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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Don't know if the trick/work-around still works in v10, but if you export a single new note to ENEX and keep that file on your desktop.. does clicking that file open it as a new note?
  2. I'm not an employee, so can't confirm a reason but Evernote: manages the largest repository of personal information on the planet - multiple petabytes of data. None of that existing information has any code to allow a choice of image to be made. has 250M (approx) installed apps around the world. All of them would need to be replaced with the 'choice' variant. already has an algorithm which selects a preferred image for best 'thumbnailability'. would have to rewrite their editor code, test and release it - all of which costs considerable amounts of money - to resolve this for the 450+ users (.02% of 250M) who find this an issue. - a bit like trying to change the battery on a Tesla while it's on a racetrack.
  3. Hi. Sometimes software works when (as far as the developers are concerned) it should not - some minor code loophole that allows activity that was not planned. Evernote are not obliged to service third party software - just to make sure that their published API does what it says it will. It may very well be that an error was corrected in a later version / the updates that Evernote are continually issuing have accidentally closed a loophole that LiveScribe was using... I'd suggest you talk to LS about this - if they're not supporting the product any more you will lose access to more than Evernote as time goes on.
  4. Hi. For password issues you need to contact Support - which is not us. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  5. Hi. I agree the sort of admin possibilities you describe are awesome - but the reality is that Evernote does not do this. (Actually you could achieve a lot of it using Evernote Teams but that's a whole other level of additional admin.) Realistically, if you can't manage without these features, then you need to flip to OneNote or another app that does. If you can manage without, then Evernote may, at some stage, get around to adding some additional layers of security. Maybe.
  6. Hi. Maybe try de-authorising all devices and start over?
  7. Nothing in this thread so far suggests that anyone else has that level of issue. Have you tried Support? Anything?
  8. No clue. I'm on Windows, you're on Chrome - but we're both on a Chrome browser... so I dunno. That's a Support question...
  9. If you search the page you are sent to for something relevant, like "unauthorised access" you'll see some helpful articles on the topic which may avoid the need for you to raise the query. The articles also all have the ending: Still can’t find what you're looking for? Contact Support
  10. Looks like I can clip that content without problems - all options appear available in Chrome-based Brave: simplified / article / page / clip.
  11. Nope, sorry. I've said many times before that I use the third-party solution Workflowy which has a lot of useful features including being able to link to copy paste content into Evernote, or a link to a specific parent node like this https://workflowy.com/s/workflowy-example/4qIRwbRIgaJZGUx4
  12. Clipper's not a 100% solution - sometimes I get around this issue on random pages by using the browser features to 'print' the page to PDF and attach that file to a note; others by copy/ paste / alternative page grabbers like Nimbus screenshot etc. etc...
  13. Hi. It's not possible within Evernote, but - https://support.cloudhq.net/how-to-backup-evernote-to-google-drive/
  14. Hi. It appears to be your personal 'M' for Michael. If you have access to the web client it should be possible to replace the profile image, though I haven't bothered to change mine...
  15. Hi. All devices and operating systems have an 'undo' function built in and in moments like this it's best to mash whatever option you have at the time. After the event, you may begin to see the benefit of being a subscriber, with access to email and chat help systems and a 'Note History' feature that would roll back the note to a pre-deleted state. I also keep a separate local backup of my database in case of issues like this. If the information is vital it may be worth it to you to upgrade your account - even if only for a month - to be able to access https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001858027
  16. Tempers always run hot in this sort of exchange, which seemed to be running pretty much true to form up to this point. If at any stage you feel that the comments made by a contributor (or moderator) are counter-productive, you'll find a 'Report' option behind the three-dots menu on each post. That message will get to the Evernote admins of the Forum who will consider your remarks and take any appropriate action.
  17. I agree - Evernote is a great way to collect information for a book, but page layout is not a feature - you'd need to transfer the content to another app to present it properly - and notes are shared, or not; you can't limit access by individual subscription or password. Self-published e-books might be the way to go - but that's outside our scope in this forum. Some internet searches for those terms might be helpful.
  18. Hmmn. I don't know what sort of tolerances iPads require on storage space, but I imagined that it was an external limit that might be causing your issue - either space or download limits on the network connection. If you still have 12GB free I would not have thought space was the issue. I don't use an iPad so I have no experience to guide you - maybe wait for another user to comment. Seems to me it should be OK to continue using the iPad to work even though the download is still happening - if you find that some notes are unavailable offline you'll be able to see which ones are incomplete. If you work in airplane mode for a while, you'd be able to get network access back quickly if you find you need it. To answer your original question - I don't know any way to identify specific notes. Sorry!
  19. Hi. From your browser go to https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action and choose 'connected services' - you should see Cronofy in the list.
  20. Hi. Your free account is limited to access through two devices only. Evernote features are broadly similar whatever device you are using. The web client is slightly more restricting since you're getting Evernote services via a third-party browser. Installed apps tend to be a little faster and more flexible. The web is available on any desktop device that can run a browser, plus most tablets. Mobiles however have their own installable apps.
  21. Hi. As far as I'm aware, a Legacy Evernote installed alongside v10 will continue to keep itself up to date with changes when it is active. It's also possible to select a complete notebook for export if you start from the v10 notebook tab.
  22. This is a mainly user-driven forum. Evernote very rarely react to an individual user post. If you wish to use the software for some kind of experiment it might be a good idea to become a subscriber - Evernote do offer student discounts from time to time. You can also use 'feedback' as noted above to contact them direct if you wish.
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