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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Sure your notes are synced up to date? Support ticket if you can't find something you know has been uploaded.
  2. Livescribe should not be able to affect information that has been synced with your Evernote account. The proposed approach sounds very casual for a professional organisation, even if they're talking about their own records - just check to make sure you have a note of how many notes are currently in your account, and confirm that again in a day or two. If there's a difference that you did not authorise, I'd suggest you complain to all parties!
  3. Hi. Because you need to change app or a setting somewhere? "Logic" has no part in this. If you're scanning with the mobile app, check the image thumbnail for options to save as document / image etc - but PDF is not (AFAIK) available. Other third-party apps like Adobe scan and Office mobile will save to PDF files which you can then attach to notes. If you're using a desk scanner, check the settings there for options to save as images or one/ multi-file PDFs.
  4. It sounds like the processes for which I use Filterize. I have several redirects that throw Gmails directly into my database. Filterize finds keywords using Evernote search terms plus its own add-on tests which (I think) include AND options, and assigns tags and notebooks as necessary. Not sure if its still a feature, but Filterize also included a bespoke email address for each notebook so that it was possible to assign emails directly.
  5. OK - I may have mentioned this before in these forums (a few zillion times..) but I decided, after 55,000+ notes and around 1,000 tags, that I needed to "pre-sort" some of my entries. So I made a new notebook for each new 'entity' that I was dealing with. All of my interactions with (forinstance) Amazon went into an |Amazon notebook (note the vertical bar so I could easily differentiate the notebook name from all the entries!) After creating a notebook for all the distinct entities that I have in my life, from family members to banks and insurance companies, I have (fortunately - or possibly sadly) less than 500 notebooks. I also use 'smart titles' for my notes and sort them in title order. The content is date (yyyymmdd) - type (receipt/letter/leaflet) - source (e.g. Amazon) - keywords (anything that occurs to me at the time). Where individuals work for a main company, they'll have a link back to that note for the corporate information. Where I have a project which involves input from several companies / people, that project has its own notebook, with links back to the entities involved. So if I need to see what was my last Amazon purchase I can go look in that notebook. To find the status of a project... go look in the notebook. To check whether I got s reply to an email... It works for me!
  6. That's for Plus users (if there are any still out there) trading up, and those in free accounts who have not recently been subscribers. If you're just downgrading to get the discount I suspect you'll be disappointed.
  7. Ah! I see what you mean. Same answer applies (I think) - the system address is a random code that points to your account. Because you might have that set up in various places to auto-forward emails direct to the account, it's unlikely to change unless and until you hit the 'reset' button next to it. There's probably no need, because (unless you gave it out) no-one else should ever see it. You could check it still works (if you're a subscriber) by sending a test email to it, to make sure it comes up as a note. (That might take a while, depending on email speed - max minutes or hours though, not days.) If you don't have that address in any address books or auto-forwards and you want to see the new address (probably...?) just hit reset and see what happens!
  8. Hi. I'm confused. The 'Email Notes To' address visible in Accounts Summary is a long and complicated system-generated address that will add anything received there to your Evernote account. It's most unlikely that it turned up in a data-breach. If you want to change it however, there's a 'reset' button close by that will do exactly what it says. You can't specify an address there. Your email address is in 'Profile', and again on that page there's a 'change email address' button right next to it if you wish to update that entry...
  9. While - as above - it is possible to share from Evernote (for free!) it is very difficult to get any stats from those pages. If you need any form of feedback on traffic, a dedicated web service provider would be a better bet...
  10. Hi. Try pasting into a word-processing app first, then from there to Evernote? If that works, there appears to be something about the copied Apple format that Evernote can't parse - maybe look into export options instead? Either way, worth reporting this to Support.
  11. I merged two threads since the most recent posts overlap. Please don't post twice on the same issue! To re-state some Evernote basics... No accounts is never deleted by Evernote. If you were able to log in once and still remember those details, your notes will still be available. (NB it's very easy to create a new account instead of logging into an old one - if you don't see any notes at all, this may be what happened. Try again!) If you can log in, account details can be updated: Change your account login email address Accounts may be deactivated: Reactivate your Evernote account If all else fails, this is a (mainly) user-supported Forum. Please contact Evernote Support via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new https://twitter.com/evernotehelps the feedback option in any mobile client If you are currently a 'free' user, login and sync issues can arise from too many devices being registered to one account: Understanding the device limit - Hope some of that helps...
  12. You're welcome - I don't know how far the Legacy version diverged from the old production code, but any changes would have been made with a view to it peacefully co-existing with v10. They took out updates, obviously, and made sure that edits in Legacy would sync to v10 and vice versa - and that (theoretically) any content would be editable either way, though you should not expect any of the new features to work in the old version. Lots of the now-deprecated stuff should still work in the old version, and any edits made using those features "should" work in the new version - although many users' mileage seems to have been rather different... I structured my initial answer in the way that I did because there must be a possibility that if you're running an vanilla Production version alongside V10, there will be tears sooner or later. I'm running production only - I'm not going near v10 until I have to* - so I'm comfortable where I am. I can only council you to be careful and sync (and backup) frequently... * This is not quite as disloyal an attitude as it may seem - I'm underwhelmed by the web v10 version which kills one of my laptops if I try to use it, and I think the app needs slimming down and speeding up considerably (ironically, something which has been said about me too...) before I'd consider using it. But my main influence here is being a devout Luddite - I hate the learning curve associated with "new improved" software that I was previously completely used to, and I'll avoid purely cosmetic updates for as long as I possibly can. Of course there are security and practical considerations - once 6.25 crashes for the last time I'll be a v10 user. Probably...
  13. Er... Didn't realise it was meant to be a secret...
  14. Seems a little harsh... It's a partial and probably temporary work-around that suffices for me for the meantime. If it doesn't suit your needs, then you really need to be looking elsewhere - having invested 3 years in developing the new product, it would seem rather unlikely that Evernote will now go back and resurrect the prior versions.
  15. For what sort of alternative scenarios would you require a shortcut?
  16. Hi. These Forums are mainly user 2 user - you're best off talking to Support. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  17. Hi. This is a public forum, so to avoid making many new friends you may wish to remove your email address from that post. The other information you'll need should be here - View your Evernote account information and settings
  18. Duplicated notes usually happen when there's a network issue of some kind. It's pretty easy to fix, though annoying at the time. All the 'created' dates will be similar, and -presumably- any titles will be identical. All that's required is to fix the issue that caused the problem and delete the additional notes. If you're still having issues, please confirm your device, OS and Evernote version, and please give more details of what exactly led to the duplications.
  19. Hi. Chrome is a Google product which updates quite frequently, from time to time requiring add-ins like Clipper to adapt to system changes outside their control. Evernote are aware that there are issues with the latest update - meantime as a subscriber you could raise this with support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Meantime work arounds are to use a different browser / copy & paste content / screenshot pages rather than clipping.
  20. Hi. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  21. Hi. Your notes will still be available if you log in to Evernote.com or one of the installed apps with your usual details. You'll be a 'free' member with restricted access, but you can still see and download your notes. You'll be able to revive your subscription if you wish, direct to Evernote once you're logged in.
  22. Hi. If you find that the standard shortcuts don't satisfy your need, it's possible to customize some of them. Text-expander software like Phrase Express can also allow you to define your own preferred key combinations if that's preferable. Keyboard shortcuts in Evernote for Windows Customize global keyboard shortcuts
  23. Hi. Are all these devices connected to one account? If so, you're using a personal tool well beyond realistic limits. These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new though I'd be surprised if they are able to assist...
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