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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. This is invariably an issue when a note is open in more than one instance of Evernote. For example in the Legacy and v10 at the same time.
  2. Have you raised a support ticket? If there is an issue exporting more than three pages I would imagine that the devs would want to know. No ticket means the liklihood that nobody is giving attention to the issue. I wonder if the issue relates to tables or formatting rather than length of note alone. I exported a longer note to PDF and it appeared with all the content and 14 pages long.I simplified the formatting of an HTML block and it still exported but with one fewer pages. I entirely agree that printing in version 10 is dysfunctional - if I really have to print then I switch to the Legacy app until printing is fixed. I would encourage you to open a ticket and work with the support team/devs to find a resolution.
  3. There are lots of good condition, used, ScanSnap devices. That's what I purchased when I needed a replacement. As cheap as spare parts.
  4. These forums are users supporting users. If you want to raise this with sorry you'll need to raise a ticket. You searched and found many others with this issue. I've not seen or heard of this happening. Have you checked the web browser Evernote?
  5. And this is how v10 of Evernote works for me. I most typically work on attached PDFs and Word documents but everything seems to work just as well with a Powerpoint. This is what I do... Right click the attached document and choose Open. Document opens in the application associated in Windows settings. I work on the document in the native program. I then click Save. I'm in the habit of saving first before closing as for awhile this was necessary to retain changes made. I believe that this has been fixed in a recent update of the v10 application. I save and the updated document is saved back into Evernote. It works every time without fail. So you shouldn't have any problems. I find that unlikely. This is the default installation path for Evernote data. Perhaps you have the Windows setting unchecked that reveals the directory. If you haven't done so, open Windows file explorer, choose the View tab and in the settings towards the right hand side of the ribbon be sure that Hidden files is checked. If it isn't then that will explain why you cannot see the folder. I see you are using the Windows Store version of Evernote. It should be identical as the download version from the Evernote website. However, you might find it worthwhile switching to the download version rather than the Windows store version. evernote.com/download/ I would uninstall the Windows store version first. A standard solution to this type of issue is to uninstall and remove all the data and program directories that might be left over. Then install afresh and allow Evernote to rebuild the data directories. Once you can see the hidden folders you should completely remove any remnants of ..\appdata\roaming\evernote AND ..\appdata\local\programs\evernote
  6. I agree that typed text is 'soft' ie not as crisp as the original PDF text but that freehand sketching is crisp. However, I would not describe the typed text a blurry - which to me implies well out of focus. Everything is easy to read and understand. So the annotations serve the purpose. That said, I do not, and would not, use the built in Evernote annotation tools. I far prefer to annotate in an external program designed for the task. I use Adobe Acrobat Pro and would also consider FoxIt Pro. Right click Open, add annotations in Acrobat/FoxIt and save.
  7. Have you been in touch with support? A ticket seems the way to go
  8. I'd recommend searching for Evernote Legacy version using your favourite search engine.
  9. Someone else with more wisdom will comment but my recollection is that Evernote 10 does not run on Windows 7. You should attempt to runn the Evernote Legacy version.
  10. I think you are mistaken. These forums are for peer support - user-to-user. If you want help from Evernote staff then use the support ticket process. All we can do is point you to the official answers or workarounds that some have discovered. @PinkElephant was never suggesting that users should be kicked out. As you realise, Evernote 8 and Evernote 10 are entirely different applications and they work entirely differently. Of course you are welcome to explore work-arounds here. All those with experience of encryption will be happy to give you advice. Mine is that Evernote encryption is entirely unsuitable for anything that you want to keep secure for the reasons your outlined in your first post. But this is common across Evernote 10 on desktop. Evernote encryption is also limited to plain text (always has been) so you still can't encrypt text with any formatting, bullet lists etc etc. Far better is to encrypt using a program specific encryption. So add a password to a PDF/Word document, for example, and attach that to the note in Evernote. I, personally, am using AxCrypt which is a little more universal.
  11. Have you raised a support ticket? The problem was identified and supposedly fixed. Perhaps you have a serious issue or perhaps it is nothing to worry about. Support will be the way forward since these forums are primarily user to user.
