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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Are you literally using the word plus the quotes as the search? Because using the word without the quotes (in 6.25) gets me results like - If a restart doesn't fix this, try Ctrl+Help and one or both of the 'recreate search index' options from the enhanced menu. Get a backup of the databases folder first - and beware that if you have a lot of notes, this can take a l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-g time. Beverage(s) may be required...
  2. Hi. All of the above can be accomplished, in Evernote, by using a free third party text-expander app "Phrase Express". It will provide specialised expansion, spell correction, and other services. It's simply not cost-effective for Evernote to provide a specialist dictionary for (for example) photographers when there are surgeons, geologists, and many other 'ologies' with different and unusual words in their expert descriptions. And the work has already been done by Phrase Express and many other desktop, mobile and web apps to provide the tools whereby you can create your own specialized dictionary service.
  3. OK - back to first principles: is the source of your text an Evernote note? If so, where did the text in the note come from - a web page / scanned document / PDF file? -And if the text is not coming from a note, where are you copying from?
  4. I've occasionally had update issues with both Evernote versions. My usual fix is to download the new version direct from the website, uninstall my current setup and restart / reinstall manually.
  5. Hi. Sync connects every device to the server and sends/ receives changes to keep each device updated. It does not connect devices to each other. So it takes a little time for one device to handshake its changes and then the other to update. If you look to swop from one to the other immediately, or try to run them side by side, you're going to have problems. Working on one, then moving to another within a few minutes should not be an issue. That's a feature-not-a-bug. How does sync work within Evernote? Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  6. If that's really happening to you on a weekly basis, you're doing something wrong. Updates happen every 3-4 weeks and do not relocate buttons or search boxes. If you'd like any suggestions about ways in which you might mitigate some of these issues, it would be helpful to know what sort of device you have, what OS it runs, and which Evernote client you use (mobile / desktop / web etc.) If you're a subscriber, you can also contact Evernote Support (which is not us) to check over your installation. As a footnote, updates are generally a Good Thing, because they fix bugs and security holes and add new features. Every app you use will (mostly) do updates - your browser is probably doing that almost daily.
  7. Hi. To tide you over, Evernote legacy is still a thing - and still does Local Notebooks; but even then you need internet access from time to time to log in. In v10 it's just not possible I'm afraid. Enjoy legacy while you can, and maybe look for something else meantime.
  8. Hi. It sounds very much like either you've used incorrect user details to try to log in, or you haven't used one of the accounts for some while. This is a mainly user-supported forum and you really need to sort this out with Evernote support to regain access. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  9. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  10. Hi again - I suspect that's not a notice you can disable. It's there to remind you that others using that notebook can't access the linked information. If it's possible make the linked notes visible to other users you (probably) won't see the notice. It may be worth experimenting with that. Can you comment on why you're linking notes in this way? Maybe there's an alternative...
  11. Pretty sure Evernote won't have made any changes to Legacy, so the chances are that Win11 has changed how it sees the link from Evernote. Try Ctrl+click on 'copy note link' if you haven't already, otherwise it looks like the operation requires more keystrokes - C-P the note name, copy the note link and Ctrl+K the name to insert the link... If you have v10 as well, you could check what happens with pastes from there, and if the same problem applies, report that to Support...
  12. Hi. It sounds like your payment method may have expired and the account was closed to external access as the result of a failed payment. You do need Support to assist you, and I'm surprised both that you managed to get through to Chat based on a free account access, and that anyone you spoke to was unable to help. They should at least have been able to tell you who to contact to get this resolved. If you have a support number connected with your chat session, please post it here and we can try to get someone to contact you - this is a public forum, so any conversation about payment or account matters is much better dealt with as a support call.
  13. Hi. You'll need to contact Support (which is not us). https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  14. From the Apple Pencil hint I guess you're not using Windows, but it would help to know what your device and OS actually are...
  15. Hi. I believe there are some happy Win 11 users out there, so this is (presumably) a leftover software issue. Your Evernote data should be safely duplicated on the server as you're using v10, so I'd suggest using Revo Uninstaller and/ or a W11 system cleaner to remove any and all Evernote files from your device and then restart the system and try a new download / install. If that fails, you'll be better of contacting Support for a more technical view.
  16. Hi. If you can't change the content just by clicking or selecting it, I'd assume you won't be able to access it. Best idea would be to screenshot the incorrect note and then annotate the picture with corrections, or type the correction in a new text note and merge the two.
  17. Yeah - I have teleprompt software; I either copy my note content and dump it into the software, or if I edited the content to suit the new container, I'll attach the teleprompter file to my note for possible future use. - If you've written a note for general information I find that you often need to fine-tune it for use as a teleprompt. Unless the font size is set to 'huge' in the note, the content looks totally different when a normal-size note gets blown up; you also need much less content - it makes for a better presentation if you have headlines to guide you through what to explain and in what order rather than a full text. If you read every word from the page it tends to sound wooden and artificial.
  18. Importing an EXB file was raised a few years ago - this was the answer then: (Legacy only, obviously!) - you have to rename your existing EXB temporarily so you don't damage that, then force the incoming EXB file to generate one or more ENEX output files.
  19. Hi. In general Evernote tend not to comment on whether or when any features are likely to be released. This is not in the feature request forums, so hasn't attracted any votes to indicate how much support the idea has - I've not seen any other requests in the 5 years since the last post here, so I'd guess it's on a back burner that's a l-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-g way back from implementation. If you have a special need, you could try posting in a votable forum to see what support you can raise - or if there's a word-processor or similar out there that will support scrolling, you could use that to make your long notes and attach those files to Evernote notes for access.
  20. Hi. Since a lot of duplication issues are down to individual software or connection issues, I'd say the point of paying is so that you can raise this sort of thing with Support (which is not us) and let them look into it. The clock starts running when you speak to Support, and while it's a matter of days or weeks sometimes to properly investigate and (maybe) fix an issue, it is action. And maybe support can fix it for you to select more than 50 notes for a while so you can clean up...
  21. There's actually no huge benefit to deleting duplicate entries, unless there are dozens or they're a problem for another reason; You don't get anything back - your upload limit and usage stay the same; the amount of space taken on your system and the time to load Evernote will be the same - a single note is too small to affect that. I just deal with duplicate notes when and if I see them, just like outdated or incorrect information. As a database gets bigger and bigger there's always something to tweak and this is just normal maintenance.
  22. Someone sent me a link to a cracked download for Evernote Linux 10.7, but I'm now on 10.31 and quite enjoying a little more speed. I'd stick to the web version if you can't get to Linux Beta.
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