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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. As @PinkElephant - this is a decision only you can make. Subscribing gives you some reassurance that the company will continue to operate - several note-taking apps have fallen by the wayside over the years - and will be able to maintain and improve on the features that you already use. It gives you access to the Support team should things go wrong, and freedom from many of the limitations that Evernote has been applying to its free accounts. If you check your account page you may find that Evernote is offering some incentives for free users - I have a test account and had an offer today of 40% off a year's Personal subscription. I don't know where or how widely that's being made, but I've seen similar deals in the past. Even at full price Evernote's subscription is pretty cheap considering that you get (potentially) 120GB of cloud storage per year, a pretty full range of note taking and project management tools, and cross platform access on (almost) any device. Only you can decide whether you care.
  2. Actually, yes. I leave backups to a desktop subscription app called (appropriately) Backupery. It works on the Legacy app and will step through each notebook and extract all notes to ENEX* in one or more backup locations. If you didn't want to pay for another service, it is possible to use Windows or Mac scripting to do the same thing. EDIT: * - or HTML - there are also options for full or partial backups. Backupery don't (yet) have a solution for v10.
  3. Hi. I think you already supplied the reason for the issue here - minor changes may not be enough to trigger a sync; the app may be waiting to see if you have finished editing the content. I assume you don't close the app down on either the Android or the iPhone when you make a small change. Closing and re-opening the app after and before changes will force syncs and avoid any conflicts.
  4. Hi. We're a (mainly) user to user forum, so this is not a problem on 'our end' over which we have any control. Your access may have been affected initially by having too many connected devices, so the first thing to do is to disconnect everything except for the one browser access you'll need to fix things. The message you see should be something like 'too many connected devices - would you like to disconnect some now?...' so you should go ahead and do that - you can log back in on any of those devices again when you need to - provided you limit your access to two active devices. The only other way to access your devices would be to subscribe to the service. Understanding the device limit
  5. Sympathies with your loss, and with the reservation: if I'm writing anything requiring in-depth work I use a word-processor with an automatic save set to 5 minutes or so. Anything that depends - even indirectly - on an internet connection is not ideal for anything over a couple of hundred words. Especially with the invisible sync process that's used now. Plus - even with the latest changes - a WP app has far more writing support tools available. I save the resulting file in an Evernote note - but I also have the original file for a few days just in case something goes wrong.
  6. Hi. Don't know whether or not this is a bug, but it's obviously not expected behaviour if the renamed file isn't then openable with other software. I'd suggest you raise this with Support (user2user forums here). I'm not having the same experience, but maybe they've had other reports. Please let us know what they say... Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  7. Oops - sorry; was just confused by the progression from "can't save a template" to "can't open the template" (which actually sounds like two parts of the same thing now...) Have you tried signing out of the app / restarting the device / uninstalling and reinstalling the app?
  8. Hi. I think the issue being raised here is about notes which have been edited by another user, but aren't necessarily still open on their system. In either case it makes sense to update the note from the server to make sure that the account on which it is currently open has the latest version, and that any new changes won't overwrite anything added by the other person involved. Google Docs (IMHO) is better at this sort of thing than Evernote anyway...
  9. It's not necessarily gone away forever, and the ability to alter created and modified dates still exists in Legacy. It is still possible to correct any critical dates there.
  10. Hi. Are you also using iOS? This is a different query from the original comments here, and should be posted in the correct Forum for your OS.
  11. Whilst I agree that there should not, in this day and age, be a delay between online payment and activation, this situation seems a bit like ordering a McDonalds from your local KFC. While the companies might want to allow customers to order their food from whichever outlet is most convenient for them, it's inevitably going to take longer for the burger to arrive.
  12. Not sure if Google translated that properly, but when linking notes it is possible to copy the internal link. This (I think) may help Как создавать внутренние ссылки на заметки
  13. Don't know how close Evernote is to introducing anything or even if they're trying. Since they don't (usually) do feature announcements we'll only know if/ when a new update is released. Meantime I can quite easily use bullets via a link in my notes to Workflowy and a link from there back to the note...
