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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Just had my monthly crash - this time when I powered my system on. I have a batch file that opens a bunch of standard apps - Outlook, Evernote, Vivaldi, VPN and as soon as that ran Evernote's Fatal Error window popped up. AFAIK I closed it down normally last night, so when things crashed I have no idea. To add some small insult to injury I opened a note in a separate window after the app started up, then deleted the note from the main window, without closing the separate note window. Now I can't close that window... presume I'll have to restart Evernote to clear my desktop... I don't like Mondays. Beginning to dislike Tuesdays too... 😠
  2. If you're talking Evernote versions I'd agree with you on this - they're piloting something on the web that seems likely to get cascaded out to everything else, but going by the videos released so far it's a major project with the problem that you can't deliver bits and pieces; when we get a new Evernote version it will be a shiny new set of (we hope complete) features all in one package. As to 7 votes meaning nothing - some other requests (that are also on hold) have 400 or more so this one is not something that most people feel super-strongly about - and Evernote get lots of feedback from surveys and social media which -along with this forum- informs their priorities.
  3. Hi. Moving notes from 'local' - ie stored only on your hard drive - to 'synced' should work seamlessly. It does mean all those notes need to be uploaded to the server, so I guess it could take a while to catch up. Does the local notebook still exist, or were all its contents transferred?
  4. Hi. See this thread which may be relevant... https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/122668-editing-a-note-on-en-android-results-in-all-images-changing-size-position-in-en-windows/ EDIT: and check in Settings to see if changing the web client version helps...
  5. Hmmn. Sorry, it's still icons for everything except images and (optionally) PDF files. I get around this where I need to by attaching the original file to a note and adding either a copy/ paste of the content, a PDF, or a screenshot.
  6. I have an Android phone and tablet, but tend not to use Evernote for note taking (or writing) that's going to take a while unless I'm on a desktop. At many offsite locations there's too much risk of dropped network connections (or expiring batteries) messing things up. There are many alternative note-taking options out there that are not subject to having internet access - from the eraseable notebooks that will record handwriting and in some cases upload text to the web, to paper conversion apps like https://www.scribzee.com/en that allow you to write in a physical notebook and OCR it to Evernote later. I've used a spiral bound reporters notebook and a pencil on occasion, but mostly I use a random sheet of paper and write up the details later. I find that making detailed notes during any kind of meeting or conversation keeps me on the sidelines - I'm an observer, not a participant. If you're a designated note-taker that's fine - it's part of the job. If you're supposed to be contributing to the meeting, you have to multi-task, and that's usually counter-productive. Better to make rough notes as you go so that numbers and addresses are correct, but to leave writing a beautifully detailed report 'till later. So: Nope. And having only 7 votes now means that Evernote could be working on this as a bug (they tend not to share what's going on too well...) but it's importance as a bug or a feature is probably pretty low. It'll likely get fixed as they finish doing lots of other editor-related things that are taking up their time.
  7. Phew - I keep getting the image too, but assumed I'd just delete it if I clicked! I'll stop worrying now... 🤭
  8. You have some limited control over table/ screen size - click in any cell and the drop down offers "match note width" which you can use to jump out >> or back in << (but be careful you didn't select the image itself: use arrow keys to get into the cell if necessary!). And if you have a string of large images in very small table boxes, double-clicking an image (on a desktop) starts the 'display' mode which gives you a full-screen gallery of images one by one.
  9. Got that t-shirt too. There's no actual image size control in Evernote - if you change the displayed size in Windows, that will hold until the note is next edited on a different device - then all bets are off. If you want a specific fixed layout, the best way to achieve this is to use tables. The attached forinstance is my record of a dead laptop battery... The team are (I understand) rewriting the editor, so -hopefully- things will get better.
  10. Just for information this forum is supported by a small group of users who're very familiar with common topics and will move posts into relevant places or threads if a new post comes in separate from a previous discussion. If you see any more posts on this subject please tell us about it - they'll be merged in with the flow. The votes you see are likely all you got. Evernote has lots of places to get feedback from a wide range of users including newbie students and 70+ year-old veterans around the world. Even in this forum there are hundreds or thousands of competing feature requests that - even if they're accepted as part of Evernote's long-term plan - will take years to implement. Evernote doesn't have a 'tree' as such. There's just Stacks, Notebooks and Notes. If you have hundreds of notebooks you may be over complicating things...
