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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. You will, I expect, find users who think that the v10 app for Android is terrible. Others like me find it functional. I sometimes wonder if those that complain most are those that use the Android app as their primary platform. I mostly work with Windows and user the Android app only when I'm out and about and need to refer to notes. I see more complaints from Samsung owners but that may only reflect the dominance of Samsung in the Android market. Xiaomi owners are currently reporting problems with the camera in the app. I think that this is a Xiaomi issue.
  2. I could argue with passion that this isn't what Evernote needs just now. There are many functions that I would argue were far more important and urgent than mathematical formulae. Hopefully Math stuff is noted and has its appropriate place in the order of enhancements. I hope it is lower in the list than my needs and, no doubt, you hope it is higher. Thankfully it isn't a fatal matter whichever view we take. If I needed the feature you describe I'd attach a file from an external application or use one of the applications you name.
  3. However, the OP's question was about not being able to save a search because the name was supposedly already in use by a saved search. I think that the answer to this is either via a database rebuild or with the help of Evernote support. On this occasion, the wider discussion of the the failings in saved searches is probably not going to offer a solution 😉
  4. It removes the formatting of the content of done containers. For example, HTML content is stored inside a container which preserves the layout of the original web page. Use the simplify wand and the content becomes editable.
  5. Yes, direct support requires a subscription or you pay by the incident. That is a one month subscription.
  6. This has been discussed in the past. I don't recall there being a workaround. As you've discovered checking a recurring task, in effect, creates a new task for the next occurrence. You could feedback to the Tasks Devs. It may even be something that they have in mind.
  7. Other Xiaomi users say that working with Microsoft Lens is a way around this issue until it is resolved. I would recommend Camscanner. I'm sure that there are other options. Whichever you choose, open that app and capture the document and then share it with Evernote. It should work just fine.
  8. Hi @SteveK_NY, Welcome to the forums and for your first post. I've never seen reports of the issue you describe but I'm not sure that I know of anyone who requires a passcode. You should probably open a support ticket since these forums are mostly users supporting users. Evernote staff are only here infrequently.
  9. The standalone calendar exists in Google Calendar and, soon, Outlook 365.
  10. If you create your note called Sampling Bias you can then paste in the internal app link to that note. It will appear pasted as the note title. But it will prove to be relatively tedious. There is no markdown code such as you might use in a wiki.
  11. A number of reports coming through that this issue has been resolved. Nobody can say why or whether it is permanent.
  12. Then I think you will discover an increase in price when you next renew. All the grand-fathered plans have had an incfease.
  13. Good questions... Have you reported the issue via a support ticket? That is likely to be the only way that the devs are definitely aware. The more individuals that report it the more likely a speedy fix will be identified. FWIW I haven't reported because I'm not affected - so far...
  14. A paid subscription is a means for obtaining support. Direct support is a paid service. You have the choice of paying annually or per case/month. A months support costs about the price of a couple of take away coffees. If you choose to pay for one month then you'll be covered for anything else arises in that month.
  15. Sorry. Support here is only in English. Edit: I should have been clearer. In this sub-forum.
  16. That's very strange. Do you have the ability to install an alternative browser? If so do that as a temporary test and see what happens. Certainly an issue like this is usually resolved by clearing the cache and cookies. If you have any Chrome add-ons then disable these too as a trial.
  17. Given that Premium is a tier that is grand-fathered in and the price has increased for renewals recently the prompts to upgrade are, I fear, something to be suffered. Once the campaign is ended they will stop. Meanwhile, register your disappointment via a support ticket. If enough complaints are received perhaps the marketing team will think again
  18. You could use the Microsoft Store version. My view is that the store versions, both Mac and Win, have significant limitations but @Boot17 is correct that it would be a potential solution.
  19. It indicates a new feature - probably in settings. It may not be very new. Just new to you. Or you have a reminder on a note that is now due.
  20. Stop, take a deep breath and don't panic. Your data is not lost. A couple of questions... What type of account do you have? Is it a Free account or one of the paid versions? Which application do you use? Web, Windows/Mac, downloaded direct from Evernote or via one of the app stores. So you also use one of the mobile apps Android/iOS There are suggestions depending upon your answers.
  21. I don't use saved searches. If they sync between devices then I think you'll need to open a support ticket. You could try rebuilding your local data but I'm not sure it will help in this case (File, Sign out, Remove my data)
  22. Try sign out again but select the remove my data option. When you sign back in your data is rebuilt including lock indices.
  23. Have you opened a support ticket? This is an uncommon issue so will relate to your account and hardware. You'll need extra help.
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