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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. If you go to the Play Store updates page for Evernote and click the three-dots menu on that page, you should be able to uncheck "check for updates" which may help... That's all Android / Google stuff - Evernote have no direct influence there, though I have had a couple of green pop-ups from Evernote when using the app, 'reminding' me that updates are available. Unless that becomes unreasonably persistent you just have to dismiss those... there are no settings to control the frequency - you're at the mercy of the Marketing Department <dramatic music>
  2. Last I heard, Evernote were going to 'nuke' all my public-enabled shares - the share tokens, not the notes! I keep a 'shared with others' Stack so any intentionally shared-out notes and notebooks can be reinstated manually - much more easily than trying to edit the 12,000-odd affected notes, anyway! - but then I guess they got a little distracted with v10 issues so nothing has moved forward since. About 25% of my notes were affected. I deactivated my IFTTT connection and nothing more has happened recently. Ironically, since I mainly use 'old' Evernote, it was v10 which showed me which notes had a public share link enabled - the share icon is much more visible in v10. Some searches using sharedate:* -sharedate:<date> showed me when the majority were set up - all more than a year ago now. Hopefully IFTTT and/ or Evernote have moved on enough that it won't recur. I don't think there's a security issue - I've searched for some keywords without result, and anyone who's not me magically obtaining a URL from one of my notes would only get view access anyway. @Austin G was looking into my ticket #3274637 - maybe he'll be able to confirm if we're all looking at the same issue...
  3. Hmmn. I had an issue where a large number of my notes showed as 'shared' that I really did NOT want to be shared and had certainly not chosen myself. Evernote support suggested it might be an add-in, but didn't mention any suspects, and I hadn't thought of IFTTT 'till now, though I do have an account with them... Hmmn... 😡
  4. Didn't know you could do this in the first place. Try https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  5. Hi. No idea. Evernote doesn't (yet) have that option...
  6. You appear to need Support (which is not us) - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and use the 'continue as guest' option to report your issue.
  7. Hi. There are several discussions in the forums about other apps and the merits or otherwise of moving to them. As a general principle I'd say that none of the 80-odd other apps on the market made any direct attempt to copy Evernote. They have mostly tried to improve on the basic model and add more text handling / links / customability etc. Some have local hosting, others not. Some will import Evernote databases, others not... It's really necessary to try out the market (most apps have free trial options) to see which collection of features best fits your use case. But none of them are Evernote, and you will need to surmount a learning curve and almost certainly change some of your working practices to fit them into your workflow.
  8. In Evernote Legacy it's already possible to save searches. Saved search results can include the sort order of those results. One possible search is "notebook:<keyword>". Does v10 operate in a similar way?
  9. Hi. AFAIK Evernote will show notes ordered in the correct date and time order if you sort by created or updated date - but often that isn't the 'actual' date of the document or action you're recording - and (again, AFAIK) in v10 those system dates aren't yet editable. I use a text expander to generate a date & time signature with a keypress - 20210806 1524 for example - which I use as a prefix for any other title to my notes. Then sorting by title will also give me a chronological order - and the title is completely editable if I need to show a different date or time from now. I use this with Evernoted Emails forinstance.
  10. Hi. Uninstall / restart the phone / re-install
  11. Hi. The usual reason for 'losing' notes is the accidental creation of a new account. Try logging out of Evernote completely on all devices, then log back in carefully, ensuring that you are using your original user ID details. If there's any doubt, start with the 'forgot password' option on the website.
  12. Hi. Sadly we're a mainly user2user forum, not Evernote, or Support. If you still have the 'old' version of your note, you may find that an older version has overwritten your recent changes. If so, Note History would allow you to view previous versions and recover that version. You may also find that versions of the note are in 'conflicting changes' notebooks, or in Trash if they have, in fact, been deleted. Support may be able to help you more on all of that... see below for links. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Use note history to view older versions of a note What to do if content is missing from a note
  13. If you were previously able to do this in the web version, it's possible to revert to the pre-v10 version on the web version as follows: > Go to https://www.evernote.com/PersonalSettings.action > Uncheck "Enable V10+ web client" > Select "Go to notes" If you weren't able to do this previously, then it's not a bug; Evernote just hasn't added the option to the web version yet. (Unknown if they are planning / able to do so)
  14. I have no clue what might cause this to happen. We're mainly user 2 user here, and you would need Support. Other options are... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (if you're a subscriber) https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (anyone) https://www.facebook.com/groups/evernotecommunity (anyone)
  15. v10 will - says Evernote - be rolled out to other versions of Android. Tasks won't work in any other version of Evernote. (Until v11 comes along, anyway...)
  16. Hi. This discussion happened a year ago, before Evernote v10, calendars and to-do lists. If @translog is still around, the system is probably being rewritten as we speak; can you give us a broad outline of what sort of project you're dealing with to (maybe) generate some useful suggestions?
  17. Don't Panic!! I'm currently happy where I am, using the original public versions of pre-v10 apps and have no immediate plans to upgrade. If I do decide to move to a different provider I'd most likely leave my notes where they are in a 'free' account - they'll be safe in Evernote until I need them - and start my new life elsewhere with completely new notes. Rather than generate hundreds (or thousands) of files by exporting all my existing content, I'd wait until I needed some history from my Evernote notebooks, and export just that, if and when it's required. The only 'downside' I can see would be the ongoing need to search in two places rather than one - but again I'm saving myself a ton of work up front by not trying to convert and reorganise my existing notes into a new format (and probably finding some time-sucking incompatibilities along the way). So I should be able to spare a bit of extra search time now and then.
  18. As a slightly different take on that statement - you are aware, I hope, that you have complete control over the level of your subscription via this link https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action Sympathies on the frustration with the general release tactics - part of the problem I think was that Evernote appear to have been making decisions on the fly. Hopefully they'll iron out some inconsistencies as time goes on... maybe...
  19. You could try uninstalling / reinstalling from http://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.1.9091.exe - to see if that gets you back to the correct version. (Don't forget to check that the updates option via Tools > Options is disabled)
  20. Ah. OK - I understand now. The only option here is to contact Support - we're mostly users in the Forums; no access to account information. You'll need to change the email address in your account as well as establishing a new password. Contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for support - use 'account' from the drop-down options as an issue type, or use the help/ feedback link from one of the mobile apps.
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