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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I moved this to the feature request section since it's not currently possible to do this automatically in Evernote. Other users may vote it up if they agree it's a useful idea. Personally I doubt it's feasible on one simple basis - even if there was a check, how do you know what you clipped last time? Was it a bookmark or a quote or an image? And what if the content has changed since? IMHO it's easier just to clip if you see something interesting. When you next search for an item you might see more than one note - if there's a conflict, just delete one. The 'created date' in your note will tell you which is the most recent. If you turn out to have a quote, an image and a clip from the same site - just merge them together into one note. -And if you build in more checks or searches, it just gets slower to clip in the first place...
  2. The notice you see is offering to save notes on the device so that you can work offline. The notes are saved in a format useful to Evernote, but not for backup. To save a restorable copy of your database, export your notes to ENEX files on a notebook-by-notebook basis, or use an external service like CloudHQ that can backup from the server.
  3. Hi. Update to the latest version. There's now an option to disable spell-check. Additional languages are planned and development continues...
  4. Hi. Read the posts above. It's already possible to export all notes on a notebook by notebook basis, use the Legacy app to backup from disk, or use online services to backup from the server.
  5. A little longer than that I think - I joined in 2008...
  6. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (if you're a subscriber) https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (anyone) https://www.facebook.com/groups/evernotecommunity (anyone)
  7. If you dislike the update so much, the legacy version is still available for every OS except iOS. A good many folks are now posting positive reviews, so things should be getting better after several updates to version 10 already. Like many, I've not experienced any change to my workflow - I'm still operating on Legacy versions.
  8. If you're getting this message when using Legacy, what happens with v10? Have you tried uninstalling / restart / reinstalling?
  9. Replacing the previous public version (6.25.1) is baked into EN10. If you intent to keep on using 10 you're better to go back to the Legacy version which will at least co-exist with v10. No clue why you should have lost tags or notebook names though - is that in both the old and the new versions? Evernote Legacy: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  10. In between times there's been a complete app revision, so this would seem to be a new issue... Have you tried exporting the file? Logged into Evernote.com to check the server version? If the file is definitely damaged or lost, then please report it to Support for individual and closer investigation.
  11. That's supposed to be the case. Accessing the account from one device 'registers' that device as connected to the account. When you connect from another device (even if that is the web page), you have used up your device allowance. You're allowed to unsync a device twice in a month. It's restrictive because this is a free account. Users are supposed to be testing to see whether they like it enough to pay for their service. If you don't want to pay - that's fine; maybe you should look elsewhere. Otherwise to remove these roadblocks... just subscribe!
  12. There are very few settings (AFAIK) in the new version so far - if you have the note 'open' for editing it should only be affected by the phone's timeout setting. If that isn't working in the new version you have reported the issue here - it will get corrected at some stage, but the phone settings are the only other option until then...
  13. Yup. I understood the query - you're looking for this sort of setup... - which is what I get in a new note when I have created templates...
  14. I merged your two posts - please don't duplicate entries in the forums.
  15. Hi. I do sympathise, but there's an easy way to avoid the frustrations of the new version for a while at least. Forewarned by the early reaction in the Forums I was able to stop my Windows and Android devices updating from the last public version, and I've continued happily working with those apps. I'd expect to do so for several months more, while Evernote sort out the new systems and (hopefully) catch back up to where they were. If you wish to continue to use the new app from time to time to check on progress try the Legacy desktop. Otherwise simply uninstall Evernote version 10 and reinstall 6.25 from the link below. Make sure to visit Tools > Options > General and untick "check for updates" in 6.25 Android is slightly more difficult - it's easier to stick with v10 if you can. You may have an 'older version' option in the web version settings - if not, I'm afraid that's not an option. Desktop Legacy - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote Windows original - http://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.1.9091.exe
  16. Duplicating that note may not have worked, but duplicating notes is useful for templates, sharing and a host of other things.
  17. The Basic account is really only for occasional light use. Subscribing gets you much higher limits and a few useful extras like receiving email direct into the account and access to the Support team. Plus it seems sensible to pay to support the company so it can stick around and continue to provide the service I use. I have used my account daily for both personal and business tasks for 12 years or so - I'm up to 50,000+ notes. I wouldn't consider a Business account - it's actually two accounts, one standard Premium for the individual, and another in the name of a business, accessible to all employees. There's extra admin to allow different levels of access to different folders which I absolutely don't need. If you want to continue to debate the differences please start a separate topic - this one is about the OP's payment issue.
  18. Try going to https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action and check how many devices are listed there. Revoke access to the ones you no longer require.
  19. Hi. I moved your post to the correct thread. Does your Android have a timeout setting?
  20. Hi. One of Evernote's major features is the document history which saves (if it has time) a previous version of a note when changes are made. The benefit being (for me anyway) that any occasional mistakes can be retrieved by a visit to the History. However the existence of the feature means that if you create a note which is later encrypted, there's a pretty good chance that your initial content is in History somewhere in full plain text. There are a couple of ways to avoid this - use an external word processor (or spreadsheet etc) - many offer the option to encrypt and password protect individual files, which can then be attached to a note*. create a note template containing a paragraph of random text that has already been encrypted. Duplicate the note, unencrypt the paragraph, and copy/ paste your external plain text content into the space. When you exit the note it should be re-encrypted.* * in both cases, and as far as I know, the content will not be indexed for searches either! As far as your existing situation is concerned - I know of no way to delete Note History other than to move the note(s) to a different notebook or to delete the original note, having copy and pasted the encrypted content to another new note. (NB I've never tried to move content like this, and I'd worry that the encryption might be unusable afterward!!) AFAIK also - Note History is not searchable, though your experience is clearly different. You'd have to contact Support to get some insider information on this! https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
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