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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Evernote don't pre-announce new features. We don't know whether it will ever be available, and with several easy work-arounds 200M+ users have managed to cope for the last decade without it...
  2. Hi. Try these - Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  3. Hi. Have you tried the 'open gallery' link? There should be two tabs there, for 'Template Gallery' and 'My Templates' you should find your own version there...
  4. Hi - around here we're mostly user-2-user, so unless someone else has had and fixed the same issue you won't get much of a response. I'd suggest raising this with Support for more action...
  5. Hi. So what actually happens? (And which version of Evernote are you using?)
  6. Hi. I'd suggest raising this with both Evernote and Firefox support teams - 98.0.2 only came out a few days ago, so it may just be a matter of Evernote catching up with changes, but Firefox have been making their browser much more secure, and maybe some of those changes will lock Evernote out unless they're prepared to think about exceptions. Either way both providers need your experiences - meantime you could use the installed version of the Evernote app, or try some of the alternatives a;ready suggested here...
  7. Hi. Sympathies, but Evernote does not have collapsible sections. Evernote has never had collapsible sections. Evernote may never get around to providing collapsible sections. As already said a few times in this thread. If you really really need 'em, you may be using the wrong software. If you can manage without (or use another app*) then stick with it - you never know what Evernote will announce, because they do not give advance notice of what's in development. * I use Workflowy, and it's possible to link between the two applications so I can jump from note to list and back again easily. Other list apps are available...
  8. When you open Evernote web and desktop at the same time, or double-click a note to open in its own window... ?
  9. Well I hate to defend it, but in this case v10 actually highlighted an ongoing issue in Legacy. I already do all the sensible things - share by notebook, have one specialist notebook for shared individual notes (called intuitively "Shared Notes") which was mainly to make sure I didn't alter or delete something I'd shared. For some reason, back in the good old days of Legacy, my Evernote started marking an apparently random number of notes 'shared', but in (Windows) Legacy there's no indication of that status. v10 made shared notes much more obvious, which made me investigate. Still no clue whether this was a bug, a 'feature' or my single greatest user error! There's no great exposure - the URLs are not something you'd encounter by accident, the likelihood of anything significant being in that 12,000-odd collection of movie reviews, random URLs and technical tips is miniscule, and the possibility that a black hat could find it intentionally is even lower than a lottery win; but for the sake of tidiness, and not seeing that darn icon everywhere I look, I'd like the situation resolved! For some reason the Team have had other priorities for a while though... selfish lot!
  10. Hi. I'm sorry to depress you then, but you're not. It is fairly easy to generate a list of shared notes using that 'search' thing, and if you then scroll through them one at a time and 'unshare' manually, it is quick on a note-by-note basis... but may not be practical if you have lots. I'm quite careful when and how I share but somehow magically I get 12,549 notes when I use sharedate:* - roughly 12,500 of which I'm sure should NOT be there. I have a longtime ticket running for an account reset, to cancel ALL shares (I'm happy to re-share anything that I need to.) If that sounds like a viable option for you, I'd suggest you raise your own ticket, but link it to mine - #32764637 My little problem came out of using the Linux Beta v10 which (I found) flags shared notes much more clearly that Windows Legacy. Investigating one odd icon I found it meant 'shared' and the excitment spun from there...
  11. Hi. Thanks for the comprehensive summary, though I'm not sure all of that is achievable in one package much less three or more separate blocks of code attached in some cases to third party applications. I'd suggest you contact Support directly for more feedback rather than running a campaign for improvement here - you're highly unlikely (all respect to Evernote staffers) to get ongoing updates and discussions. It's the nature of corporations that decisions well above a coders pay grade will be taken for reasons that mere mortal users - and probably developers - could not possibly understand. And logic is not always an option...
  12. Hi. With around 220M users, the chances are that someone with a similar name to you is just getting their user details wrong. 2FA is at least proving its worth! You can check whether any unauthorised devices have ever succeeded in connecting here: https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action and you can verify what apps have access here: https://www.evernote.com/AuthorizedServices.action. It is possible that your user details have been hacked from another website and this is evidence that the black hats are checking around to see what else of yours they might be able to access. You can confirm whether your details are secure here... https://sec.hpi.de/ilc/?lang=en or https://haveibeenpwned.com/ or https://cybernews.com/personal-data-leak-check/ and https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account https://evernote.com/security
  13. Hmmn. Have you tried pasting to the desktop first, then copy/ pasting from their to your target app? Windows is notoriously weird about its clipboard formats...
