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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. This could be an Android setting. Settings / Apps / App Management / Evernote / Manage Notifications
  2. This sounds like an IFTTT issue. You should probably raise this with IFTTT support.
  3. This was an issue in the past which was resolved. I can see that this is an issue again. I probably hadn't noticed because I very rarely have all-day events. Please raise a support ticket.
  4. Did you use a standard OS copy/paste? You might get a better result by installing the Evernote web clipper for your browser.
  5. I can't say why this happens. Possibly the format of the original note content. I think I can say that there aren't any settings to tweak things.
  6. @Ethan Mings It may be a bug but it could also be some corruption in your account which will never fix itself without some action on your part. The most obvious option is to open a support ticket with Evernote. In the meantime you could access your account settings and disable Work Chat then reenable it. @gazumped recommended uninstalling the application. You could, instead, sign out and get your data rebuilt. File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote data from this device Then sign back in and your data will be rebuilt dealing with any account corruption. For now I can say that Work Chat is working for me and I can initiate chats with my contacts - at least their Email addresses and etails appear when creating a chat.
  7. Goig back to when calendars were first introduced I had a similar-ish issue. My recollection is that I resolved it by completely disconnecting my Google account from Evernote then reconnecting. Otherwise, it sounds like @gazumped's suggestion is the way forward.
  8. I can't offer any useful contribution because I'm not clear how you are undertaking this exercise. What application are you using to capture the dictation? Is this the same on your Samsung phone and the Windows laptop?
  9. Since these forums are primarily user to user you might find it better to open a ticket to submit suggestions. The sync processes are under development so things might well improve in the coming months. Meanwhile the best thing is avoid having the same now open on multiple applications.
  10. Sounds like you would do well to open a support ticket. They will, of course, ask you to reboot your computer and all the things you've likely tried already. You will not be surprised how often a good, old fashioned, reboot fixes stuff when the users insist that nothing has changed on their computer. Another reboot to try is the network router or even try an alternative network - perhaps create a hotspot with a mobile device and connect via that to see what happens. These are all attempts to narrow down where the issue lies. That way you can provide more information on your ticket.
  11. No you have misunderstood. If you initiate a delete (which is only a move to trash so still inside your account in the trash folder) this is, correctly reproduced on the servers. If you delete the Evernote folders and program this is not pushed to the servers. When you install Evernote again or on a new device the server copies will be resynchronised to the new installation.
  12. Not a bad idea. To be sure that it is noted by Evernote you should submit a ticket. In the meantime, if you haven't found it, there is a tasks widget you can add to the phone desktop. Not so neat but probably does the job.
  13. I don't think there's is any dissent from the idea of at least giving users an option on this. But these forums are very much user to user. So the abusive rants that appear from time to time do grate. If we want Evernote to hear this requirement then far better to raise the issue in a support ticket.
  14. Similarly for Windows. The store app is sometimes hampered. Of course, all the desktop apps will update on due course after a new version is released.
  15. Yes, the issue where I have to bring Evernote to the foreground before I share a doucment or web clip to Evernote still exists. I confess, however, that this isn't proving to be a major inconvenience. It would be better if it worked as, I presume, it is intended but my muscle meory means I just open Evernote and the go and share the material. When I said 'I don't have any problems...' I was thinking of speed. And the sharing thing has become so much second nature that I don't view it as a problem although I can see that others might find it so. Very mild annoyance is about as far as I'd take that. Otherwise, Evernote 10 does everything I need on Android. Currently v10.36
  16. I see issues reported with Samsung devices more often (but that may reflect Samsung's dominance in the market). I would imagine that 40k notes and over 500 notebooks could slow things down on Android too. I don't have any problems but far fewer notes.
  17. I'm not sure who 'We' are... It isn't me or, probably, many other users. In any case these forums are user to user so you would be better raising this using a support ticket to ensure you get attention from Evernote.
  18. I don't use Time Machine. Perhaps someone else can advise... @PinkElephant or @DTLow???
  19. OK. Plus doesn't have Note History. You could upgrade to recover this note but then you would lose the Plus price which is grandfathered in. Your only other option is to work with Time Machine and recover the note at the time of backup.
  20. Time machine backs up the whole Evernote account. So you can restore everything at the time of backup. Time Machine isn't capable of isolating individual notes.
  21. We need to know which level that is. Plus, Premium, Personal or Professional?
  22. What subscription level address you on? If Free then Note History is running but not available to you. You could subscribe for one month and get the history to retrieve the content.
  23. The notes are not backed up individually but as a whole database. I don't work with Macs enough to know the actual physical location but someone will be along soon who I am sure will be able to tell you. However, if you are a subscriber then you should be able to recover the missing content via Note History. Open the note with the missing content. Tap the three dots menu in the top right of the note and then access Note History.
  24. The subject references Outlook which doesn't otherwise get a look-in. Just Google, Edge and Chrome. Could you tell us in a little more detail what you are attempting to do?
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