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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. @GrumpyMonkey - yup; modern version of the old (and slightly creepy) saying: "Two people can keep a secret - if one of them's dead" (Allegedly by a certain Mr M Twain). If you want something 100% secure, the cloud is not the way to go.
  2. Hope, I believe they say, springs eternal - which is just as well because that's also the way Evernote's development schedule seems to work sometimes... meantime there are lots of useful outliners around that will do a similar job - like Workflowy.
  3. Looks like the creation of tables is desktop and web only, but you could always set up a template note on a desktop and (presumably) copy it when using the mobile? [Not tested!]
  4. Hi. You seem to be talking about the autoformat process that creates lists and lines based on your typing. Some OS's now include an option to switch that off in Settings. If you are talking about keyboard shortcuts, have a look at some of the options here in Evernote's Help Center
  5. Yeah - low priority idea I think. You can have an Archive tag, a notebook, or even use a separate free account (with a different email address) to keep your notes at half-arms' length. See other threads for more details on those.
  6. Hi. There's a product backlog? Adding this option requires planning, developing and testing and a variety of other expensive activities before being released. That's assuming that doing the work at all will benefit more than the 5 folks who commented here so far. The suggestion has been made, and I'm sure it is on a list somewhere. Only Evernote know whether, and when it might be delivered.
  7. Hi. HIghlighting text works for text that is in Evernote's own text editor and the body of a note. If you've opened an attached PDF or Word file in a different editor, then local rules apply and Evernote's highlighter does not . You may be able to highlight text using that application's own editing commands, provided it's your document or you have permission to make changes. If you don't, then all bets are off. You could presumably take a screenshot of the relevant portion and annotate the picture to 'highlight' a section, but you won't have access to the original text.
  8. The system limits for Evernote confirm note size limits of 25MB (Basic) 50MB (Plus) and 200MB (Premium and Business) so if your 45MB note is 'too large', it appears you have a basic account and that note must somehow have flown past the 25MB limit without a tremor. In addition to the other suggestions here, I'd propose that if you check your account after logging in here and find that you don't have that note, you should sign out of Evernote on your desktop and then sign back in again to see if that makes any difference. If not, it appears that the local database (or at least that note) is corrupt. Go to your Databases folder (Evernote > Tools > Options > General for the location) Export any Local Notes you may have to ENEX files, one per notebook and then sign out of Evernote again. Rename the Databases folder to Databases.Old and log back into Evernote Check for that note again! Good luck - let us know what happens...
  9. Hi. I've seen two of those in 12 months. I'd suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the app to make sure you have the latest version. If the problem continues, look in Settings to contact support and send in a copy of your activity log.
  10. Hi. Evernote is a database dressed up with some nice frills, and its open API would allow MindMap software to save its nodes into the database and retrieve them for display; but you'd still have to use that third party software to view the map. If Evernote were to consider expanding their features to include a display of all notes in a MM layout (like MohioMap but 'proper' MindMapping), they'd have to add a number of additional fields to the database to hold relationship information, and build a whole new graphic display process to identify the notes and stitch them together in the proper layout, plus allowing users to 'edit' those fields by moving nodes around in the graphics UI. There is one contender so far - ConceptDraw*, who partner with Evernote. In my day job I teach a number of things, including Evernote and Mind Mapping (Tools of choice: Evernote - obviously, and MindJet* or Freeplane). Given the trouble I have getting the concepts across, and explaining how to do that, I suspect the only market for Evernote's MM display feature would be the people who already use Evernote and MM at a pretty advanced level. So far there's about ten of us (AFAIK ) so I don't see the Evernote version happening overly soon, unless they can persuade a MM software provider to partner with them and both companies pick up new customers through the collaboration. I use Evernote by pasting the note links into my maps, and by pasting a JPG of the map into a note. There's no other current options that I'm aware of. Previous discussions on this include: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/25608-request-mind-mapping/ https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/53060-mind-map-software-any-that-integrate-save-to-that-you-know-of/ https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/75790-use-mind-map-to-link-to-notes/ ConceptDraw and MindJet are subscription products.
  11. Looks good. When you've worked the bugs out, I look forward to an Android / Web alternative...
  12. Over on the linked post I said - Because .. and clicks or bug reports is what they'll be looking for. Obviously everyone is free to post anything you want (within the forum guidelines) anywhere at all - but it does make sense to keep it all in one place so arguments don't get diluted.
  13. Hi. Please see the continuation of this discussion here https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/94451-duplicate-notes/ and click the counter at the top of that page if you're suffering from this issue.
