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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. In that case I'm guessing that there is something unusual about the image. If you're happy to attach it to a post I can take a look and see what happens at my side.
  2. From your video you seem to be working with the old version of Evernote rather than the new v10 product. Your username and password combination should download the data from the cloud automatically. You should not need to do any import or export. However, the Yingxiang product is not something I can speak to. I'm not even sure that the the Chinese data and the US versions have any interaction. You might find it helpful to tell us which service you are using. Standard approaches... 1. Be sure that you have the correct username and password for your account (it is easy to create a new one by mistake) 2. Uninstall all the Evernote programs 3. Reinstall the correct programs for your account - I'm not sure what you need for the Chinese product compared to the US. 4. Login with your correct credentials. Your cloud data should resync with your device. This can take sometime depending upon how much data you have.
  3. This a problem that arrived just before Christmas. I'm sure that this is receiving attention. Nothing new has been added since Christmas. It is also an issue with the Web Clipper rather than the main applications so hopefully the Clipper team are giving this full attention. Have you raised a support ticket? They need to know that you are affected...
  4. That said I followed his instructions and it worked for me. I had to ensure that the image I wanted as the thumbnail was the first available to be used Evernote to create the thumbnail image. Once that was done all worked well. I wonder if there is something unusual about the images you are using or is there a hidden image in the text you're working with. It could be as simple as the hidden tracking images that get attached to Emails. Evernote could pick these up and display as a blank image. Copy the text of your note to a text editor such as Notepad (Windows). Then copy from Notepad into a new empty note in Evernote. Don't add any images at this stage. You should not see any thumbnails appearing. Now add your desired image to this new note. What do you get now?
  5. You may need @Mike P to pitch in. He's the one with the esperience of the enex import. He's around a fair amount.
  6. The options you need are in the web interace to manage your account. 'Plus de paramètres' then select the menu button at the top right and select Personal Settings. You will probably require your account login to access the aditional settings.
  7. Actually if you are slow to add the second image then it will be the first image added regardless of where it sits inside the note. The thumbnail is created typically within about 30s of the image being added... The imported enex will get the top-most image since all images will have been added at the same time.
  8. Because it is the latest version of the old, version 7, software. That release had reached the end of the line and there is no further update. If you want to get version 10 on your Mac then download the v10 package which will look and feel the same as the Windows version you have. Alternatively download the Legacy version for Windows and your Win experience will mirror what you currently have on Mac. These will not be updated, or fixed of faults emerge. Whatever, v10 is available on both OSes and will eventually be all that is available.
  9. Just to check, that's in a new note rather than updating an old note?
  10. I'm not sure that once the thumbnail is set that it is easy to change. So the size of the image needs to be reduced before the note is first created then added to a new note. I, at least, still find thumbnails never change. Always the first one chosen by the program.
  11. You are definitely on the old version of Evernote. You can stay with that if you wish. To run the same version on Mac as well as Windows you'll need to download v10 from https://www.evernote.com/download
  12. So Chrome gets an update which breaks an external add-on. That leaves the developers of the add-on with the task of finding the problem then writing the new code to deploy the fix. Add to this that the first reports of the issues came in during the Christmas/New Year vacations and that leaves about two weeks to diagnose, fix and deploy. What answer did you get to the support ticket you submitted?
  13. @KenTheriot - a guess. You have the older version of Evernote on your Mac. The editor looks the same whether using Windows or Mac with v10
  14. No, you don't need to uninstall Legacy. Just install V10 and then, if you can no longer find the Legacy version, just reinstall it. If both are already installed and working without problem then fix the shortcuts and of you go.
  15. If you were paying the lower price then you will remain on that rate in the future unless you upgrade. Once you make an upgrade you lose the locked in price you've been on until now. You will also stay with the level of services that you currently have. The current offer is really for Free users to entice an upgrade.
  16. Yes, the two versions will exist side-by-side on your computer. The process is relatively simple even though a little fiddly... 1. Ensure you have a copy the installation programs for both versions. 2. Install v10 v10 usually hides access to the older versions of Evernote. If your current Legacy app appears to disappear then the easiest option is to go to step 3. You can mess around and find the original Legacy program and recreate the program shortcut but... 3. Reinstall Legacy 4. The keyboard shortcuts may clash so reset the shortcuts that you intend to use that apply to both versions in whichever version you wish. For example the screen clipper shortcut in both versions is Ctrl+Alt+S so they will clash. If your plan is to use Legacy as your primary application then change the keys in v10 and vice-versa.
  17. I agree @idoc. Once I'd recognised that my challenges were that my ways of working needed to change it took me about a month to re-jig the way I worked to find a place of peaceful co-existence with v10
  18. In my browser the plans are Premium €10 per month and Business €15 per month. I'd agree that seems a bit more than I'd pay but it might be something I'd commit too while I decided on my options. The website also says (my emphasis): It wasn't clear how to get the alterntive free plan or what that provides but worthwhile pursuing...
  19. Printing. I have just one note that I print to have a paper copy available for reference. I update it a couple of times a year. Otherwise I'm paperless. I know others use Legacy for doing work on multiple notes. But that works well enough in v10 for me as I rarely do more than three notes in a multiple task.
  20. Thanks for your question. This isn't normal behaviour and I haven't seen this reported recently. The first two things to try are: 1. File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote data from this device When you log back in your Evernote data will be rebuilt. Try opening your documents again. If that doesn't work... 2. Completely uninstall the Evernote program and data. An uninstaller program such as Revo Uninstall will completely clean the program. This is important to avaoid any left over files. Reboot the PC and reinstall with the latest installer from the Evernote website. Log back in and give Evernote the the time to recreate your data from the cloud. If that doesn't work then a support ticket with Evernote is likely to be your way forward.
  21. You can have both v10 and Legacy installed at the same time. The best option if you go that route is to install v10 and then reinstall the Legacy. You should thereafter have full access to Legacy. The only thing to be aware of is that both versions may attempt to take over keyboard shortcuts. In that case, disable them in the version of EN you don't typically use - v10 for you. Otherwise, completely uninstall both versions of Evernote and locate an installer for the last release version prior to Legacy. Install and then disable Check for Updates. I suspect that the Legacy version will attempt to persuade you to switch from time to time. That makes sense in that v10 is the future for EN (like it or not) and one day Legacy will stop - probably because your OS no longer supports it. I've browsed and used many of the alternative products and none provide what I need and all required as big a transition of workflow as adopting v10. I'm now settled with EN v10 and pressing for the final fixes so that I can uninstall Legacy. I have only one process that I need that Legacy remains a better option for.
  22. I'm not sure whether you are working with Windows or MacOS. In Windows Win+. opens the Emoji picker. Tap the one you require and... 😎🟥🔶🔴 No doubt other Mac users can say how to do the similar on a Mac. With my Android device, the Emojis and a key on my keyboard.
  23. Perhaps you are not aware that the mobile apps have a sync option: Settings | Sync | Sync Now Or does that not work for you?
  24. Yes, it seems to be that way. Back to using the desktop as an intermediate staging point...
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