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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I don't think there would be so many comments if the feature didn't work at all... maybe try Support to find out why it doesn't work for you?
  2. Hi. Evernote says a Basic account can have 100 notebooks shared in and share with 500 others - Evernote system limits - unless that requires updating from recent changes. I have no experience of sharing limitations - I never got over about 5 notebooks being shared out in 12 years of using the app. Why so many notebooks? I normally use one notebook per share-ee so's not to clutter up their own notebook structure with my notebooks. Tags and separate notes are usually enough to keep us both up to date. They can move/ copy notes into their own notebooks if they're just for reference. Maybe you could re-think the structure a little and manage with 5 or fewer unless and until you decide whether to subscribe? You can try Support on https://twitter.com/evernotehelps to get a definitive answer. You could also look at https://postach.io/ which will take the content of an unshared Evernote notebook and make it available as a web blog...
  3. Sorry to hear that - let us know what Support say...
  4. If they're only on your desktop, you could try an uninstall with extreme prejudice. I've seen Appcleaner suggested for Macs (I'm not a user) though I don't know if anyone has used that with EN10.10 yet.. Or the safer method - reach out to https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  5. Thanks - OK first I'd suggest you sign in via a browser and Evernote.com to see if there is any sign of your 'restored' notes there. If not, check the Trash notebook online and on your desktop. If there's nothing visible you could report this to Support who may be able to help - at the least they can fix the restore button which should do exactly what it says on the can. Your backup unfortunately probably won't be much help - Evernote maintains a local database cache, but accessing it in the backup and finding your notes might be impossible. Copying content into new notes will rescue the rest, but what's gone might be lost. If you have the space, installing Legacy and backing up from there would be a better disaster plan. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  6. Still available on a Mac or Windows desktop via Legacy... but I have commented here before - culling the database doesn't provide any particular benefit other than reducing it's local size... which may be academic anyway given that the new version uses a temporary cache rather than permanent files (which of course Legacy does use, so you're greatly increasing the local size initially at least when installing it on desktop).
  7. Hi. OS? Device? Evernote version? -and "not opening again"... after what / how many times / what does happen??? More details please! (And the version of Evernote you're probably using was released about 6 months ago - so whatever issue you have is pretty new...)
  8. Entirely your decision of course. Just saying that -for the moment- there is no greater threat or risk from Evernote than anywhere else. If they make a decision to close the server access it will be set months into the future - and that's when I'll start to worry. Until then everything else is a distraction.
  9. Hmmn. Not exactly 'junk' - that looks like the type of 'helpful' message you get on a new account. I take it the 'manage notifications' link doesn't stop them - are they easily deleted via the bin icon? Is this a recent new or upgraded account? You could try a sync / uninstall / restart / reinstall (which is the usual fix for mobile issues) but check in the Play store first to make sure you get the same download version of Evernote offered. Failing that, try a Support ticket https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  10. Hi. We're a mainly user-supported site.. for general payment issues see
  11. ...but it is still working, and Evernote have said that they'll keep it going for the time being. There's no clue when that might stop - but then you have the choice either to update or move. And Evernote 10.10 seems to be here a few months after the first launch. Who knows? It might even be usable in a couple more releases. Meantime agonising over what might happen is just wasting time - your computer might crash / your service provider go bust / you could get hit by a bus. All you can do is deal with what actually happens...
  12. ..Or you could look at Airtable which is both a relational database and a spreadsheet... (and has a 'free' level...)
  13. Hi. How and where did you attempt to remove the old phone? You can remove a device from your account on the "Devices" page in your account settings. (Understanding the device limit)
  14. ...And let me point out, once again, that the current version of Evernote didn't exist before 6 months ago...
  15. If you're using the new v10, this software didn't exist before 6 months ago. The problem with spacing lies with any 'invisible' style code characters you may have copied with the text. Evernote's markup language interprets HTML so if an original paragraph is double-spaced it'll copy that way, regardless of what Evernote style is applied afterward. The only way to get rid of the formatting is to copy plain text (hence the Ctrl-Alt-V suggestion above) or to copy into something like Notepad++ where you can edit out 'control' characters and then copy paste back into Evernote.
  16. Hi. You somehow created this post twice. I deleted the other instance - if you are aware of errors when you post, please do clear up after!
  17. In 12 years of using Evernote I've always used tables in a note for image alignment or an attached word processor document for final layout - I wasn't even aware that any kind of indentation was possible. If it was possible before, it should be possible again using Legacy - or you could start a Feature Request in that section of the Forums to see how many other users agree that this is the next thing Evernote should be addressing. Remember there are other requests out there for a large number of other functions where users consider their 'basic feature' should be (re)included to the apps. EDIT: Just realised the original point here was left / middle / right alignment which I agree does work in Legacy and is a basic feature for note content! For the last few responses I've operating on the thought of images buried in paragraphs of text, with the text flowing around them - which (AFAIK) is not, and has never been a feature in Evernote. Sorry for the confusion! If it is purely alignment that's the issue, I'd say that qualifies as a bug and should be reported to Support if you're a subscriber or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if you're not...
  18. Sure - there have been a few good and bad experiences... I looked at Cloud storage - obvious drawback: that's what Evernote are now proposing. So I need something reliable and completely local. There's a subscription app called RightNote which has a similar user following to Evernote (but way fewer complaints!). It's my goto app for 'proper' nested folder action, and also supports tags and detailed searches. Even more interestingly it 'syncs' with Evernote so you can pull notes from your account into a hierarchical structure if you feel the need. In my case the interest now is in importing my local notebooks and gradually transferring their management over to Rightnote. Another factor that caught my eye - it performs automatic backups (with various options). And it does Encryption... I haven't done a full comparison with Evernote but I'd imagine they'll pretty much match each other for main features - with RN a little ahead. You'd need to browser around their website to decide your preferences. There's the usual 30-day free trial... https://www.bauerapps.com/evernote-tree/ It's Windows only (Sorry Apple users) but it suits me...
  19. Depends why you want to export - if it's for backup purposes you could look at CloudHQ who will interface with your online account... https://blog.cloudhq.net/how-and-why-you-should-backup-evernote/
  20. True - it's Windows 6.25 - but I was trying to get the OP to give more information about how small - in the same way you did! (And I agree - there's a limit to how small the window can get and still be usable: mine is about a half-screen!)
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