  12. Have you tried contacting support? They are pretty good at resolving upgrade issues.
  13. It feels to me that you have two separate Evernote accounts. You need to carefully work out which account is logged in on each device.
  14. There's is no evidence that this happened. The EN team investigated and found it was mis reporting of IP addresses used by proxy servers that EN uses
  15. There were actual two types of Premium subscriber before the subscriber tariffs were updated. A lot of long time Premium users had been locked into an old tarrif. Others were paying the standard advertised rate. Thyose paying the full rate were automatically transferred to the new Personal rate which is Premium plus a few extras (tasks and calendar). Those on the reduced rate Premium have been allowed to keep the exact same package as they have been on until now but there is an option of a special rate upgrade to the new Personal plan. If you don't need or want the Tasks and Calendar functions then you will probably want to stick with the reduced-rate Premium package. However it will never receive any additional benefits etc. In return you get the good price you previously had. So the offer is being renewed for you in the hope you'll move to the new plans. If you don't want to upgrade but don't want the pestering reminders either then I'm told that you should initially accept the offer but before completing the process cancel. This, apparently, fools the automated reminders and you should stop getting pestered but you'll also lose the pathway to the discounted upgrade to Personal. If you check your account settings and find that you are already on Personal then this is the offer to upgrade to Professional at a special price. The same advice if you don't want the additional benefits.
  16. @mkbolton42 Michael, Let's have another go at helping you... All this advice presumes that you are using Evernote version 10 on PC and ANDROID. On your PC... Have you checked the Trash folder at the bottom of the black background sidebar? Are your lost notes there? On the Android device... The settings are found in the main menu (the three horizontal lines at the bottom of Evernote in Android). If you have no settings there then you have a significant issue. Inside Settings you'll see the Notebooks item and in there the default notebook by name. I said that I use KeePass for passwords but you may find Lastpass more straightforward.
  17. This is one of those cases of using the right tool for the job. Exporting to HTML isn't designed to create web sites bit too give the user a means of expiring their data. If I wanted to create web pages by this means I'd expect to have to clean up the code. In the same way as if I used Word to create a web page. Notorious for adding loads of unnecessary code. Sounds like Ulysses is the tool for this job for you.
  18. You seem to have tried everything that I could suggest as a fellow use. I suggest a support ticket would be the way to go.
  19. If you have a free account your only option is support via Twitter @evernotehelps
  20. I'm sure you could do this on an Android device but I think you will find it much easier on a full size computer. Somehow the larger screen size seems to make searching for missing stuff easier. Also, logging on with a different device might reveal the missing items. This kind of issue can, occasionaly, be that the device isn't synchronising correctly. First of all have you checked in the Trash Folder? It is possible that the default notebook has been deleted in error. You can certainly check which folder is default in your settings. On Android go to the setting menu, Notebooks. You'll see the default notebook named. If the name shown is the missing notebook then I'd say it isn't missing. In that case log out. Uninstall the app. Then reinstall and log back in. That might resolve the issue. As for lost passwords... I'm sure you are not the only person to store passwords in an Evernote note but this may not be the best thing. Many of us would recommend a standalone password manager. There are many available. I, personally, prefer Keepass and use the Keepass2Android app but others are available. As for contacting Evernote support... https://evernote.com/contact If you are a subscriber you can follow the link to additional support options which include live chat during office hours. In the Android app you also have Settings. Support and Submit a support request. Non-paying users can use the Twitter supprt channel @evernotehelps
  21. I'm not sure of the Mac layout and terminology but in Windows the Elephant icon in the system tray links to the helper. Left click opens the scratchpad and that includes an icon of a computer screen. Click the icon to open the screen clipper to capture part of your screen to a note.
  22. Do you, by any chance, have the Evernote Legacy program still installed? This could generate the issue you describe if the shortcut still exists in Legacy...
  23. Does anyone know of any work to connect Tasks using Zapier or IFTTT? I have a voice operated speaker and can add items to a todo list which IFTTT picks up and adds as an item in a ToDo list inside Evernote. With the arrival of Tasks in Evernote it would be great to be able to have the item appear as a Task.
  24. I think they will have to accept the share into their account at Evernote if they have an account. Until it is accepted it will show as pending. Go to the Shared with Me notebook.
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