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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Yes, sorry - got a bit carried away with the language there. This was Evernote white-acreening and maxing out disk activity as shown in Task Manager. I can't use Evernote at all during those periods - sometimes typing gets retained, mostly it doesn't. The search continues...
  2. Hi. Check your Clipper options (at the bottom of the pop-up window) to see if that text is set somewhere... otherwise try signing out of the app and back in. Not heard of a standard text in clips issue before... weird.
  3. Just to answer this question, here's a screenshot from my Windows database tag list after right-clicking the parent tag. I generally don't use hierarchies these days. I'm getting back into tags. Currently 45K notes in (mostly) one notebook and (AFAIK) I haven't lost anything yet... :crossed fingers:
  4. Thanks - glad the dried frog pills are still working for me after all... ☺️ All my notes imported fine with the filename as the note title, and the content (which just said "holding text") as the note body. (I was setting up a series of 25 project dashboards and needed some quick way to generate notes without freezing Evernote up in the process. The Import Folder worked!!)
  5. Hmmn. I used .TXT files to set up a series of note templates for something else, and for me all the files show that link. Just me being special again I guess...
  6. Hmmn. OK so it occurred to me that my 'backup' laptop would be a good candidate for a disabled startup session and I gave it a shot. Everything except Evernote and some Windows stuff got turned off. The laptop itself is running faster, and I was cautiously optimistic: until today when I had another shut-down for a few minutes when messing with tags and notebooks. No obvious conflicts. 🤕 I'll give it another shot, and I've posted a suggestion in the 6.18 release thread here https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/118709-evernote-for-windows-618-beta-1/#comment-53029 that it might be an idea to get pro-active with Windows users to determine the scale of the problem and (maybe) narrow down on causes. I'm not overly hopeful though, because it takes a lot of hutzpah for a company to go out and ask customers "got any problems you want to share?" - especially since some issues [though definitely not ours!] will likely be caused by users not maintaining their devices and software.
  7. OK two things: neither necessarily related to this particular release, but they are ongoing. I imported some files via a Windows 10 Import folder, and in each case the source URL says: file://C:\Users\<user>\Desktop\Evernote IMPORT FOLDER\<original filename> - which is pointless because I have the folder set to delete files once imported. The link goes nowhere and does not contribute to my day. Not sure if there are situations where a link to an original file would be useful, but I'd prefer to see no link recorded for Import folder sourced files. There's a lot of discussion in the Forums about the Windows Desktop client freezing / hanging / running slowly. It only (apparently) affects some users. I've been lucky up to now, but in the last few weeks my setup has become very frustrating. I can create a note.... and then have to do something else for a while until Evernote gets over the shock.* There's no information AFAIK about what percentage of Windows users are having brain-melting delays because of the interface, and -obviously- no current known cause, otherwise you would have fixed it. In light of Ian Small's avowed intent to make us users into happy campers, maybe a questionnaire out to Windows users to see who's affected by slow action, and what version(s) of Windows they're running? See https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/117152-constant-freezing-in-evernote/ for more on this (ongoing). * I kid you not: I now have a tablet handy when working on one laptop so I can read something while I wait for Evernote to finish re-organising its knife drawer! - and yes, re-downloads etc etc are all being tried....
  8. I guess we'll just have to continue to disagree... ☺️
  9. I believe the point being made by a staff member was that Microsoft changed the way that their product behaved. I definitely don't remember astoundment. Evernote didn't actually know that had happened until a user told them. Now they do know about it, they'll be able to do something. Which was also the point of my post. It would be dumb to go to a doctor and say "make the pain go away" without being prepared to say where the pain was, and give more details. Similarly Evernote can't improve their service without users reporting of what's going wrong and being prepared to share details. Just sayin'.
  10. OK - moved. I voted, but as the originator of this thread I don't think you'll be able to do any more. It remains to be seen how many others feel the same as you!
  11. OK. Your comments duly noted - thanks for giving a more reasoned explanation. It's certainly OK to wish for this option, but the fact is that Evernote don't provide sub-notebooks at this moment, and haven't shown any sign of wishing to do so in future. None of us knows what they actually plan to develop however, so all opinions so far are just guesses. We'll just have to wait and see. Meantime it is possible to stumble along using tags, titles and searches.