  14. Hi. You're in a mainly user-supported Forum, and we ain't Evernote. Neither is Google, and the problem with cancelling your existing payment with them and upgrading 2/3 of the way through is that Google have your money for the year, and Evernote can't refund the next few months or charge for less than a year on upgrade. Is there a Professional feature that you must have now? If not, it hardly seems a major imposition to wait until your existing subscription winds down to 'free' and then upgrade immediately. If you really must upgrade, then I'd suggest you start off talking to Google to see whether they have any way to upgrade your account (I'm a user; I don't know) - or even start a brand new separate Professional account independently of the existing subscription.
  15. The reasons and work-arounds for duplicate notes have been well-aired in the forums, and if you've tried any of the options you should be able to avoid some of the issues - but not syncing will almost guarantee that you DO lose notes, because individual devices don't talk to each other directly, they update from the server; and if each has an 'old' version of any given note you may be updating several different versions of the same note and confusing the server even more. Sync before and after you view or edit a note, and frequently while you edit.
  16. Hi. No. Why would you want a monthly export?
  17. Hi. No. I'd need to know your device, OS and Evernote version and whether - in your meeting - you have access to a good network connection. Plus whether you are, in fact, a Teams customer - because if so you should have a system administrator and priority access to Support. (Which is not us)
  18. Hi. I suggest some internet searches for possible shortcuts. Broadly, Notion has so many format options that it's impossible for Evernote (or anyone else) to write a conversion routine. Notion -I assume- exports notes to various formats and Evernote can import, clip web pages and add attachments to notes in a variety of ways. Which is best for your system is something only you can know. And File > Signout (or exit) will close Evernote completely, but you won't be able to clip web pages or save screen grabs while the app is closed. It's designed to stay resident for a reason.
  19. Hi. Provided you used the app correctly and were connected to the internet for at least some of the time, your notes are all safe and well and stored on Evernote's servers. The 'blank notes' syndrome is usually down to someone setting up a new account rather than logging into their existing notes, so I'd suggest you log out and log back into the account making sure you use the correct user details...
  20. ...What the Pale Red Pachyderm said; As to stepping back to previous versions, that's entirely in your hands. Uninstalling and reinstalling is always an option, and previous versions of Evernote 10.x may be available if you search online...
  21. Hmmn. I didn't go through the whole process, and it looks like it might depend on what you want to achieve, but: I use Buffer as a free service I added my Instagram account as a 'client' to receive posts from Buffer. I was told that I'd have to convert the Instagram account to a 'business' one - which was not a high bar; I had to play around with Facebook and Insta pages as I recall, but I am now posting to Instagram - though not, normally, from Evernote notes. I'm (still) an Insta free user. I've just tried an experiment and had no problem setting up a post from my Evernote Web account via Buffer to Insta, including one picture from a current note. The link in the draft Insta post does seem as though it would open an Evernote shared note window rather than the picture I targeted, so exactly how the Instagram entry would look I'll leave as an exercise for anyone who wants to get further into this*. When I have something in a note that's relevant to my IG account I might take it to the next stage, but that might be a while. It's also possible to save an attached image from a note to a device desktop and post that image from Buffer without involving Evernote. Comments and #tags, if they're in the note, could be copied and pasted into Buffer. IG can also be activated directly from mobiles, laptops and desktops and you could post an image plus comments with copy/pasted details without involving any third party app directly. If you're conducting any kind of media campaign, Buffer is helpful because you can schedule times and future posts - but again it depends on what (and how much) you want to do. All of which is basically nothing whatsoever to do with Evernote, and I wouldn't see them making any changes to the app to help the process along. Evernote will save your images, your hashtags and your post comments for you; but which of the many many social media outlets you use, is entirely up to you! Good luck... and *test runs are always good: there's less embarrassment if you can catch most of the mistakes before you publish.
  22. Hi. You can always reject the invitation and do an internet search for more information - there's usually a release announcement in the forums, and major releases tend to get a mention in Evernote's blog. Better though to reject when the invitation first appears, but go for the update at some later time when you're not using Evernote immediately - the revisions will be for bug fixes, new features and security issues, so always worth getting as soon as possible.
  23. If you have issues with finding your way around DropBox they have some useful help pages... https://www.dropboxforum.com/t5/English/ct-p/English
  24. Just as a side note - Dropbox has a 'history' feature. If these files had volume at some stage, you may be able to trace changes back to when it was more than zero...
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