da web. Tente este link... https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action Também, por favor, informe-nos qual sistema operacional você está usando. Não apenas Windows, mas qual versão... 7, 8, 10 Home, 10 Pro, 10S. Cada um tem problemas diferentes. Por exemplo, o 10S em um dispositivo de superfície é atualmente incapaz de funcionar com o Evernote 10. Esta é uma limitação do Windows 10S.
  15. I've seen a report that Win 10S doesn't currently support Evernote 10. From what I read something to do with restrictions inside 10S which EN10 doesn't comply with. I seem to recall that 10S users have to get their application via the Microsoft Store which is a problem since the EN app automatically updates. If it is possible then the solution might be to install the legacy app. Otherwise, I can only recommend the web browser approach which should work until EN10 is acceptable to Microsoft for Win10S THis is clearly a significant issue wich @gbarry and @Austin G will want to be aware of.
  16. Feche todas as aplicações do Evernote e depois acesse sua conta através do site. Aqui você deve ser capaz de acessar sua conta e verificar quantos devics você tem conectados.
  17. Suspeito que a causa mais provável desta questão é que você tem mais de dois dispositivos conectados à sua conta Evernote. Os usuários básicos estão restritos a dois dispositivos e isso agora inclui a interface web. Verifique nas informações de sua conta quantos dispositivos estão registrados e depois remova os que não são necessários. Isto inclui a versão antiga do Evernote e a versão web, ambas contando como um "dispositivo".
  18. A few preferences DO exist but they aren't, so far, collected in a preferences menu. For example the preference to display (or not) the number of notes in a notebook in the sidebar. This appears in the View menu. It is a preference but located in the main menus. I suspect that this is what we will see more of - perhaps until that makes the menus too cumbersome but for now...
  19. @normbond are you using Windows S mode? If so, the answer seems to be that it doesn't support Evernote 10 and given that it requires applications from the M'soft store it means you cannot load the new version. If you're not using S mode then I guess you have a different issue to the one the OP raised.
  20. Favor exibir a imagem da tela aqui. Não sou capaz de seguir os links para sites desconhecidos.
  21. The title 'Cockpit' is correctly shown where you have it in the screen image. This may not be where you, intuitively, expect it but what you see is the way EN 10 has been designed.
  22. Import Folders are scheduled for a future release. But we've not been told when that might be.
  23. The auto-filing stuff is off on my account for the same reasons described. But this isn't an EN v10 issue. I think it connects to the web clipper and Email to Evernote. It is certainly a global setting. Not sure where is the best place to raise this.
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