That's how I'm currently doing it, with the following script in AHK:
IfWinExist All Notebooks - - Evernote
Send, {F6 down}
sleep, 50
Send, {F6 up}
sleep, 200
Send intitle:
So while F6 is the normal global search SHIFT-F6 does my special INTITLE: search
For the most part this works well but I thought if I could trigger it from a batch I avoid the always-present risk that AHK inputs the keystrokes into the wrong window due to some extraneous lag.
Slightly off topic, but if you're an AHK user, do you know if there's a way to send a hotkey to AHK from the command line? That is, using my script above is there a way to have a batch file do what SHIFT-F6 normally does?
Thanks for the help!