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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I sit very much corrected, and I apologise - unless I'm going loopy that was an option in the extended Help menu, but it's no longer there. (In my defence I didn't have access to my Windows laptop when I wrote about that, but I do now!) Either it was quietly removed at some stage, or I miss-remembered a comment about one of the other commands including that. The next escalation in the rebuild stakes is to rebuild the whole database - log out of the app, navigate to the Evernote folder on your hard drive and move it to your desktop, then re-open the app. The database, and all the associated indexes, will be rebuilt from scratch. This does take some time! (If you have any Local -unsynced- Notebooks, these have to be exported before you start and re-imported after the rebuild because Evernote can't rebuild them from the server.)
  2. Hi. There have been a lot of requests for a better text editor in Evernote. The company is said to be working on one for release later this year, but we do not know what it will include.
  3. Hi. Email and chat support is available for subscribers. Free users get access to social media groups and @EvernoteHelps on Twitter... and to this forum, where we're normally able to offer some constructive suggestions. In this case it would be helpful to know: Where did you get the template from that you used for this first note Have you restarted your computer or exit/ restarted Evernote since saving the note When you say 'the note is still there' - is this the original template, or your amended title for the note?
  4. No fair. You're making me feel hungry now...
  5. Hi. Try changing the zoom on the web page you're clipping. Both the clipper window and the simplified text get bigger... (or smaller!)
  6. Hi. As a subscriber you should be entitled to email support, so I'm surprised you got sent here - Support should have told you that provided your notes contain local images - usually PNG or JPG files - they will get thumbnails, at worst after a few days. I assume there's some sort of queuing process going on, because if you add a lot of notes with images it does take (IME) a few days to populate all the pictures. There's one trick you can try if it has been a week or more and the pictures aren't showing up - on a desktop, hold the Ctrl key and click on Help in Evernote's menu. You'll get an extended help menu which includes rebuilding the thumbnail index. If you have a lot of images, this may take some time!
  7. ...and you have the complication that Office is now also web based and can be accessed from Linux too... I had a quick look at the web page, but to be honest our cooking plans tend to revolve around personal preferences and what's left in the freezer rather than any rational 'plan'. Good luck with the development though! 🙂
  8. Hi. The short answer here is 'no'. What you see in the presentation window is pretty much what you get; however I find that the visibility and style of the content can be adjusted by varying the layout of the underlying note - though the note itself is then not very practical when viewed normally. I address that by duplicating notes intended for presentation, then editing one to a font size that works. Choosing between fonts is not an option! What the 'new' editor will look like and what features will be available is unknown at this moment - we're still waiting...!!
  9. ...what @DTLow said: plus - why not create a second free account? (You'll need another email address to create it). Use the free account for work and your subscription account for personal, and share notebooks between the two so you can move notes across if/ when you need to
  10. Hi. Your system seems to be trying to connect with Evernote China. There's a Great Firewall involved in connections to and from China which may be the issue here. You could try to connect with Evernote.com via a browser and login with your normal user details, but I have no idea whether that would be successful. You are a subscriber, so try using the Support link on that site to request help from Evernote in the US.
  11. Hi. As a subscriber you can raise this with Support who might be able to help. Evernote Marketing Department has a reputation all its own but they should draw the line at too frequent a pop-up. Have you tried logging out of Evernote and back in? Check for recent updates? Explored Import Folders for your file inclusions?
  12. That's a 4-year old post. Around the same time another contributor suggested using a text-expander like Phrase Express (free for private use) which could take a key combination like Ctrl+1 and automatically insert a complicated search into the search bar, with pauses for additional user input if necessary... Just sayin'
  13. Haven't used Claris, but by the look of their website they're a workflow automation company connecting different types of software together. Doesn't look like they're linked/ integrated with any of the other (dozens of) applications mentioned there - what would Evernote need to do?
  14. Hi. As a subscriber you can raise any issues you have with Support - we're a mainly user-fueled forum, and don't have the power to "give you your notes" - although you should be able to download / export / print any or all of them as required...
  15. Hi. No, you can't. There may be other apps out there that could do this, and if they generate a PDF file, that could be saved in an Evernote note. But at present Evernote simply doesn't offer the feature that you want.
  16. Hi. Try logging in with your new details via Evernote.com on a desktop. If that doesn't work, try your old logins, and if that doesn't work, there's a 'forgotten password' option that should get you logged in. Once you confirm the login details you should be fine...
  17. I believe if you click in the note window the toolbar will magically appear...
  18. Already reported multiple times. Not all that helpful to raise it separately again...
  19. Because Evernote isn't an image processing app? Its focus is note taking. It is possible to 'shrink' a large image to a thumbnail and to click that thumbnail to show the image at original size. If you're using the browser version of Evernote you can zoom in or out using browser controls. But anything more complicated is just not within the current scope of the app. Did you have a particular application where this is important? Can you supply some more information on that?
  20. Hi. You're using a free service that comes with a restriction in the number of devices you may use at any one time. Looks like you exceeded the limit at this point and need to sign out. Web access doesn't count, so you still have full access to notes, and if you haven't already logged out on too many devices this month you'll be able to log out on the device you are not using to connect this one. Understanding the device limit
  21. Hi. Sorry for your issues, but I'm always bemused when people say "but when I went past the Minefield!! sign things started to blow up..." - yeah; that's what Upload LIMIT means. Bad Things May Happen if you go past this marker... Do not assume that there's a safety net. If you have another email address, set up another account to hold the overspill, or buy more capacity online. Evernote may have tightened up the restrictions, but that's because they're a business and need to make a profit. Free use is possible, but only within strict limits.
  22. Hi. There's some voodoo about the image with the smallest, largest diameter being the one chosen for a thumbnail... also if the note changes (even in moving the image around) updating which image is chosen and whether it appears requires various random syncs with the server. ...It's not necessarily instantaneous is what I'm saying... If things don't sort themselves out after a while, you could try zipping all images but the one that you want for a thumbnail so there's no choice involved.
  23. Well, they may be in the process of expanding the options available... or they may not. We won't know until the next iteration of the Editor is launched onto an unsuspecting world. Have to say that I feel I could manage your situation in one notebook with tags for years, months and categories and saved searches to generate 'virtual' folders for (forinstance) Gaz for the month of April 2020 and commission for 'random replies'. But that's just me. (Oh - and the saved searches could be made into Dashboards showing the constantly updated status of each employee for all their commissions with an add-in called Filterize... if you wanted.)
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