  14. OK - no problem. I can only suggest you chase up with Support - we're a mainly user2user forum, so no real expertise on new features here, unless someone has the same issue and fixes it. Maybe there will be more responses...
  15. Hi. If these are 'incoming' notes shared with you, then all you can do is move them to an Archive notebook so they're out of the way. It is a bug and Evernote are supposed to be working on a fix. If the notes are shared by you with others, then going to the 'share' setting on each note individually should allow you to stop sharing.
  16. Sorry - can't help you there. I haven't installed the new versions yet. It should mean that the desktop client has the same process - all clients are supposed now to have the same access; but we'll have to wait to see whether anyone else can confirm.
  17. The reason I posted a link (if that's what you're referring to) was because it included the answer to the OP's question: If you're also a Personal (or Premium) account holder, that could explain why your two-calendar connection is flaky.
  18. With a lot of others, I've been bashing the new and unloved Evernote v10 for the past several months as pretty useless. So I figure it's only fair if I add a compliment or two from time to time. I've been limited to Evernote Web access from my Linux laptop, ever since I lost access to my Evernote Linux Beta trial (my fault, not theirs) which , actually, was bringing me around to liking the new features. The web, not so much. It's (still) frequently slow and apt to lock up for unacceptably long times. But today when I was obliged, reluctantly to log in, it surprised me by being there without the previous long waits. And when I found the note I needed I selected it, and another, for tagging. But hold on: what's this weird fork-looking icon in the options panel? It's only Note Merge in the web client! And when you opt to merge, you can choose what order your notes are added, and what overall title the composite note will show! That, to my Evernote-obsessed little mind is huge! And then, when I was trying to find the exact part of the note I needed, and opened 'search within note' there's suddenly a 'replace with' option as well as the basic find!! Now it's quite probable that I've been preoccupied with my own troubles and haven't been reading feature updates as closely as I should, but I hadn't realised that things had taken such massive steps forward (IMHO) with web features. Anyone else noticed more of these 'secret' upgrades in the web client? Or anywhere else? Well done by the way to Evernote and the team for upgrading the features in some style. Now if you could just make it all work a leetle faster?
  19. I don't plan on responding to this thread again - you asked a question, you've had several answers. As ever, use them or don't. Your choice.
  20. Hi. Sympathies - this is a mainly user2user forum though; you might like to deliver your comment directly to Evernote via Support. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  21. Are you joking? Please stick to the subject of your own question rather than just pick a fight with anyone else who dares to comment.
  22. You keep on harping on this point, but I'm in the same position. I have an automatically saved notebook-by-notebook backup in ENEX files which can restore (or move) my 55K note / 30GB database to any provider accepting that import (there are already a few around). My (legacy) Evernote app wouldn't necessarily stop working anyway - there would be an ongoing sync failure, but I can still use all the features. And the 80+ apps that now compete for the Evernote crown (slightly tarnished though it may be) will definitely pull out all the stops to grab as many new customers as they can by offering data transfers. ...And you've been promoting this "Evernote are now doomed" vibe all through this thread. They don't publish figures, but there are a number of journalists around who keep an ear to the market, and would know if something bad was in the wind. Unless you've seen something specific in the press, all you have is malicious gossip. Got any links to back up your attitude? A lot of the most recent reviews - both journo and user - are making very happy noises about the way v10 is developing...
  23. Incorrect. Evernote doesn't 'force' you to do anything. Evernote provides a framework within which you can work. If you don't like that framework - which by the way hasn't changed materially in more than a dozen years - your are free to go elsewhere. If you don't like tags - and I'm not a fan, after an initial trial - you can use keywords / titles / notebooks / stacks and links to structure your data in whatever way you choose. I have around 300 notebooks and structured titles which -mostly- works quite well for me. I do tag - mainly where I have a note that could go into more than one notebook. I'm not sure that any of the various products in the market offer a non-proprietary way to back up your data outside their server - even the ones that offer local hosting use one file format or another.
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