  14. Sorry if it comes across as negative, but I tend to believe I'm being realistic - if Evernote don't provide audio features, then it's pointless repeatedly asking them to change. If they accept the need, and even if it is a priority, it will be months or years before any new features are released. Better for the individual user to find an alternative that is at least acceptable if not especially convenient. There are many other sound recording applications for both desktops and mobiles that will work independently of being on or offline, and it's possible to connect a mobile to a desktop via cable to transfer files if necessary. All audio apps should be able to save to MP3 files, which can be attached to a note to be played by different software -including standard audio players- wherever the file is opened. I'd suspect having Evernote provide all this is a convenience or an irrelevance for most users, so I don't see any changes being made soon - although no-one outside the company knows Evernote's plans, so it could be released in the next update. Meantime if something is really essential to you and workarounds aren't acceptable, then yes of course you should use any other software that will give you the features you need. I use a dozen or more specialised apps during the day for images / email / audio etc. I don't especially want Evernote to get more top heavy with menus and options, and I'm happy for them to stay separate. Good luck with your search. If you do want to apply a little pressure to Evernote, and test the appeal of your idea, try creating a topic in one of the feedback forums where up voting exists. Windows https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/224-windows-desktop-product-feedback/ Mac https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/218-mac-product-feedback/
  15. If the mobile apps do record in the quality that you need, wouldn't it be fairly easy to record your notes using a mobile and sync the note through to your desktop for editing/ further use? I'd imagine more bells and whistles for recording is one Evernote's radar, but there are lots of other competing priorities...
  16. Hi. Web clippers on different devices and in different operating systems aren't (yet) consistent with all features. That may be coming, but meantime all you can do is clip what you can and re-clip the same page later if and when possible.
  17. Hi. Evernote don't share development plans, so the answer to your question is moot. You can already save searches, favorites and link between notes, so what exactly are you looking for? The ability to search Evernote from a saved link?
  18. ...but I think (and I'm just a user too...) you're -almost- right. Evernote will hold an unencrypted version of your note in 'Note History' but if you move your note between notebooks, I beleieve the history is deleted; so if you have a notebook for Unencrypted notes, process them there, and move to another notebook for storage, you'll 'lose' the history version and the only online copy will be the encrypted one.
  19. If Saferoom (the app, not the company) doesn't have access to your notes it can't access them to encrypt them or save them in encrypted form afterward. The permission doesn't mean that anyone can view your notes, just that the app needs the access to work at all.
  20. Hi. As you've found, it's not currently possible to share saved searches. However if your notes won't be changed after you do a search, you could share a Table of Contents note created from the search results. Your share-ee will be able to use the listed links to go directly to the notes as necessary. Alternatively you could just save the search text as you quoted it above, and get your share-ee to copy and paste that into the search box...
  21. As my previous post your spell check is more likely to be down to the browser than to Evernote. Check your browser options - or do a web search for "how do I turn my IE / Chrome / Firefox / Opera spell check off?" (Use your appropriate browser type, obviously...)
  22. Any supporters for the idea, please check out the counter at the top of the page - the more hits it gets, the more seriously Evernote will take the requests.
  23. There's something called the Safe Harbor agreement under which personal data can be exported from the UK to the US - there was some excitement recently when it was challenged and (in theory) no US company could take personal data outside the UK. Facebook, Google and quite a few other companies were 'concerned', and did talk about the possibilities and implications of server farms in different countries. No surprise however, the agreement was re-approved last year, and is back in place. (That's why I mentioned 'very precise exceptions'.) I assume, but don't know, that Evernote meets the requirements of the agreement. If someone complained to our data protection authority - called the Information Commissioner these days - the IC would investigate an alleged infraction and take any necessary action. I don't know what resources Evernote has in the UK, but I'd bet they're as international as any big IT company.
  24. The UK has some serious data protection regulations which prevent any 'personal data' being stored electronically without suitable and sensible safeguards, and most specifically objects to data being moved outside the UK - with some very precise exceptions. What you do with your own data though, is (AFAIK) up to you. 'Vanilla' Evernote wouldn't be suitable for any institution or charity to record such data about individuals, although it's perfectly acceptable to use the app for products, technical information and the like. Personal data could be encrypted with Saferoom or something similar (get professional advice before you design your complete system around encryption!) but that then makes it unsearchable which is kind've the point of getting your customer base into a searchable context like this one. Better to use Evernote as an information distribution center on any relevant topics, but keep your CRM running on your own local system. The point here being that 'local' regulations around the world are more important to users than any general business or IT principles related to security. There's a whole industry out there of catastrophe insurers who'll insure the business you against losses from hacking or data loss, but things start to get really expensive if you annoy the data protection authorities - I don't think you can insure against their monetary penalties, and that ain't all they can do to you if you get it really wrong... However Evernote is never the bad guy in the UK - if I keep things in my database that get me in trouble, that's my lookout!
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