  11. Hmmn. Must confess I thought the right-click menu did include something that would 'send to' Evernote, but I see it says 'Evernote Web Clipper' in a browser with the usual options of full page / bookmark / screenshot. On the desktop I get a bunch of system options. I believe (with about 50% confidence) that it's possible to add a link to a file in that menu, which you could then configure as an Import Folder to get stuff into Evernote, or you could just have an import folder on the desktop somewhere and drag-n-drop stuff directly on it... maybe... (for subscribers, there's another option there for email - which could go to an Evernote account) Browser Desktop - I greyed out system stuff that will vary with devices...
  12. Hi. You downloaded, but did you install? And have you restarted your computer since? If there is still an issue here, try uninstalling / reinstalling as Administrator.
  13. Hi. You posted in a 5-year old thread about iOS issues which have long-since been resolved. There was a second post where you confirm that you have rebooted your computer, which I couldn't move here too. I'll just kill that post. Is it possible you somehow highlighted the other text when moving the cursor around? It's not expected behaviour for text to be affected by cursor actions. If not, I can only suggest that you carefully sync your account, sign out and uninstall / reinstall the app to see if this issue continues. You might also want to contact Support via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  14. ...but depending on how many images you're messing with, once the note is synced with your desktop (Clipped notes and images go to the web server first) it's easy to merge notes together, or to copy and paste images from one note to another. I just did something similar between my Android phone and an Evernote note. I shared two screenshots with Evernote from the phone, synced phone and laptop to get the images to my local app, then copied and pasted the note images into my original note.
  15. Like the man said, there's no forum for Templates as such and if you set up a new note and check the template gallery set up by Evernote there are no resume examples. It's probably easier to find examples from your industry or area of expertise in a web search and use those headings anyway rather than try to complete a form.
  16. Hi. My subscription page is working fine - you could try another browser and go to https://www.evernote.com/subscriptions/manage, or as you're a subscriber already, reach out to Evernote on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new to ask them to take your money...
  17. Hmmn. The HEIC (HEIF) format was developed (it says here) as an improvement on JPG - same quality but half the size, and -amongst other things- it supports multiple images and transparencies in one file. Wish my (Android) phone took that sort of image! But you know, we're a -mainly- user-supported Forum here, and Evernote staffers -usually- don't comment on issues such as this, so your guess is probably better than mine as to whether and when support for this new(ish) format will be introduced. I doubt any explanations will be forthcoming, but maybe the fact that the Big E is harmonising the product across most (all?) platforms and they've got some deep coding to do to glue a new UI together could explain the delay on new features. I voted too.
  18. Happy New Year. Evernote is updating the editor, so this may be in the mix - but they don't usually share release dates until they happen. As long as you voted (top left of this page) they'll take notice.
  19. Hi. If you only have one notebook it doesn't actually matter how Evernote opens - any new note you create will go to your one notebook; any notes you search will be from your one notebook... If it is a concern for you - try setting up a shortcut to that notebook* and look for it in the left column; one click will open that notebook. *right click the notebook name, choose 'create shortcut'...
  20. Hi. What's your OS? And what other browsers have you tried?
  21. I believe (though I haven't tried it) that the freemium add-in Filterize can filter notes by their title and can then edit the selected titles. I don't actually know whether you could use it as a sophisticated 'find and replace' tool, but it may be worth a look. For one filter such as this I believe the free version will be perfect. Filterize is compatible with a Business account. https://filterize.net Edit: Filterize selects notes when they are synced, so you'd need to search for and tag your notes to be edited, then just sync a couple of times for Filterize to process them.
  22. Hi. Have you looked at Filterize? I have no active zaps at the moment, but I'm happily tagging and moving notes around with this app. https://filterize.net Filters are similar to those in a variety of other integration apps - if {condition} then {action} with the option of setting multiple actions based on multiple conditions.
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