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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. We have a total of about 5 users and (maybe) a dozen notes that seem to be deleted, but won't lie down. I hardly think that 'server integrity' is at any risk. Plus - there's still no clear indication of what's causing this, and that is usually the bugbear of fixing an issue [if there is one] finding it takes 98% of the time. Coding a fix - [if there is one] - about 5 minutes. All I can do is flag tickets for the Forum Admin to look at, and I've done that - maybe there will be an answer to one or the other ticket... Let us know what you hear!
  2. I don't believe that anyone can answer that question accurately given the impact of the 'observer effect', which notes that measurements of certain systems cannot be made without affecting the system, that is, without changing something in a system. Heisenberg utilized such an observer effect at the quantum level as a physical "explanation" of quantum uncertainty. It has since become clearer, however, that the uncertainty principle is inherent in the properties of all software, in that the more important a feature is, the longer it will subjectively seem before it is implemented... (Also known as the 'Watched Pot' effect)
  3. If we're still talking about the web client, did anyone suggest clearing the browser cache yet? Or trying a different browser?
  4. - I think at this point, the only recourse is Support! Check these links out in case there's something obvious there, but if not - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Attach Google Drive files to notes Add and remove Google accounts
  5. Hi. Are you reviewing the content of each of these notes, or just looking for something specific?
  6. How big is this note? Are you continuously editing it and adding screenshots one by one?
  7. The thread hasn't had any updates for 10 months. It's not exactly a hot item.
  8. Hi. It should be possible to copy the tags individually; to duplicate the note and delete the other content; to save the note as a template (if you're a subscriber); and to create a 'string' of tags - as in: tag1,tag2,tag3,etc which, if copy/ pasted into the tag field of a new note will generate the separate tags.
  9. HI. I'd imagine the only way to vary the method is to install and use Legacy rather than v10. AFAIK there's only a choice between 'view inline' or 'view attachment'.
  10. Tell us your device. Your OS and verify that you're using an Evernote Teams (formerly Business) account?
  11. Hi. So - as far as I'm aware - the web browser Clipper will clip to the account into which it is logged. There is however also a separate Gmail-specific clipper which (again AFAIK) will clip to the account matching the gmail account to which it is attached. If your 1/10 misplaced clips come from one account, that might be the reason. Other than that I'd say the obvious option would be to change the login to your 'spare' account so it's something other than that Gmail address. Maybe get another random Gmail account? Or switch from that type of login...
  12. As everyone has been trying to tell you - there is no 'problem' here. There are also no direct lines to Support, who are (possibly) the only people who can resolve this for you. The position so far is: You attempted to download a new 'free' version of Evernote and in the process you used a different user name and/or password which has given you a new empty account. Your phone is -apparently- still logged into the original account, which is why you can see your notes. You need to File > Sign out of your 'new' account and sign back in to the old one on the desktop to see your notes. If you have now paid for your old account, and you wish to stop doing so, you should contact Support with your old user details via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - choose 'account issues' as a topic If you can manage to submit a ticket, please post the number here and we'll flag the post for someone to look at. This page may help - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/135456-how-to-submit-a-ticket-for-a-billingpayment-issue/
  13. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  14. Hi. You don't need to download anything new, just change your subscription details. Your original notes will still be stored online if you log in with your original details. To change your subscription see here... Manage your Evernote subscription
  15. You could raise a support request with Evernote (we're mainly users here) - no idea if there's a mechanism for a refund in this situation.
  16. Updating the sheet embedded in the note does NOT affect the original copy....
  17. And. Try restarting the app / powering your device off and on again - you may just need to jump-start your subscription status.
  18. Have your pictures changed format? JPG and PNG files will display inline; other formats will not.
  19. Another way to attack the problem: if you have some notes that are tagged correctly, and a larger number of others that are incorrect, find a way to identify the correct notes - by another tag, a keyword of or a date range - and give them a temporary tag. Then go to the tags page and delete the problem tag for all notes. Re-apply it if necessary via your temporary tag.
  20. Other than to move the note to a notebook of its own where it won't annoy you with its presence, I don't believe this has been solved yet. If you can report the situation to Evernote directly, you should probably do that.
  21. Hi. Not within Evernote. If you BCC an email it just gets sent to the BCC address as though that were the only recipient, so there's no additional information in that email to add to a note. You'd need a separate forwarding process to include a full copy of the sent mail. That might be achieved by some form of automation so you don't have to do it manually, but I just use a magic button that will forward a chosen email to my account when and if I need to. Edit: (My mail has a feature that copies all sent mail back to my inbox)
  22. Have you contacted Support yet? They're the only people who are in a position to find out. Yelling 'fire!' in a crowded theatre is just going to generate lots of noise and bury your query in dozens of other - probably irrelevant - concerns.
  23. Not quite correct (and it depends on your definition of "template"!) But if you create your ideal note and export that note to ENEX, then save the output file to your desktop, you can create a new note in that format by double-clicking the note desktop icon. Try it out first - I seem to remember there are some oddities about whether the titles or tags are included and the created date is correct for the current day - but at least you can get a formatted 'blank' note to work from...
  24. Tell us what device / OS / Evernote version you're using. Do you have a Google Drive account?
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