  12. The only answer I can see is to use a text block and paste the link there. The link content shows there, but then it's not an active link - it's necessary to copy and paste the line of characters into the browser bar to jump to the note. I guess the other option would be to use DropBox or OneDrive where the links don't (yet) have this extra formatting. If you'd like I can move your post to a voting thread to see how many others would wish to see the Google Drive formatting switchable on and off...
  13. Ugh. Very much appreciate that you did all this, but life is kinda full right now... this could take a while... ☺️
  14. With whatever percentage of help requests they get from 230M+ users, I think the Support team don't have much time either. They wait to be contacted directly before they can look into individual issues. Evernote staff do read the forums, but the bare facts of 'lost data' don't help them identify the reason for this particular incident - evidence my suggesting a couple of different scenarios which might have played out. Hopefully (in a weird way) this will happen to someone else so they can report details and maybe answer questions to zone in on what might be the cause - then the developers will be able to do something about it.
  15. Hmmn. Even without a reliable web connection your changes should have been saved to your local hard drive and synced at the next opportunity. There is a possibility that if you noticed the loss of recent data on another device, it was because either the laptop had not then had chance to sync its changes to the server and so your then access to the notes counted as a later change and superceded the new data, or it may have been that while the laptop synced to the server, your 'other' device had not down-synced the new versions. Did you have a look in the note's history (under the 'i' icon) to see whether your changes had been saved as some earlier content? If none of that helps, I really would suggest raising a support ticket - the more of these edge cases Evernote hears about, the more likely they are to be able to build in protections against them.
  16. I use Bitwarden for passwords - it's a browser extension with no active processes that I can see. I do have a Realtek Card Reader Patch Tool running on my main laptop, which led me to a Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader. Don't think that's a factor though, because I have a backup laptop which also freezes. I'll have a look into what other bits and pieces are attached to that.
  17. I sympathise with the sentiment, but Evernote could equally argue they'll start improving things when users get involved enough to show them exactly what is causing an issue. Every software engineer spends far more time working to fix issues that cause problems on one device (or in one OS) or another than they ever did writing the software in the first place. That's why every package has frequent updates as more fetaures are added (plus, or course, more bugs) and more fixes are applied (causing, usually, spin off problems that weren't there originally...) Using software isn't a question of paying for a 'perfect' package - it's a matter of realising that there will be issues and working to minimise them... But I agree it's also a pain. 🤒
  18. Evernote don't (usually) comment on whether or when a particular feature might be released. Personally, I doubt they'll ever get to this because 1) there are already established products out there that do a good job and 2) the need for this feature is unlikely to affect more than a very small portion of their current user-base, and even more unlikely to draw new users in for that one feature alone. Voice to text is already possible via the various mobile personal assistants. I don't even use Evernote as a primary audio recorder - it's easier to use a more feature-rich app to create a cross-platform MP3 file that I can attach to a note. Apps like Cogi and Otter are free for more specialised uses. I'd hate to imagine how much it might cost Evernote to match either of those in performance, and how (or whether) they'd ever make any of that cost back in new sales.
  19. I have separate monitor glasses and reading glasses. Slightly fuzzy documents when scanning, but sharp screen images when reading in between scans; and I do most of my processing on screen. It is annoying - this getting old thing. 🙁
  20. Hi. Again, if it's an issue, raise a support ticket so 1) Evernote know the issues exists and 2) they have some more data to help work out what's causing it.
  21. Hi. The installed version or the web browser?
  22. Tiago Forte, whom you may have heard of, has a new project that seems to tick a few boxes raised in the forums. This is a web page that will 'resurface' (not in the sense of a new paint job...) random notes from the past for review and possible action. Since it is (apparently) possible to limit the choices to one notebook, it should be possible to create a sort of spaced repetition learning environment - although remember the notes are not picked by topic or date, but purely at random. The man himself says: I’m very proud to present version 3.0 of RandomNote Web, a free web app we created to help people serendipitously resurface and rediscover their Evernote notes, with the goal of improving their learning and creative output. I'm not a user*, just reporting the option. * I get enough random interruptions in the day that I don't need to set up any more... EDIT: Sorry: just tried that link - you might want to start here >> https://praxis.fortelabs.co/randomnote-web/
  23. Hi. I have Windows 64bit and Outlook (Office) 2013 running on a spinning disk device and 8GB, so far from a direct match; but my email clipper works fine. I'd suggest you raise a support request (mainly user 2 user support here) if no-one else chimes in with more comparable experience.
  24. Hmmn. Can you start Evernote from your Start menu? Which version of Windows do you have?
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