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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Doh. Sorry - was skimming through and got fixated on making row height bigger: totally forgot that we get Duplo tables now... I'd agree - at the least it would be nice to have Default / Comfortable / Compact like Gmail.. 🙂
  2. Hi. If your current EXB file included the local notebooks, then you'd be able to see them in whatever version of Windows you were using. If you do have backup copies of the EXB file from when these notes were visible, they are recoverable - but it will require a little messing around. As far as Evernote is concerned the current server copy of your notes is the gold standard, so starting Evernote with one of the old EXB files in place of your current one will just get the content of the backup file overwritten. You'll need to try an old process to recover your local notes - to see if it still works... (Evernote has had several updates since this was posted!!)
  3. Hi. Uninstall Evernote, power your phone off and on again, then reinstall. Evernote has been working on my Androids in various versions for about 8 years without crashing once.
  4. ?? I don't have Evernote on my Android screen unless I need to look something up - all my 'clips' are shares to Evernote from the browser or app I'm using. I do get a green swirly dot on screen to show the clip is being recorded, but that goes away on completion...
  5. Hi. The table row height is dynamic - by which I mean a bigger font size or a picture will boost it out depending on the width to which you have the table set. As a matter of interest, could you give an example of where you'd need an adjustable row height?
  6. Priorities can be assigned with tags ("P1"), or reminders (next Tuesday) - what extra feature were you missing?
  7. Not sure what you're looking for but check under 'shortcut keys' in Evernote Windows. One of the options there is 'Capture Screen'. I tend to capture some web clips by using the web clipper to to create a note, then the key combo for Capture Screen to highlight an area to copy. If you hold Shift while selecting, the copy will go to Desktop rather than a new note. Then I can drag n drop the copied area into the clipped note to complete my capture. Copy and paste is usually an option too.
  8. Wow - you step out for a while and suddenly there's a fight... Thanks to @Dave-in-Decatur for holding the line, but maybe I should have stressed that the 'comments' I was talking about were from Evernote staffers. Anyways: it's perfectly fine, if you really REALLY feel the need for a folder hierarchy, to go find another note app that will provide that. Evernote - apparently - will be offering more in future, but as it is now, a 'folder' hierarchy is not possible. Evernote as it is works for me, and I'm happy and staying. YMMV!
  9. If you genuinely scanned the topic, you should have seen a comment that Evernote's initial design architecture didn't allow for stacks within stacks without rebuilding the product from the ground up. Another post mentions that new features are now being worked on which may make a difference in the future. Meantime 225 million users are actively using the existing version, which means the company needs to take very great care to avoid causing problems for the existing customer base. ...and for the record Evernote have - as they would normally do on ANY feature requests - avoided any comment at all until fairly recently. That's not a cavalier attitude, that's standard practice for any company getting thousands of conflicting requests from millions of users. An attempt to respond directly to customers would lead to hundreds of staff being totally tied up dealing with queries. It's more productive to get on with coding and release the results. Anyhoo. Sorry that the app as is doesn't suit you - good luck with whatever new platform you choose.
  10. Hi. If you added these files through a cable connection, that should be the way to delete them. This is not an Evernote issue.
  11. Hi. Evernote has STACKS containing NOTEBOOKS which contains NOTES. A Note might include a one or more lists in text, or as attachments in external files.
  12. Hi. The way Evernote works is to save Clips in Notes, and one or more Notes in a Notebook. That's not likely to change anytime soon. If your issue is to save more than one clip to a note, you could try copying and pasting to add to an existing note, or creating separate notes and merging them together.
  13. Hi. This is a mainly user supported forum, so these aren't 'our' ads you're seeing. Don't know why you're having problems raising the issue with support - maybe try a different browser? There was an issue with support pages some while ago - see https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  14. Hi. As you're a subscriber, report this to https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - we're a (mainly) user-supported forum, so there's no fixes here... just helpful suggestions and work arounds. As regards your searches - is the note you refer to one that was only recently edited or created, or have you found this an issue with long standing data?
  15. As long as Evernote and/ or Google are aware of the issue, someone will be working on a solution. Until that's delivered though, all you have is work-arounds...
  16. Agreed - but if checking the Android clipper doesn't show the reason for clips going astray, it can't hurt to switch it to 'selected notebook' for a short while and choose the default... just to see if it makes a difference... Edit: Oops. Makes note: remember to read the whole thread history before posting next time... Sitting down now...
  17. Hi again - if your mobile app is happily syncing to and from the web, there's nothing obvious wrong with either end of that transaction - the problem would then appear to be with your desktop installation. Is that your home or work network connection? If there's a software glitch, the quick way to resolve it may just be to uninstall Evernote, restart the desktop and re-download / reinstall. (Make sure you copy the databases folder from your hard drive to your desktop as a backup.)
  18. Agreed - my comment was in context of the OP's comments that the Android clipper was causing an issue, and I got the impression that clips were being saved to more than one non-default notebooks. In that case Android Clipper wouldn't necessarily be the issue, because it should be consistent in the notebook to which it saves - unless deliberately changed. However, the OP actually said: - which means that if that is one single notebook, it might just be the settings in Android Clipper that are causing the issue.
  19. Yeah - in Android you can tap the 'saving' button to choose a notebook, but whether that's (as I think it is) a sticky setting or it reverts to default, it should at least be consistent...
  20. Hi. Is it possible to log in via a browser at Evernote.com and set up a standard password?
  21. Hi. In the desktop application, collapsing stacks is already a standard feature... here's a snippet from my desktop. "Local" is the stack containing my local notebooks. The arrow fades in when you hover over the name...
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