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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Uninstall the app from your iPad, restart it and reinstall.
  2. Understanding the device limit The web counts as one device...
  3. Hi. There's no immediate pressure to update to the new version, so if you have any reservations at all, why not leave it for a while? I'll attach details of the device limit, but I have no idea about centre aligning an image. Is that in a title? In a note body? Worst case, have a 3-cell table and paste an image into the centre cell. As to simple note taking, I have no extensive experience of just that - my notes are images, web page clips and document scans. It's working well for me... Understanding the device limit
  4. Hi. Try uninstalling the app, restart your system and reinstall.
  5. Hi. If you have only just installed Evernote on a new computer, it probably needs a little while to build up its thumbnails and indexes. Check again tomorrow...
  6. You do have the option of free text expenders like AHK and Phrase Express that can produce a date in any format you wish, and (for web users) browser extensions like Text Blaze which will do pretty much the same thing.
  7. Hi. Device? OS? Evernote version? Have you tried logging out of/ back into Evernote? Restarting? Removing and re-adding the extension?
  8. Hi. I'd guess the thumbnail update process has a very low priority. You could, presumably delete the local disk cache and force Evernote to rebuild it, but that seems a lot of trouble to go to for an image update - and it might take a while if you have lots of notes.
  9. However there are text expanders like cross-platform app Phrase Express that can insert dates and / or times to any pattern. Mine include 20210902 1052 with one keypress. I use that a lot. Also browser extensions like Text Blaze which do the same, and are easier to set up.
  10. Hi. The quick and easy fix would appear to be to install Legacy, since that's the type of folder (with deletions) that I'm currently -and happily- using. Applescript is also back on the menu (so to speak). Others, I believe, are using the new folders without problem, so you appear to have a local issue rather that a bug. That said, can you confirm your device, plus OS and Evernote versions? It would be worth removing the current import folders, restarting your system, and setting up a test additional folder before going further; and just in case - if you're a subscriber, reach out to Support. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Create import folders
  11. Well, if you've now subscribed, you will at least have access to the Support team. Contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for support - if you have problems with that, use 'account' from the drop-down options as an issue type,
  12. As I already said - we're all users here. There is no 'our end'. Best I can do is show you the help page Evernote provided about devices. Understanding the device limit
  13. I don't think it was an apology. However personal attacks aren't helping anything except to get this thread closed down if they continue. Please -everyone- keep it relevant to the original discussion. It is a fact that internal links aren't (yet) available; also that viable or not, there are work-arounds. Evernote aren't going to announce when or whether they're about to introduce a new feature, so as with any request... use what you have, or find it somewhere else. Votes in favour here will be noted, but may or may not speed things up.
  14. Hi. There has to be a minimum size for a window, otherwise you won't be able to see the content. Whether the window you see is unreasonably limited is impossible to say without being able to see your desktop. Can you not use the keyboard shortcut to flip between the two, bringing the note to the front to write, and the Zoom forward to see the session?
  15. If you were a plus or premium subscriber, you have been grandfathered in. You need do nothing and your plan will continue with its current features and at the current price. However if you especially like the new bells and whistles, you would have to pay to upgrade. Your choice.
  16. Hi. The most likely option is that in providing a new password you have accidentally created a new account, hence the missing notes. If you can't use the 'forgot password' route to get back into your account, you'll need to contact Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  17. Hi. Evernote is -obviously- not OneNote and has a different structure; so there are three options that I see - Option One Create a Stack for business name Create Notebooks within that stack for services Create Notes to hold the detail Option Two Create tags for <business> and <service01>, <service02> etc As you make notes on any given service, apply the appropriate tags. Searches are possible for tags, as in "tag:<business> tag:<service02>" to isolate the relevant notes. Option Three Some combination of the above.
  18. Hi. I also use Android and Windows, and haven't seen anything unusual - though I'm on Legacy apps on both. No clue what could prompt thousands of duplicates - I'd suggest you raise this with Support and go from there! If nothing else they should be able to help you mass-delete the extras...
  19. That's not possible within the standard Evernote window, but you could create a Table of Contents note which lists links to each note as a sort of index. The links can be re-ordered within the note.
  20. Hi. No. Stacks can contain multiple notebooks, Notebooks contain notes, Notes contain pretty much anything you can throw at them; but that's it. Tags on the other hand can be nested as deeply as you require.
  21. Not an answer to your question, but could you use the template if you saved it as a blank note, then duplicated as necessary? Or does it work (I forgot again...) if you export to ENEX and save to desktop, then click it to generate a new note?
  22. Hi. Possibly not the plan, but maybe the current situation, pending improvements. I don't use tasks (yet) so can't comment. You are a subscriber, so I'd say contact Support - and hope for suggestions from the floor here, pending any reply.
  23. I don't have any skin in this game, but there's a table setting to 'match note width' and a web note setting in the three-dots menu to match note window or maximize readability - could some combination of those settings be causing an issue?
  24. What are you meaning 'offline'? On a desktop you can work offline on your account; on a mobile you can designate individual notebooks as 'offline'. Compare Evernote subscription plan Set up offline notebooks on mobile devices
  25. Hi. I don't understand - the system will assign the ticket number to you. If you already have a ticket number you should be able to respond to the emails you've been sent. If you're in the right time zone (basically Texas, US I think) and on a weekday you should have a chat option where you can raise a query and, if necessary, quote a ticket number.
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