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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. If I'm reading this right, Evernote have solved some interesting problems... What they're saying is that if you set the options in your mobile device so that it automatically records where the note was created, you'll be able to find all the notes that were created at that location. So. choose a note, copy the geo data from that note and do a search, and you'll find all the notes you made at that location. Better yet, after you create the first note, save the location from that note as a search, and you can find all other notes made there. Even better yet, if you were travelling around, add a 'within x miles' to the search, and you'll get any pictures you made in that vicinity. If you can think of a way to tie notes "within a region" together, other than including a keyword as the title or tag, I'd be interested to hear it. Having said that - I have no interest in this at present, but one of my hats says "photographer" and I can see this being useful. A quick note when I take the first landscape shot, and my whole session notes become easily findable...
  2. Hi. How were you notified that your account was compromised? If it was by email from Evernote, then there is a danger someone could have viewed your evernote database content; but there's no way to verify what - if anything - was viewed. This person presumably had your ID, so your and their activities are indistinguishable from each other. Most likely though it was a test run to make sure that any stolen credentials actually worked. Just make sure you change passwords and follow the other advice you were probably sent. I don't know whether access to your Evernote account includes Scannable, but I'd think not. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account
  3. My point was that if a lot of users tried to download large databases from the server there would be a capacity issue. V10 currently keeps the whole database to itself on the server, with only a 'temporary' working file on the local hard drive which is not available to users. Legacy does keep the full database locally and that's what I'm using for backups here. If you want to try out v10 but still keep backups, then running the two side by side would appear to be your best choice.
  4. I have, as they say, no opinion on that - hope you get your access back soon!
  5. Hmmn. Pretty certain it's not their fault, and not a technical glitch as such - just a very strict limit on device connections for their free service. Good luck with your query!
  6. The window that I showed you above is specifically for Evernote only. Auto update is unticked for Evernote on my tablet. All my other apps are continuing to update normally.
  7. Me too. It's still fairly easy to step back in Desktop and Android should you make a mistake, but obviously better not to have to do so. The problem is, I think, that with the huge number of users Evernote has, across all sorts of networks and devices, identifying a small number of causes for something as generic as 'slow' is always going to be difficult. We can only hope that they eventually find a way to speed thins up to an acceptable level. Otherwise it's a question of where to go next.... 😕
  8. Did you get to the specific Evernote app update page? A button there should say 'installed' 'open' or 'download' or 'update' or some such. The three dots menu there should give you options which relate to that app alone. This is my setup -
  9. Hi. There have been a few (!!!!) mentions about speed in the forums - if you are a subscriber, best to contact Support and register the issue with them. Hopefully the situation will improve. If not, you could revert to the older version of Evernote which installs alongside the new app - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  10. Hi. Have you checked the IP address? I had a similar notification but spotted that the IP address - despite showing a source in India - was actually mine. If this was a third-party address, then Evernote have more here... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account
  11. Hi. If we're talking about Evernote 8.13 here, it should be as simple as going to the Play store, finding the Evernote app and clicking the three-dots menu. Untick "auto update" and you are golden... theoretically. (Different Android versions seem to have different ways into Play store so YMMV) If something bad happens we can point you to a source for the original APK so you can reinstall.
  12. If you perceived any deliberately inappropriate humour or flippancy in my response I'm amazed, and if you interpret a brief factual summary as incredibly defensive I have to disappoint you - I'm another Evernote user just like you. I'm also keeping my head down and using pre-v10 versions of Evernote for Windows & Android while the current updates continue. Despite the bad press there are signs that Evernote is getting its act together, but there's no harm in continuing to use what you've been used to as long as it continues to serve your purpose.
  13. Sadly, that's the next logical step. You can't "wipe" the database - it's actually saved on Evernote's servers in the cloud and will be reinstalled/ re-downloaded once you remove and reinstall the app - but this time it will take a little longer. Use Revo Uninstaller Free to zap your installation - that will remove the files that ordinary uninstalls leave behind, then restart and reinstall... That should cure your issue
  14. Hi. Not sure what caused the issue, but there seem to be three choices. wait until your month resets upgrade to Personal - even if only for a month (monthly payments are an option in some areas) contact Evernote Support (that's not us) and request a reset. https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  15. Hi. In Evernote, Notebooks and Tags are set by the @ or # symbols you mentioned. If your current emails are being received elsewhere than the default notebook, another setting, somewhere has got in the way. Save emails into Evernote It is possible to re-sort emails once received - I use Filterize (https://filterize.net/) to tag and send emails to different notebooks depending on keywords in the body and title. Other automation apps like Zapier may be able to do something similar.
  16. In general, yes. You're updating your existing account including all its notes. Beware that the new app takes a little time to sort itself out once downloaded and installed, and some processes -like selection of notes- have limited quotas (50 in this case), and require different keystrokes to get started.. Be sure you won't need your notes for an hour so so before you start, and expect a learning curve... Good Luck!
  17. Hi. There is (so far) no 'suggested way'. Evernote doesn't play well with other drives. If space is a serious issue, the Web client is an option...
  18. Hi. The most likely scenario in this thread so far is that the OP logged into the wrong account. Obviously not applicable in your case, but I don't know of any operation that would delete the contents of a notebook if you were editing a note. Have you checked Evernote.com and the Trash notebook in your account to see whether the files are there?
  19. I always hate the term "large document" - seems to me an accident waiting to happen. A lot of eggs in one basket a fumble-fingered moment, a mouse twitch, or a dropped connection away from being accidentally corrupted or deleted. Plus large documents take time to download on a mobile connection. I prefer lots of small notes tied together by titles or tags. (Or Notebooks!) Since I moved to using notebooks as a kind of saved search - all my Amazon orders are in |Amazon, my automated zaps in |Zapier - I started using Workflowy as a kind of index to save links direct to notes, open templates etc.. Seems to work quite well for me - YMMV
  20. I don't use Tasks myself but I don't believe either feature will give you an on-time reminder directly - there is (I think) an email option which might allow you to trigger an automation app like Zapier into providing an on-screen update. Others here are using the feature, so maybe they'll have more useful suggestions.
  21. Hi. If you go to https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action and scroll down, you should see your current account details. If that's not what you expect, or you have other issues with access, see @PinkElephant's post above your own. Contact Support for more assistance.
  22. Hi. Try Tasks Overview and Add a note reminder. You can access more detail and other subjects via those pages.
  23. Hi. Any chance of a screen shot for those of us who don't see nag screens? Plus device, Evernote version etc...
  24. We're getting well off-topic here, but just to end this mini-saga... My database backup is about 30GB all told. Evernote gets a daily run with a 7-day history, so 210GB total - and I get a weekly system backup including those folders to a different external drive so (in theory) I have a continuing daily history going back for 3 months or so. In honesty I doubt I'd find a backup more than a week or so old... but it makes me happy that I have the possibility! Plus it's all automatic - it would be more hassle to stop doing this and set up a different system.
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